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Evolutionary Algorithms: the Next Big Thing in Machine Learning?

Sentient Technologies Asks Experts from Industry and Academia to Weigh In

Sentient Technologies, a world leader in artificial intelligence (AI) products based on evolutionary computation, today announced a new video collection — sentient.ai/labs/experts — that provides unique insights to the burgeoning AI community and business leaders around the world on the growing applicability of evolutionary computation, a form of AI inspired by biological evolution.

Evolutionary computation is experiencing a fast growing popularity in the AI community. Just as deep learning has become so widely used among researchers at universities and companies worldwide, evolutionary algorithms have become a compelling next step towards a new, creative form of AI that can make autonomous decisions, adapt to a changing world, find non-obvious solutions to complex problems, and even assist in the creation of more advanced deep neural networks. With this in mind — could Evolution be the new Deep Learning?

Sentient interviewed a select group of notable experts in the field of AI to get their thoughts.

“AI has been very successful in the last few years at applying this supervised learning paradigm. A compelling next step is machine creativity, where we have machines discovering things we don’t already know. Evolution is specifically designed to do just that,” said Risto Miikkulainen, Chief Technology Officer at Sentient and Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin.

Beyond discussing evolution’s role in advancing AI, the interviewees also touch on several of the deeper, AI-related topics, including adversarial dynamics, lifelong learning, novelty search, and mindless intelligence. Their insights aim to help viewers get a better understanding of what artificial intelligence is and how it will impact the world around us.


  • Wolfgang Banzhaf, John R. Koza Professor in Genetic Programming, Michigan State University
  • Josh Bongard, Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Vermont
  • Jeff Clune, Senior Researcher, Uber AI Labs and Harris Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Wyoming
  • Erik Goodman, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan University; Director of BEACON Center for Evolution in Action
  • Emma Hart, Professor of Computing, Napier University
  • Malcolm Heywood, Professor of Computer Science, Dalhousie University
  • Babak Hodjat, Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer, Sentient Technologies
  • Una-May O’Reilly, Principal Research Scientist, MIT CSAIL
  • Jordan Pollack, Professor of Computer Science, Brandeis University
  • Esteban Real, Researcher and Software Engineer, Google AI
  • Risto Miikkulainen, Sentient Technologies, Chief Technology Officer and Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin
  • Marc Schoenauer, Principal Senior Researcher, INRIA
  • Lee Spector, Professor of Computer Science, Hampshire College
  • Ken Stanley, Senior Researcher, Uber AI Labs and Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Central Florida
  • Julian Togelius, Associate Professor of New York University,
  • Kenneth De Jong, Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University
  • Darrell Whitley, Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science, Colorado State University