AI for Every Developer
Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is the right place where to start with a deep overview of what AI is, where it is going, and how you can be a part of it.
AI for Every Developer
Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is
谷歌宣佈AI for Social Good計劃,包括一項2500萬美元的競賽
Google AI今天宣佈了AI for Social Good計劃,這是一項將核心AI研究和工程應用於谷歌內部,以及更廣泛的AI生態系統中的社會公益專案。 作為該計劃的一部分,谷歌推出了AI Impact Challenge,這是一項支援各種AI以獲得高達2500萬美元資金的優秀專案的競
AI For Everyone!吳恩達在Coursera上又開設了新課啦!
說起吳恩達「Andrew Ng」,相信大家都非常熟悉了。作為人工智慧的大 IP,吳恩達一直致力於人工智慧的推廣和普及,爭取讓每個人都能感受人工智慧的魅力。自去年8月開始,吳恩達在 Coursera 上開設了由 5 門課組成的深度學習專項課程,掀起了一股人工智
Application Security Musts for every iOS App
Application Security Musts for every iOS AppApplication security is one of the most important aspects of software development.Users of our apps expect that
AI for Business Accenture
With digital financial crime on the rise, banks and financial institutions are under pressure to improve data security, increase the rigor of their investi
Active shooter survival expert pushes for every single American to be given mass shooting training
Every single American – young and old - must be given training to survive a new wave of mass shooting attacks launched by a'new breed' of killer, according
China embraces AI for diplomatic edge
China is enthusiastically embracing the fast-developing technology of artificial intelligence in an effort to give the country a strategic edge over its ri
Microsoft Commits $40M to Exploration of "AI for Human Good" Use Cases
Microsoft is embarking on a five-year, $40m programme to explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to bolster the respo
AI for marketing: could technology ever replace your CMO?
Most of us can position ourselves somewhere on The AI Fear Continuum. For nearly 100 years, science fiction writers have prepared us for the worst as they
Ask HN: Master in AI for non
I'm graduating in Computer Science next June. 7-8 average, no experience. I want to enroll to the best Masters degree in Artificial Intelligence that I fin
Show HN: An API for every city in the world
Because the world is moving into cities, and cities are built by people, we want to make the data that every city creates easily accessible to everyone. So
Hack Google's AI for cash, DeepMind gets cancerous, new Lobe for Redmond
Google has a new competition to challenge developers to defend or attack image classification systems with adversarial examples. DeepMind are planning to t
Even the best AI for spotting fake news is still terrible
When Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg promised Congress that AI would help solve the problem of fake news, he revealed little in the way of how. Ne
IBC Banks on AI for Security
The IBC Bank, which is the 79th largest in the United States, focuses on Texas and Oklahoma, and uses BluVector security to find malware and compromised da
RockMass Develops AI for Mapping Tunnels and Mineshafts
RockMass is digging a niche for itself in mining and tunnels. The Toronto-based startup is developing an NVIDIA AI-powered mapping platform that can help e
Ask HN: Tips for First Developer at company
So technically I am a junior developer at my company but I am the first one so I am deciding a lot of the architecture of the platform. They contracted alo
SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know
Object-Oriented type of programming brought a new design to software development.This enables developers to combine data with the same purpose/functionalit
Latest Instagram Update: AI for Bullying
Ashley Sams is a consultant at PR 20/20. She joined the agency in 2017 with a background in marketing, specifically for higher education and social media.
AI for a better world
Ashok N. Srivastava, Ph.D. is the Senior Vice President and Chief Data Officer at Intuit. He is responsible for setting the vision and direction for large-
Trust and transparency of AI for the enterprise
Ruchir Puri is an IBM Fellow and the Chief Architect of IBM Watson. Dr. Puri led Deep Learning and Machine Learning Platform Initiative at IBM Research and