GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Deep Learning Benchmarks Show Big Gains Over GTX 1080 Ti
The initial focus on NVIDIA's recently launched GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and GeForce RTX 2080 graphics cards has been on how well they perform in games, especially when cranking up the resolution to 4K (3840x2160). That will continue to be a point of interest, though it's not the only one. A fresh set of benchmarks making the rounds highlight how the new cards perform in deep learning workloads. Before we get to the numbers, let's talk about why this matters. As you might already know, the GeForce RTX series pushes consumer graphics cards into new territory.
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Deep Learning Benchmarks Show Big Gains Over GTX 1080 Ti
The initial focus on NVIDIA's recently launched GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and GeForce RTX 2080 graphics cards has been on how well they perform in games, especia
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