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rails筆記(ruby web框架)

一、新建rails專案步驟: 1.生成新專案 rails new demo

cd demo vi Gemfile 末尾end前增加   gem 'execjs'   gem 'therubyracer'   2.測試服務是否可用 rails s -b http://localhost:3000/   3.配置root頁面(可忽略) root to: redirect('/ccconsole/chart')   4.配置資料庫(可忽略)
vi config/database.yml (1)sqlite3(預設) development:         adapter: sqlite3         database: db/development.sqlite3         pool: 5         timeout: 5000      
(2)postgresql development:   adapter: postgresql   host:   database: ccdb   port: 5432   username: postgres   password: xx   encoding: utf8
  二、rails生成空資料庫 (1)建立資料庫(只需執行一次,可忽略) rake db:create  
(2)建立執行的migrate 表文件 rails g scaffold book name:string 注意: 1.都是小寫。 2.如果你資料庫建立了book這張表,他會報錯。  3.scffold生成表,表名會變成複數。 4.會自動生成id、created_at、updated_at欄位。 5.常用有的型別 integer string float boolean decimal text ruby是弱型別語言,對變數的定義不是很嚴格。   (3)制動 在資料庫建立表 rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development   其他: /config/routes.rb這個檔案可配置路由。    3. 生成model、controller、view rails g scaffold book name price:integer rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development   用migrate方式修改資料: 新建20170320141610_update_techspec_mapping.rb class UpdateTechspecMapping < ActiveRecord::Migration   def change     TechspecMapping.where(欄位: '修改前的值').update_all(欄位: '修改後的值')   end end   執行:    rake db:migrate VERSION=20120613163818 回退:    rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20120613163730 回退rails g scaffold 命令       rails destroy scaffold 表名 看rails路徑命令  rake routes   rails命令: (1)生成model相關檔案 rails g scaffold compliancerun starttime:timestamp node server_num:integer (2)修改model rails g migration add_column_to_updatedresources cookbook:string   rake db:seed 報錯 bundle exec rake db:migrate bundle update   三、配置404,500等頁面 vi config/routes.rb   get '500', :to => 'custom_errors#server_error'   get '502', :to => 'custom_errors#server_error'   get '504', :to => 'custom_errors#server_error'   get '422', :to => 'custom_errors#server_error'   get '404', :to => 'custom_errors#rescue404'

四、rails專案目錄結構(程式自動生成) 1.app資料夾(rails的核心部分,也可以說存放的是針對專案的所有程式碼) 包括6個子資料夾    assets       圖片、js和樣式表    controllers  驅動業務邏輯的控制器   helpers      檢視輔助類,一些常用的程式碼段   mailers      與郵件服務相關的類   models       資料描述結構、驗證和完整性規則等模組   views        生成html的所有模組檔案,也可以存放css、圖片   2.public 儲存rails應用的公共資源,如出錯時的預設頁和首頁等。 3.script 各種指令碼,如程式碼生成器指令碼。 4.test 單元測試和功能測試 5.vendor 程式依賴的外部類庫,和lib一樣都可以被自動載入。 6.config 伺服器、資料庫或其他檔案相依賴的配置檔案   database.yml 資料庫配置   ----adapter資料庫連線庫(介面卡),預設sqlite3   ----database資料庫名稱   ----pool連線池數量   ----timeout經過多少毫秒後伺服器自動放棄連線,預設為5000ms。 7.db 資料庫指令碼 8.doc 文件 9.lib 類庫 10.log 操作日誌 11.其他檔案 .gitignore 記錄哪些是需要忽略,不需要追蹤的檔案 config.ru 基於rack伺服器的配置來啟動應用程式 Gemfile 允許我們指定哪些gem是rails應用程式所依賴的 Rakefile 包含了一些可以在命令列下執行的作業 README 包含了應用程式的簡要說明 

(1)config/routes.rb get "detailreports" => "complianceruns#report" (2)controller中 def report   xx    render :report  end (3)   views/complianceruns/中新建report.html.erb

六、rails task

rake命令 在專案lib/task中新建test.rb

namespace :test do   task :hello do     puts 'hello'   end end   執行: rake test:hello

七、rails發郵件 1) update the /etc/postfix/main.cf by adding the following settings in the end: smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes smtp_sasl_password_maps = static:使用者:密碼 smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/postfix/ssl/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt header_size_limit = 4096000 relayhost = [smtp.sendgrid.net]:587      assuming to use sendgrid, and I had a trial account as specified in smtp_sasl_password_maps   2) download the CA file specifed in 1)       cd /etc/postfix/ssl       wget https://certs.godaddy.com/repository/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt   3) restart the postfix       /etc/init.d/postfix restart   4) it may need to install a missing moduel      yum install cyrus-sasl-plain   1.Gemfile中增加  gem 'rake', '11.3.0'   2.專案根目錄執行 rails g mailer UserMailer   3.vi app/mailers/user_mailer 增加   default from: "[email protected]"   def send_mail(params = {})     @url  = 'http://example.com/login'     mail( :subject => 'abc',           :to => "[email protected]",           :from => '[email protected]',           :date => Time.now         )      end   4.vi config/environments/development.rb 增加 ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp   config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true   config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true   config.action_mailer.default :charset => "utf-8"   config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => 'localhost:3000' }     ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {  :address => "smtp.163.com",  :port => 25,  :domain => "163.com",  :authentication => :login,  :user_name => "[email protected]",  :password => "xx"   }  

八、專案中增加bootstrap (1)、在Gemfile中增加 gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~>' (2)、bundle install (3)、把assets/stylesheets/application.css重新命名為application.css.scss (4)、在這個檔案中增加: @import "bootstrap-sprockets"; @import "bootstrap"; (5)、在assets/javascriptsheets/application.js中增加://= require bootstrap-sprockets   九、分頁 will_paginate  .paginate(:per_page => pageSize, :page => pageNumber)   十、匯出csv def export_to_csv     logger.debug "whyrun report export start: #{DateTime.now}"     startDateUnixTime = params[:startDateUnixTime]     endDateUnixTime = params[:endDateUnixTime]     searchString = params[:searchString]     searchColumns = params[:searchColumns]       if validate_date_in_millisecs(startDateUnixTime) || validate_date_in_millisecs(endDateUnixTime) || validate_string(searchString,'searchString') || validate_string(searchColumns,'searchColumns')       return     end       options = {         :startDateUnixTime => startDateUnixTime,         :endDateUnixTime => endDateUnixTime,         :searchString => searchString,         :searchColumns => searchColumns,     }     whyrun_reports = WhyrunReport.search(options)     logger.debug "write file start: #{DateTime.now}"       time = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')     zipstream = Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer do |zos|       zos.put_next_entry "Compliance_Check_Report_#{time}.csv"       zos.print "Server, Platform, Start Time, Tech spec, Policy, Validation, Policy Attribute, Required Value, Current Value, Compliant, Action to Remediate, Environment, Profile, Description \n"       for i in 0..whyrun_reports.length-1         server = whyrun_reports[i]['server'] || ''         platform = whyrun_reports[i]['platform'] || ''         startTime = whyrun_reports[i].starttime.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ') || ''         techspec = whyrun_reports[i]['techspec'] || ''         environment = whyrun_reports[i]['environment'] || ''         profile = whyrun_reports[i]['profile'] || ''         description = whyrun_reports[i]['description'] || ''           data = [server, platform, startTime, techspec, policy, validation, policy_attribute, requiredValue, currentValue, compliant, action_to_remediate, environment, profile, description]         zos.print data.to_csv       end     end     zipstream.rewind       send_data zipstream.string, filename: "Compliance_Check_Report_#{time}.zip", disposition: 'attachment'     logger.debug "export end: #{DateTime.now}"   end