1. 程式人生 > >niit原始碼--Developing java applications using servlet and jsp1

niit原始碼--Developing java applications using servlet and jsp1

 1 //GenericServlet
 2 public class SettingCntx extends GenericServlet
 3 {    
 4     ServletContext ctx;    //ServletContext 
 5     public void init(ServletConfig cfig){
 6     /*Obtain the ServletContext object*/    
 8     }
 9     public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse repose)
10 throws ServletException, IOexception { 11 /*Set the context attribute*/ 12 ctx.setAttribute("URL","jdbc:odbc:EmployeesDB"); 13 /*Obtain the PrintWriter object*/ 14 PrintWrter pw=respone.getWriter(); 15 respone.setContentType("text/html"); 16 pw.println("<B>The JDBC URL has been set as a context attribute </b>");
17 } 18 }

The RetrievingCntx servlet retrieves the url attribute and displays the value of the attribute.You can use the following code to create the servlet,RetrievingCntx to retrieve and display the url:

 1 import javax.servlet.*;
 2 import java.io.*;
 4 public class RetrievingCntx extends
GenericServlet 5 { 6 ServletContext ctx; 7 String url; 8 9 public void init(ServletConfig cifg){ 10 /*Obtain the ServletContext object*/ 11 ctx =cfig.getServletContext(); 12 } 13 public void service (ServletRequest request,ServletResponse response) 14 throws ServletException,IOException { 15 url=(String)ctx.getAttribute("URL"); 16 PrinterWriter pw=response.getWriter(); 17 response.setContentType("text/html"); 18 pw.println("<B>The url value is </B> "+url+<BR>); 19 } 20 }