1. 程式人生 > >[Scala] play架構使用tree結構json « Terrence的宅宅幻想

[Scala] play架構使用tree結構json « Terrence的宅宅幻想

今天想用樹狀結構去顯示Presto裡面的table source


var tree = [
    text: "Parent 1",
    nodes: [
        text: "Child 1",
        nodes: [
            text: "Grandchild 1"
            text: "Grandchild 2"
        text: "Child 2"
    text: "Parent 2"
    text: "Parent 3"
    text: "Parent 4"
    text: "Parent 5"

對應到目前開發中的scala play project,就面臨到了如何做格式轉換的問題

目前是將資料庫裡面catalog, schema, table等資訊用TableData這個物件封裝起來

case class TableData(catalog:String, schema:String, table: String)
def listTables: List[TableData] = {

//result example
(mysql, database1, table1)
(mysql, database1, table2)
(hive, schema1, table3


val tablesTree = listTables.groupBy(_.catalog).toList.collect{
      case (c, table) => Map("text" -> c, "nodes" -> table.groupBy(_.schema).toList.collect{
        case (s, table) => Map("text" -> s, "nodes" -> table.map(x => Map("text"
-> x.table))) }) } Ok(toJson(tablesTree))


No Json serializer found for type List[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,java.io.Serializable]]. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.

當單純使用List/Map的時候其實沒問題,但這邊問題出在Map使用了不同的data type當value

Map(text -> String, nodes -> List)

不同的data type當value時, scala直接把它統一看成java.io.Serializable

這樣怎麼辦呢?只好自己製作json writer

先自制一個TreeNode資料結構, 然後將原先List/Map資料轉換改成TreeNode的格式

case class TreeNode(text:String, nodes:List[TreeNode])

val tablesTree = tables.groupBy(_.catalog).toList.collect{
   case (c, table) => new TreeNode(c, table.groupBy(_.schema).toList.collect{
     case (s, table) => new TreeNode(s, table.map(x => new TreeNode(x.table, List())))

之後補上一段轉換json的code, 使用lazyWrite做recursive的tree結構處理

import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
case class TreeNode(text:String, nodes:List[TreeNode])
implicit val TreeNodeWrite:Writes[TreeNode] = (
  (__ \ "text").write[String] ~
    (__ \ "nodes").lazyWrite(Writes.traversableWrites[TreeNode](TreeNodeWrite))

val tablesTree = tables.groupBy(_.catalog).toList.collect{
  case (c, table) => new TreeNode(c, table.groupBy(_.schema).toList.collect{
    case (s, table) => new TreeNode(s, table.map(x => new TreeNode(x.table, List())))


forward reference extends over definition of value


後來找到的解法是可用 lazy 去關鍵字去解決這問題

import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
case class TreeNode(text:String, nodes:List[TreeNode])
implicit lazy val TreeNodeWrite:Writes[TreeNode] = (
  (__ \ "text").write[String] ~
    (__ \ "nodes").lazyWrite(Writes.traversableWrites[TreeNode](TreeNodeWrite))

val tablesTree = tables.groupBy(_.catalog).toList.collect{
  case (c, table) => new TreeNode(c, table.groupBy(_.schema).toList.collect{
    case (s, table) => new TreeNode(s, table.map(x => new TreeNode(x.table, List())))






$.getJSON("presto/listTables", function(json){

(function filter(obj) {
    $.each(obj, function(key, value){

        if (value === "" || value === null || value.length == 0){
            delete obj[key];
        } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Object]') {
        } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            value.forEach(function (el) { filter(el); });
  $('#tree').treeview({data: json});