Death to typewriters V: Whitespace is as important as content
Trailing and heading spaces. The moment you publish, we remove any stray spaces at the beginnings and endings of paragraphs (important for centered text to stay truly centered), as well as any empty paragraphs at the end of your story. The reason this is done only as you publish is that it’d be annoying to mess with your spaces as you’re writing, navigating around, copying and pasting things, etc.
Death to typewriters V: Whitespace is as important as content
❦Trailing and heading spaces. The moment you publish, we remove any stray spaces at the beginnings and endings of paragraphs (important for centered text t
Death to typewriters IV: Typography is more than just letters
❦Tabular figures. This is the exception to the above. In our stats screen, we make sure the digits look like uppercase letters… and occupy the same width s
Death to typewriters I: Typography is for everyone
Part I.Typography is for everyoneEven if we can output nuanced typography on our modern computers, the input method for words — even on touch screens — rem
Death to typewriters
Those personal computers of the 1980s became today’s laptops and smartphones. And somewhere deep inside your modern computer’s operating system, there’s st
Death to typewriters: Technical supplement
Non-breakable spacesWe define what punctuation characters should be followed by a non-breakable space, and what should be preceded by one:var NBSP = goog.s
Death to typewriters VI: User interface sets the tone
Part VI.User interface sets the toneIn this last section, we’re going back to where we started. Medium is a platform for writing and reading stories. The e
Death to typewriters II: Making type read well and look good
❦Cherry-picking glyphs. As we construct font files, we make sure that the characters we want are in there (namely ligatures and various spaces), but we als
Death to typewriters III: Punctuation binds the words together
❦Hyphenation in text.We enable hyphenation on Safari, on smaller devices only. The latter point is important because the ragged right edge is much more pro
Death to typewriters: Automatic replacement and clean
❦On key presses, locally where the new character is addedOn inserting hyphenIf the previous character is a hyphen, and the one before that is a less-than (
JAVA錯誤提示:The operation is not applicable to the current selection.Select a field which is not declared as type variable or a type that declares such f
平時沒怎麼注意,今天用Eclipse自動生成Set Get方法時提示錯誤,錯誤資訊如下: The operation is not applicable to the current selection.Select a field which is not declared as type varia
RuntimeError: Python is not installed as a framework 錯誤解決辦法
install atp 錯誤解決辦法 pip3 font 需要 macbook ken work 因為我是macbook,mac是自帶的python 2.7,但是我開發需要使用到的是python3,所以先使用pip3 install matplotlib 然後在交互頁面鍵入
JDK環境配置: javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
並不是 spa too ots javac mman 變量 系統設置 log 相信大家在配置TestNG的時候,首先都會去確認JDK的安裝是否正確,兩個命令缺一不可。 打開‘cmd’ --> 1. 輸入‘java -version‘, 返回java home當前路徑
C# new關鍵字和對象類型轉換(雙括號、is操作符、as操作符)
對象 分配 key let main false ring true 一、new關鍵字 CLR要求所有的對象都通過new來創建,代碼如下: Object obj=new Object(); 以下是new操作符做的事情 1、計算類型及其所有基類型(一直
IDEA跑代碼出現Error(7,8) ***App is already defined as object App object App extends Application { 錯誤的解決辦法(圖文詳解)
機器 strong ima 分析 挖掘 extend AS 收獲 qq群 不多說,直接上幹貨! 問題現象 Error(7,8) App is already defined as object App
A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl). More information at
span QQ class inf orm socket SM secure tor javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 530 Error: A secure connection is requiered(such as
xcode7在真機除錯的時候出現"The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid"
出現這個錯誤的原因是描述檔案過期. 如圖(借的圖): 大家都知道,在Xcode7中真機除錯不在需要配置開發者證書和描述檔案. 那出現這個問題的原因是Xcode自己配置的描述檔案過期. 解決辦法: 1.Xcode --
WEBGL_draw_buffers RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not..錯誤解決方案
今天在調整渲染系統中的一個MRT機制,結果不小心改錯了邏輯,執行報錯資訊:[.WebGL-00000000051B4190]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of
Missing parentheses in call to ‘print&’raw_input’ is not defined
括號 int nth 基於 article 3.6 parent 新版本 pytho 對於 出現Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’和’raw_input’ is not defined問題的解決 在學習Python的過程中,我安裝的
The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid
測試環境:Xcode 7.1 , OS X 10.11 有時候回家繼續做公司專案時,真機除錯經常會碰到如下圖所示的問題 解決方法: 1.開啟鑰匙串訪問,會發現證書已被撤銷的紅色警告,選中該證書,右鍵刪除 2.接著執行專案,出
Cannot forward to error page for request [/wechat/portal] as the response has already been commit
1、問題描述 最近使用Spring Boot搭建 web 框架過程中遇到這樣一個問題:該介面接收微信伺服器的簽名校驗,但是請求的時候報了ERROR。 2018-05-30 13:56:14.265 ERROR - Cannot forward to error pa