阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-29
在Xamarin論壇中查詢解決方案,只是找到的iOS版本的解決方案。參考iOS的解決方案,其實就是在掃描完成之後重新開啟掃描。按照這個思路,想到使用Intent for result的方式來進行實現。實現方法如下程式碼:
1 using System; 2 using Android.App; 3 using Android.Content; 4 using Android.Runtime;5 using Android.Views; 6 using Android.Widget; 7 using Android.OS; 8 using ZXing.Mobile; 9 10 namespace imStudio.QRCodeLife 11 { 12 [Activity (Label = "imStudio.QRCodeLife", MainLauncher = true)] 13 public class MainActivity : Activity 14 { 15 int count = 1; 16 17protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) 18 { 19 base.OnCreate (bundle); 20 21 // Set our view from the "main" layout resource 22 SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main); 23 24 // Get our button from the layout resource, 25 //and attach an event to it 26 var button = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.myButton); 27 var tv = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView1); 28 29 button.Click += async delegate 30 { 31 StartActivityForResult(typeof(CodeActivity),1); 32 }; 33 } 34 35 protected override void OnActivityResult(int requestCode, Result resultCode, Intent data) 36 { 37 if (requestCode == 1) 38 { 39 if (resultCode == Result.Ok) 40 { 41 FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView1).Text += data.GetStringExtra("Code") + System.Environment.NewLine; 42 StartActivityForResult(typeof(CodeActivity), 1); 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 } 47 }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Android.App; using Android.Content; using Android.OS; using Android.Runtime; using Android.Views; using Android.Widget; namespace imStudio.QRCodeLife { [Activity(Label = "CodeActivity")] public class CodeActivity : Activity { protected override async void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Create your application here var scanner = new ZXing.Mobile.MobileBarcodeScanner(this); scanner.UseCustomOverlay = true; var zxingOverlay = LayoutInflater.FromContext(this).Inflate(Resource.Layout.Code, null); var doneButton = zxingOverlay.FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.buttonZxingDone); doneButton.Click += (sender, e) => { scanner.Cancel(); SetResult(Result.Canceled); Finish(); }; scanner.CustomOverlay = zxingOverlay; var result = await scanner.Scan(); HandleScanResult(result); } private void HandleScanResult(ZXing.Result result) { if (result != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.PutExtra("Code", result.Text); SetResult(Result.Ok,intent); Finish(); } } } }