Data Structure - Binomial Queue (Java)
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-29
package; /** * Implements a binomial queue. * Note that all "matching" is based on the compareTo method. * * @author Created by Chimomo */ public final class BinomialQueue<T extends Comparable<? super T>> { private static final int DEFAULT_TREES = 1; // # items in priority queue. private int size; // An array of tree roots. private BinomialNode<T>[] trees; /** * Construct the binomial queue. */ public BinomialQueue() { trees = new BinomialNode[DEFAULT_TREES]; makeEmpty(); } /** * Construct with a single item. */ public BinomialQueue(T item) { size = 1; trees = new BinomialNode[1]; trees[0] = new BinomialNode<>(item, null, null); } /** * Test program. * * @param args The arguments. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // Construct binomial queue. int numItems = 10000; BinomialQueue<Integer> bq1 = new BinomialQueue<>(); BinomialQueue<Integer> bq2 = new BinomialQueue<>(); int i; System.out.println("Starting check."); // Insert. for (i = 37; i != 0; i = (i + 37) % numItems) { if (i % 2 == 0) { bq2.insert(i); } else { bq1.insert(i); } } // Merge. bq1.merge(bq2); // Delete min. for (i = 1; i < numItems; i++) { if (bq1.deleteMin() != i) { System.out.println("Oops! " + i); } } System.out.println("Check done."); } /** * Expand trees. * * @param newNumTrees The new number of trees. */ private void expandTrees(int newNumTrees) { BinomialNode<T>[] old = trees; int oldNumTrees = trees.length; trees = new BinomialNode[newNumTrees]; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(oldNumTrees, newNumTrees); i++) { trees[i] = old[i]; } for (int i = oldNumTrees; i < newNumTrees; i++) { trees[i] = null; } } /** * Merge binomial queue into the priority queue. * Binomial queue becomes empty. * Binomial queue must be different from this. * * @param binomialQueue The other binomial queue. */ public void merge(BinomialQueue<T> binomialQueue) { // Avoid aliasing problems. if (this == binomialQueue) { return; } size += binomialQueue.size; if (size > capacity()) { int newNumTrees = Math.max(trees.length, binomialQueue.trees.length) + 1; expandTrees(newNumTrees); } BinomialNode<T> carry = null; for (int i = 0, j = 1; j <= size; i++, j *= 2) { BinomialNode<T> t1 = trees[i]; BinomialNode<T> t2 = i < binomialQueue.trees.length ? binomialQueue.trees[i] : null; int whichCase = t1 == null ? 0 : 1; whichCase += t2 == null ? 0 : 2; whichCase += carry == null ? 0 : 4; switch (whichCase) { case 0: /* No trees */ case 1: /* Only this */ break; case 2: /* Only binomialQueue */ trees[i] = t2; binomialQueue.trees[i] = null; break; case 4: /* Only carry */ trees[i] = carry; carry = null; break; case 3: /* This and binomialQueue */ carry = combineTrees(t1, t2); trees[i] = binomialQueue.trees[i] = null; break; case 5: /* This and carry */ carry = combineTrees(t1, carry); trees[i] = null; break; case 6: /* BinomialQueue and carry */ carry = combineTrees(t2, carry); binomialQueue.trees[i] = null; break; case 7: /* All three */ trees[i] = carry; carry = combineTrees(t1, t2); binomialQueue.trees[i] = null; break; } } for (int k = 0; k < binomialQueue.trees.length; k++) { binomialQueue.trees[k] = null; } binomialQueue.size = 0; } /** * Return the result of merging equal-sized tree1 and tree2. */ private BinomialNode<T> combineTrees(BinomialNode<T> tree1, BinomialNode<T> tree2) { if (tree1.element.compareTo(tree2.element) > 0) { return combineTrees(tree2, tree1); } tree2.nextSibling = tree1.leftChild; tree1.leftChild = tree2; return tree1; } /** * Insert into the priority queue, maintaining heap order. * This implementation is not optimized for O(1) performance. * * @param x The item to insert. */ public void insert(T x) { merge(new BinomialQueue<>(x)); } /** * Find the smallest item in the priority queue. * * @return The smallest item, or throw exception if empty. */ public T findMin() throws Exception { if (isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Binomial queue is empty!"); } return trees[findMinIndex()].element; } /** * Find index of tree containing the smallest item in the priority queue. * The priority queue must not be empty. * * @return The index of tree containing the smallest item. */ private int findMinIndex() { int i; int minIndex; for (i = 0; trees[i] == null; i++) { } for (minIndex = i; i < trees.length; i++) { if (trees[i] != null && trees[i].element.compareTo(trees[minIndex].element) < 0) { minIndex = i; } } return minIndex; } /** * Remove the smallest item from the priority queue. * * @return The smallest item, or throw exception if empty. */ public T deleteMin() throws Exception { if (isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Binomial queue is empty!"); } int minIndex = findMinIndex(); T minItem = trees[minIndex].element; BinomialNode<T> deletedTree = trees[minIndex].leftChild; // Construct H''. BinomialQueue<T> deletedQueue = new BinomialQueue<>(); deletedQueue.expandTrees(minIndex); deletedQueue.size = (1 << minIndex) - 1; for (int j = minIndex - 1; j >= 0; j--) { deletedQueue.trees[j] = deletedTree; deletedTree = deletedTree.nextSibling; deletedQueue.trees[j].nextSibling = null; } // Construct H'. trees[minIndex] = null; size -= deletedQueue.size + 1; merge(deletedQueue); return minItem; } /** * Test if the priority queue is logically empty. * * @return True if empty; false otherwise. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } /** * Make the priority queue logically empty. */ public void makeEmpty() { size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < trees.length; i++) { trees[i] = null; } } /** * Return the capacity. */ private int capacity() { return (1 << trees.length) - 1; } /** * Binomial queue node class. * * @param <AnyType> Any type. */ private static class BinomialNode<AnyType> { AnyType element; // The data in the node. BinomialNode<AnyType> leftChild; // Left child. BinomialNode<AnyType> nextSibling; // Next sibling. // Constructors. BinomialNode(AnyType element) { this(element, null, null); } BinomialNode(AnyType element, BinomialNode<AnyType> leftChild, BinomialNode<AnyType> nextSibling) { this.element = element; this.leftChild = leftChild; this.nextSibling = nextSibling; } } } /* Output: Starting check. Check done. */