1. 程式人生 > >Stroke example for CCLabelTTF and CCSprite.

Stroke example for CCLabelTTF and CCSprite.

Hey guys! Several days ago i found a cocs2d-iphone examples "stroke effect for CCLabelTTF objects". Here is the link to the cocos2d-iphone forum: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/12126

I made little modifications in this example and rewrote it for c++. Here is my code:

1CCRenderTexture* createStroke(CCSprite
* label, int size, ccColor3B color, GLubyte opacity) 2 { 3 4 CCRenderTexture* rt = CCRenderTexture::renderTextureWithWidthAndHeight( 5 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width + size * 2, 6 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height+size * 2 7 ); 8 9 CCPoint
originalPos = label->getPosition(); 10 11 ccColor3B originalColor = label->getColor(); 12 13 GLubyte originalOpacity = label->getOpacity(); 14 15 bool originalVisibility = label->getIsVisible(); 16 17 label->setColor(color); 18 19 label->setOpacity(opacity); 20 21 label->setIsVisible(true
); 22 23 ccBlendFunc originalBlend = label->getBlendFunc(); 24 25 ccBlendFunc bf = {GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE}; 26 27 label->setBlendFunc(bf); 28 29 CCPoint bottomLeft = ccp( 30 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width * label->getAnchorPoint().x + size, 31 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height * label->getAnchorPoint().y + size); 32 33 CCPoint positionOffset= ccp( 34 - label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width / 2, 35 - label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height / 2); 36 37 CCPoint position = ccpSub(originalPos, positionOffset); 38 39 rt->begin(); 40 41 for (int i=0; i<360; i+= 15) // you should optimize that for your needs 42 { 43 label->setPosition( 44 ccp(bottomLeft.x + sin(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size, bottomLeft.y + cos(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size) 45 ); 46 label->visit(); 47 } 48 rt->end(); 49 50 label->setPosition(originalPos); 51 label->setColor(originalColor); 52 label->setBlendFunc(originalBlend); 53 label->setIsVisible(originalVisibility); 54 label->setOpacity(originalOpacity); 55 56 rt->setPosition(position); 57 58 return rt; 59}
 CCSprite* sprite = CCSprite::spriteWithFile("some_sprite.png");
3    addChild(sprite);
5    CCRenderTexture* tex = createStroke(sprite, 2 /*size*/, ccc3(0, 255, 0)/*color*/, 50 /*opacity*/);
7    addChild(tex, sprite->getZOrder() - 1);
static CCRenderTexture* createStroke(CCSprite* label, int size, ccColor3B color, GLubyte opacity){
        CCRenderTexture* rt = CCRenderTexture::create(label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width + size * 2,
                                                      label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height+size * 2);
        CCPoint originalPos = label->getPosition();
        ccColor3B originalColor = label->getColor();
        GLubyte originalOpacity = label->getOpacity();
        bool originalVisibility = label->isVisible();
        ccBlendFunc originalBlend = label->getBlendFunc();
        ccBlendFunc bf = {GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE};
        CCPoint bottomLeft = ccp(
                                 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width * label->getAnchorPoint().x + size,
                                 label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height * label->getAnchorPoint().y + size);
        //  CCPoint positionOffset= ccp(   - label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width / 2,
        //                                  - label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height / 2);
        CCPoint positionOffset = CCPointZero;
        if(label->getAnchorPoint().x == 0.5f){
            positionOffset.x = 0;
        }else if(label->getAnchorPoint().x == 0.0f){
            positionOffset.x =- label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width / 2;
            positionOffset.x = label->getTexture()->getContentSize().width/2;
        if(label->getAnchorPoint().y == 0.5f){
            positionOffset.y = 0;
        }else if(label->getAnchorPoint().y == 0.0f){
            positionOffset.y =- label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height / 2;
            positionOffset.y =  label->getTexture()->getContentSize().height/2;
        CCPoint position = ccpSub(originalPos, positionOffset);
        for (int i=0; i<360 data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-i="" data-blogger-escaped-label-="" data-blogger-escaped-needs="" data-blogger-escaped-optimize="" data-blogger-escaped-should="" data-blogger-escaped-that="" data-blogger-escaped-you="" data-blogger-escaped-your="">setPosition(
                               ccp(bottomLeft.x + sin(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size, bottomLeft.y + cos(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(i))*size)
        return rt;