1. 程式人生 > >problem about degree of freedom

problem about degree of freedom

Dear Professor Ricco RAKOTOMALALA:

the Reference is:
<An Empirical Comparison of Selection Measures for Decision-Tree Induction>

The following datasets from above reference
try to find what feature is relevant to Cancer Recurrence.

Datasets(totally 10 items):

Radiation menopause Class
No <60 Recur
No ≥60 Recur
No <60 Recur
No NOT Recur
Yes ≥60 Not Recur
Yes <60 Not Recur
Yes ≥60 Not Recur
No NOT Not Recur
No <60 Not Recur
No <60 Recur

for datasets as follows:
we have Chi-square Test formula:
χ2=i=1rj=1s(NijEij)2Eij=i=1rj=1s(NijNiNjn)2NiNjn \chi^2=\sum_{i=1}^r \sum_{j=1}^{s} \frac{(N_{ij}-E_{ij})^2}{E_{ij}}=\sum_{i=1}^r\sum_{j=1}^s \frac{(N_{ij}-\frac{N_{i·}N_{·j}}{n})^2 }{\frac{N_{i·}N_{·j}}{n}}

where Eij=NiNjNE_{ij}=\frac{N_{i·}N_{·j}}{N}
-------------------All the following computation are identical with the above article(skip please)-----------

For Radiation:

Radiation\Class Recur Not Recur Total
Yes 0 3 3
No 5 2 7
Total 5 5 10

χ2=(N11E11)2E11+(N12E12)2E12+(N22E22)2E22+(N21E21)2E21\chi^2= \frac{(N_{11}-E_{11})^2}{E_{11}}+ \frac{(N_{12}-E_{12})^2}{E_{12}}+ \frac{(N_{22}-E_{22})^2}{E_{22}}+ \frac{(N_{21}-E_{21})^2}{E_{21}}


χ2=(N11E11)2E11+(N12E12)2E12+(N22E22)2E22+(N21E21)2E21=(01.5)21.5+(31.5)21.5+(53.5)23.5+(23.5)23.5=4.285713\chi^2= \frac{(N_{11}-E_{11})^2}{E_{11}}+ \frac{(N_{12}-E_{12})^2}{E_{12}}+ \frac{(N_{22}-E_{22})^2}{E_{22}}+ \frac{(N_{21}-E_{21})^2}{E_{21}} \\=\frac{(0-1.5)^2}{1.5}+\frac{(3-1.5)^2}{1.5}+\frac{(5-3.5)^2}{3.5}+\frac{(2-3.5)^2}{3.5}=4.285713


problem about degree of freedom

Dear Professor Ricco RAKOTOMALALA: the Reference is: <An Empirical Comparison of Selection Measures for Decision-Tree Induction&

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