1. 程式人生 > >mybatis 使用 parameterType="Map" 傳入值後 資料庫中得到的卻是 NULL

mybatis 使用 parameterType="Map" 傳入值後 資料庫中得到的卻是 NULL

mybatis 對映檔案:
	<select id="queryFuzzyMessagesByUser" parameterType="Map" resultType="MessageDto">
		<include refid="messageInfo" /> , <include refid="uInfo" />
		from tb_message m , tb_user u
			m.user_id = u.id  and  m.f_type = 0
			<if test="messageId != null and  messageId != ''">
				and m.id = #{messageId,jdbcType=NUMERIC}
			<if test="title != null and  title != ''">
				and m.title like '%${title}%'
			<if test="userId != null and  userId != ''">
				and u.id = #{userId,jdbcType=NUMERIC}
			<if test="sDateMin != null">
				and m.s_date >= #{sDateMin, jdbcType=DATE}
			<if test="sDateMax != null">
				and m.s_date <= #{sDateMax, jdbcType=DATE}
			<if test="sTimeMin != null">
				and m.s_time >= #{sTimeMin, jdbcType=TIME}
			<if test="sTimeMax != null">
				and m.s_time <= #{sTimeMax, jdbcType=TIME}
service 層程式碼:
		Map<String,Object> param = new HashMap<String,Object>();
		Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
		c.set(2013, 1, 18, 1, 30);
		param.put("sDateMin", new Date(c.getTimeInMillis()));
		Time a = new Time(c.getTimeInMillis());
		param.put("sTimeMin", a.toString());
		c.set(2015, 8, 18, 14, 50);
		param.put("sDateMax", new Date(c.getTimeInMillis()));
		a =  new Time(c.getTimeInMillis());
		List<MessageDto> ms = _mService.queryFuzzyMessagesByUser(param);
		for(MessageDto m : ms){


在 java service 層:使用HashMap傳值,結果傳入了NULL到資料庫,對映名稱完全沒有問題,後來發現了:原來是我在對映檔案那裡多了空格!面壁........

<if test="sDateMin != null">
				and m.s_date >= #{sDateMin , jdbcType=DATE}