The £2.5 MILLION martian mansion: Mars's first homes will have gardens, gyms and spas
The first humans to colonise the red planet will be living in luxury on the barren wasteland, experts claim. Martian mansions will feature gyms, spas and the best views overlooking the rouge landscape. A slice of the high-end real estate market on Mars is expected to cost around £2.5 million ($3.3 million). Experts create designs for three homes on our galactic neighbour to mark the launch of National Geographic's second series of MARS. Martian mansions will feature gyms, spas and the best views overlooking the rouge landscape.
The £2.5 MILLION martian mansion: Mars's first homes will have gardens, gyms and spas
The first humans to colonise the red planet will be living in luxury on the barren wasteland, experts claim. Martian mansions will feature gyms, spas and t
Over a million people asked Amazon's Alexa to marry them in 2017 and it turned them all down
People really love their virtual assistants -- so much so, in fact, that over a million people asked Amazon Alexa to marry them in 2017 alone, the retailer
Software finds the best way to stick a Mars landing: Program users can tinker with landing and path planning scenarios to identi
For instance, a mission's science team may want to explore certain geological sites for signs of water, life, and habitability. But engineers may find tha
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First Look at New Android Gradle Build Tools: The new DSL structure and Gradle 2.5
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[TypeScript] Type check JavaScript files using JSDoc and Typescript 2.5
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