1. 程式人生 > >opencv(c++)檔案輸入和輸出使用XML和YAML檔案



  • 如何使用YAML或XML檔案列印和讀取文字和OpenCV檔案?
  • 如何為OpenCV資料結構做同樣的事情?
  • 如何為你的資料結構做到這一點?
  • 使用OpenCV資料結構,如cv :: FileStorage,cv :: FileNode或cv ::


您可以從這裡下載,或者在OpenCV原始碼庫的samples / cpp / tutorial_code / core / file_input_output / file_input_output.cpp中找到它。


#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace cv; using namespace std; static void help(char** av) { cout << endl << av[0] << " shows the usage of the OpenCV serialization functionality." << endl << "usage: " << endl << av[0
] << " outputfile.yml.gz" << endl << "The output file may be either XML (xml) or YAML (yml/yaml). You can even compress it by " << "specifying this in its extension like xml.gz yaml.gz etc... " << endl << "With FileStorage you can serialize objects in OpenCV by using the << and >> operators"
<< endl << "For example: - create a class and have it serialized" << endl << " - use it to read and write matrices." << endl; } class MyData { public: MyData() : A(0), X(0), id() {} explicit MyData(int) : A(97), X(CV_PI), id("mydata1234") // explicit to avoid implicit conversion {} void write(FileStorage& fs) const //Write serialization for this class { fs << "{" << "A" << A << "X" << X << "id" << id << "}"; } void read(const FileNode& node) //Read serialization for this class { A = (int)node["A"]; X = (double)node["X"]; id = (string)node["id"]; } public: // Data Members int A; double X; string id; }; //These write and read functions must be defined for the serialization in FileStorage to work static void write(FileStorage& fs, const std::string&, const MyData& x) { x.write(fs); } static void read(const FileNode& node, MyData& x, const MyData& default_value = MyData()){ if(node.empty()) x = default_value; else x.read(node); } // This function will print our custom class to the console static ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const MyData& m) { out << "{ id = " << m.id << ", "; out << "X = " << m.X << ", "; out << "A = " << m.A << "}"; return out; } int main(int ac, char** av) { if (ac != 2) { help(av); return 1; } string filename = av[1]; { //write Mat R = Mat_<uchar>::eye(3, 3), T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1); MyData m(1); FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE); fs << "iterationNr" << 100; fs << "strings" << "["; // text - string sequence fs << "image1.jpg" << "Awesomeness" << "../data/baboon.jpg"; fs << "]"; // close sequence fs << "Mapping"; // text - mapping fs << "{" << "One" << 1; fs << "Two" << 2 << "}"; fs << "R" << R; // cv::Mat fs << "T" << T; fs << "MyData" << m; // your own data structures fs.release(); // explicit close cout << "Write Done." << endl; } {//read cout << endl << "Reading: " << endl; FileStorage fs; fs.open(filename, FileStorage::READ); int itNr; //fs["iterationNr"] >> itNr; itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"]; cout << itNr; if (!fs.isOpened()) { cerr << "Failed to open " << filename << endl; help(av); return 1; } FileNode n = fs["strings"]; // Read string sequence - Get node if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ) { cerr << "strings is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl; return 1; } FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end(); // Go through the node for (; it != it_end; ++it) cout << (string)*it << endl; n = fs["Mapping"]; // Read mappings from a sequence cout << "Two " << (int)(n["Two"]) << "; "; cout << "One " << (int)(n["One"]) << endl << endl; MyData m; Mat R, T; fs["R"] >> R; // Read cv::Mat fs["T"] >> T; fs["MyData"] >> m; // Read your own structure_ cout << endl << "R = " << R << endl; cout << "T = " << T << endl << endl; cout << "MyData = " << endl << m << endl << endl; //Show default behavior for non existing nodes cout << "Attempt to read NonExisting (should initialize the data structure with its default)."; fs["NonExisting"] >> m; cout << endl << "NonExisting = " << endl << m << endl; } cout << endl << "Tip: Open up " << filename << " with a text editor to see the serialized data." << endl; return 0; }


這裡我們只討論關於XML和YAML檔案的輸入。 您的輸出(及其各自的輸入)檔案可能只有這些副檔名之一和來自此的結構。 它們是可以序列化的兩種資料結構:對映(如STL對映)和元素序列(如STL向量)。 它們之間的區別在於,在地圖中,每個元素都有一個唯一的名字,通過你可以訪問它的東西。 對於序列,您需要通過它們來查詢特定專案。

1、XML / YAML檔案開啟和關閉。 在你寫這些檔案的任何內容之前,你需要開啟它,最後關閉它。 OpenCV中的XML / YAML資料結構是cv :: FileStorage。 要指定檔案繫結到硬碟上的這個結構,你可以使用它的建構函式或open()函式:

string filename = "I.xml";
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
fs.open(filename, FileStorage::READ);

你使用第二個引數中的任何一個是一個常數,指定你可以在其上執行的操作的型別:WRITE,READ或APPEND。 檔名中指定的副檔名也決定了將要使用的輸出格式。 如果指定* .xml.gz *之類的副檔名,輸出可能會被壓縮。

該檔案在cv :: FileStorage物件被銷燬時自動關閉。 但是,您可以通過釋放函式明確地呼叫它:

fs.release();                                       // explicit close

2、輸入和輸出文字和數字。 資料結構使用與STL庫相同的<<輸出運算子。 為了輸出任何型別的資料結構,我們首先需要指定它的名字。 我們只需打印出這個名字就可以了。 對於基本型別,您可以按照以下值列印:

fs << "iterationNr" << 100;


int itNr;
fs["iterationNr"] >> itNr;
itNr = (int) fs["iterationNr"];

3、OpenCV資料結構的輸入/輸出。 那麼這些行為就像基本的C ++型別一樣:

Mat R = Mat_<uchar >::eye  (3, 3),
    T = Mat_<double>::zeros(3, 1);
fs << "R" << R;                                      // Write cv::Mat
fs << "T" << T;
fs["R"] >> R;                                      // Read cv::Mat
fs["T"] >> T;

4、向量(陣列)和關聯對映的輸入/輸出。 正如我之前提到的,我們也可以輸出地圖和序列(陣列,向量)。 再次,我們首先列印變數的名稱,然後我們必須指定我們的輸出是序列還是對映。


fs << "strings" << "[";                              // text - string sequence
fs << "image1.jpg" << "Awesomeness" << "baboon.jpg";
fs << "]";                                           // close sequence


fs << "Mapping";                              // text - mapping
fs << "{" << "One" << 1;
fs <<        "Two" << 2 << "}";

為了讀取這些,我們使用cv :: FileNode和cv :: FileNodeIterator資料結構。 cv :: FileStorage類的[]運算子返回一個cv :: FileNode資料型別。 如果節點是順序的,我們可以使用cv :: FileNodeIterator迭代專案:

FileNode n = fs["strings"];                         // Read string sequence - Get node
if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
    cerr << "strings is not a sequence! FAIL" << endl;
    return 1;
FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end(); // Go through the node
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
    cout << (string)*it << endl;


n = fs["Mapping"];                                // Read mappings from a sequence
cout << "Two  " << (int)(n["Two"]) << "; ";
cout << "One  " << (int)(n["One"]) << endl << endl;

6、讀寫你自己的資料結構。 假設你有一個數據結構如:

class MyData
      MyData() : A(0), X(0), id() {}
public:   // Data Members
   int A;
   double X;
   string id;

可以通過在OpenCV I / O XML / YAML介面(如OpenCV資料結構的情況下)通過在類的內部和外部新增讀取和寫入功能來對其進行序列化。 對於內部部分:

void write(FileStorage& fs) const                        //Write serialization for this class
  fs << "{" << "A" << A << "X" << X << "id" << id << "}";
void read(const FileNode& node)                          //Read serialization for this class
  A = (int)node["A"];
  X = (double)node["X"];
  id = (string)node["id"];


void write(FileStorage& fs, const std::string&, const MyData& x)
void read(const FileNode& node, MyData& x, const MyData& default_value = MyData())
    x = default_value;

在這裡你可以觀察到,在read 部分,我們定義瞭如果使用者試圖讀取一個不存在的節點會發生什麼。 在這種情況下,我們只是返回預設的初始化值,但是更詳細的解決方案是為物件ID返回一個負值。


MyData m(1);
fs << "MyData" << m;                                // your own data structures
fs["MyData"] >> m;                                 // Read your own structure_

或者嘗試閱讀non-existing read:

fs["NonExisting"] >> m;   // Do not add a fs << "NonExisting" << m command for this to work
cout << endl << "NonExisting = " << endl << m << endl;