微信小程式 天氣小程式
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-01
<view class="container"> <image class='bgi' mode='aspectFill' src='../../images/bg1.png'></image> <view class='body'> <view class='header'> <image src='{{nowWeatherImg}}'></image> <view> <text style='font-size:80rpx;'>{{cityname}}</text> <text class='txtaph'>{{weekday}}</text> <text class='txtaph'>{{weahterinfo}}</text> </view> </view> <view class='section'> <text>{{nowtemp}}</text>°C </view> <view class='ari-qulity'> <text>空氣質量:<text>{{pmvalue}}</text></text> </view> <view class='weather-detail'> <view> <text>風向:{{winddir}}</text> <text>體感溫度: {{feeltmp}}°C</text> </view> <view> <text>風力:{{windsc}}級</text> <text>相對溼度: {{hum}}</text> </view> </view> <view class='forecast'> <block wx:for="{{forecastData}}"> <view> <image style='width:120rpx; height:120rpx;' mode='aspectFit' src='../../images/140.png'></image> <view> <text>{{item.date}}</text> </view> <view> <text>{{item.cond_txt_d}}</text> </view> <view> <text>{{item.tmp_min}}°C ~ {{item.tmp_max}}°C</text> </view> </view> </block> </view> </view> </view>
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//index.js //獲取應用例項 const app = getApp() Page({ data: { nowWeatherImg: "../../images/131.png", cityname: "北京", weekday: "星期二", weahterinfo: "暴雨", nowtemp: 17, pmvalue: 50, winddir: '隨便', //風向 windsc: 'X', //風力 feeltmp: 10, //體感溫度 hum: 30, //相對溼度 forecastData: [null, null, null] }, onLoad: function () { let that = this; this.setData(wx.getStorageSync('data')); //利用Promise這個類,將3個非同步方法,按照順序執行 this.getLocation().then(this.getCity).then(this.getWeatherInfo).then(this.getForecast); }, getForecast: function () { let that = this; return new Promise(function (done) { console.log("天氣預查"); wx.request({ url: 'https://free-api.heweather.com/s6/weather/forecast?location=' + that.data.cityname + '&key=1790454674ca4af890312094cec23c95', success: function (res) { console.log("天氣預查"); that.setData({ forecastData: res.data.HeWeather6[0].daily_forecast }) } }) }); }, getLocation: function () { return new Promise(function (done) { //第一步, 使用微信獲取地理位置(經緯度) wx.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function (res) { //取出經緯度 let latitude = res.latitude; let longitude = res.longitude; //發出訊息,表示已完成,並把獲取的結果發出去 done(latitude + "," + longitude); } }); }); }, getCity: function (data) { return new Promise(function (done) { //第二步, 向騰訊發起網路請求,提交經緯度,並獲取所在城市資訊 wx.request({ url: 'https://apis.map.qq.com/ws/geocoder/v1/?location=' + data + '&key=WV7BZ-IPMK2-PSLU2-C63EH-7FBMF-TTBX3', success: function (locinfo) { //獲取到城市名稱 let cityname = locinfo.data.result.address_component.city; //發出訊息,表示已完成,並把獲取的結果發出去 done(cityname); } }); }); }, getWeatherInfo: function (data) { let that = this; return new Promise(function (done) { //第三步, 向和風發起網路請求,提交城市資訊,獲取天氣預報 wx.request({ url: 'https://free-api.heweather.com/s6/weather/now?key=1790454674ca4af890312094cec23c95&location=' + data, success: function (weatherinfo) { console.log(weatherinfo); //修改頁面上的資訊 that.setData({ cityname: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].basic.location, weahterinfo: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.cond_txt, weekday: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].update.loc, nowWeatherImg: "../../images/" + weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.cond_code + ".png", nowtemp: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.tmp, winddir: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.wind_dir, windsc: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.wind_sc, feeltmp: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.fl, hum: weatherinfo.data.HeWeather6[0].now.hum }); wx.setStorageSync('data', that.data); done(); } }) //請求空氣質量 wx.request({ url: 'https://free-api.heweather.com/s6/air/now?location=' + data + '&key=1790454674ca4af890312094cec23c95', success: function (airqulity) { let pm25 = airqulity.data.HeWeather6[0].air_now_city.pm25; console.log(pm25); that.setData({ pmvalue: pm25 }) } }) }); } })