1. 程式人生 > >MATLAB繪製帶圖案的柱狀圖


function applyhatch(h,patterns,colorlist)</span>
%APPLYHATCH Apply hatched patterns to a figure
%  APPLYHATCH(H,PATTERNS) creates a new figure from the figure H by
%  replacing distinct colors in H with the black and white
%  patterns in PATTERNS. The format for PATTERNS can be
%    a string of the characters '/', '\', '|', '-', '+', 'x', '.'
%    a cell array of matrices of zeros (white) and ones (black)
%  APPLYHATCH(H,PATTERNS,COLORS) maps the colors in the n by 3
%  matrix COLORS to PATTERNS. Each row of COLORS specifies an RGB
%  color value.
%  Note this function makes a bitmap image of H and so is limited
%  to low-resolution, bitmap output.
%  Example 1:
%    bar(rand(3,4));
%    applyhatch(gcf,'\-x.');
%  Example 2:
%    colormap(cool(6));
%    pie(rand(6,1));
%    legend('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun');
%    applyhatch(gcf,'|-+.\/',cool(6));
%  See also: MAKEHATCH

%  By Ben Hinkle, 
[email protected]
% This code is in the public domain. oldppmode = get(h,'paperpositionmode'); oldunits = get(h,'units'); set(h,'paperpositionmode','auto'); set(h,'units','pixels'); figsize = get(h,'position'); if nargin == 2 colorlist = []; end bits = hardcopy(h,'-dzbuffer','-r0'); set(h,'paperpositionmode',oldppmode); bwidth = size(bits,2); bheight = size(bits,1); bsize = bwidth * bheight; if ~isempty(colorlist) colorlist = uint8(255*colorlist); [colors,colori] = nextnonbw(0,colorlist,bits); else colors = (bits(:,:,1) ~= bits(:,:,2)) | ... (bits(:,:,1) ~= bits(:,:,3)); end pati = 1; colorind = find(colors); while ~isempty(colorind) colorval(1) = bits(colorind(1)); colorval(2) = bits(colorind(1)+bsize); colorval(3) = bits(colorind(1)+2*bsize); if iscell(patterns) pattern = patterns{pati}; elseif isa(patterns,'char') pattern = makehatch(patterns(pati)); else pattern = patterns; end pattern = uint8(255*(1-pattern)); pheight = size(pattern,2); pwidth = size(pattern,1); ratioh = ceil(bheight/pheight); ratiow = ceil(bwidth/pwidth); bigpattern = repmat(pattern,[ratioh ratiow]); if ratioh*pheight > bheight bigpattern(bheight+1:end,:) = []; end if ratiow*pwidth > bwidth bigpattern(:,bwidth+1:end) = []; end bigpattern = repmat(bigpattern,[1 1 3]); color = (bits(:,:,1) == colorval(1)) & ... (bits(:,:,2) == colorval(2)) & ... (bits(:,:,3) == colorval(3)); color = repmat(color,[1 1 3]); bits(color) = bigpattern(color); if ~isempty(colorlist) [colors,colori] = nextnonbw(colori,colorlist,bits); else colors = (bits(:,:,1) ~= bits(:,:,2)) | ... (bits(:,:,1) ~= bits(:,:,3)); end colorind = find(colors); pati = (pati + 1); if pati > length(patterns) pati = 1; end end newfig = figure('units','pixels','visible','off'); imaxes = axes('parent',newfig,'units','pixels'); im = image(bits,'parent',imaxes); fpos = get(newfig,'position'); set(newfig,'position',[fpos(1:2) figsize(3) figsize(4)+1]); set(imaxes,'position',[0 0 figsize(3) figsize(4)+1],'visible','off'); set(newfig,'visible','on'); function [colors,out] = nextnonbw(ind,colorlist,bits) out = ind+1; colors = []; while out <= size(colorlist,1) if isequal(colorlist(out,:),[255 255 255]) | ... isequal(colorlist(out,:),[0 0 0]) out = out+1; else colors = (colorlist(out,1) == bits(:,:,1)) & ... (colorlist(out,2) == bits(:,:,2)) & ... (colorlist(out,3) == bits(:,:,3)); return end end function A = makehatch(hatch) %MAKEHATCH Predefined hatch patterns % MAKEHATCH(HATCH) returns a matrix with the hatch pattern for HATCH % according to the following table: % HATCH pattern % ------- --------- % / right-slanted lines % \ left-slanted lines % | vertical lines % - horizontal lines % + crossing vertical and horizontal lines % x criss-crossing lines % . single dots % % See also: APPLYHATCH % By Ben Hinkle,
[email protected]
% This code is in the public domain. n = 6; A=zeros(n); switch (hatch) case '/' A = fliplr(eye(n)); case '\' A = eye(n); case '|' A(:,1) = 1; case '-' A(1,:) = 1; case '+' A(:,1) = 1; A(1,:) = 1; case 'x' A = eye(n) | fliplr(diag(ones(n-1,1),-1)); case '.' A(1:2,1:2)=1; otherwise error(['Undefined hatch pattern "' hatch '".']); end

