【LeetCode】Copy List with Random Pointer 解題報告
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-01
A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.
Return a deep copy of the list.
/** * Definition for singly-linked list with a random pointer. * class RandomListNode { * int label; * RandomListNode next, random; * RandomListNode(int x) { this.label = x; } * }; */
public class Solution { public RandomListNode copyRandomList(RandomListNode head) { if (head == null) return null; //第一遍掃描:對每個結點進行復制,把複製出來的新結點插在原結點之後 RandomListNode node = head; while (node != null) { RandomListNode newnode = new RandomListNode(node.label); newnode.next = node.next; node.next = newnode; node = newnode.next; } //第二遍掃描:根據原結點的random,給新結點的random賦值 node = head; while (node != null) { if (node.random != null) node.next.random = node.random.next; node = node.next.next; } RandomListNode newhead = head.next; //第三遍掃描:把新結點從原連結串列中拆分出來 node = head; while (node != null) { RandomListNode newnode = node.next; node.next = newnode.next; if (newnode.next != null) newnode.next = newnode.next.next; node = node.next; } return newhead; } }