1. 程式人生 > >最常用的jenkins外掛總結(不包括預設安裝的)




This plugin shows all changes (also from dependent projects, sub-projects, ...) for a project

Starts an Android emulator with given properties before a build, then shuts it down after.

Keep a log of who performed particular Jenkins operations, such as configuring jobs.

This plugin provides an API for converting credentials into authentication tokens in Jenkins.

This plugin provides an API for multiple branch based projects.

This plugin analyzes the causes of failed builds and presents the causes on the build page. It does this by using a knowledge base of build failure causes that is built up from scratch. Saving statistics about failure causes is also possible.

Provides a highly visible view of the status of selected Jenkins jobs. It easily accommodates different computer screen sizes and is ideal as an Extreme Feedback Device to be displayed on a screen on your office wall.

This plugin renders upstream and downstream connected jobs that typically form a build pipeline. In addition, it offers the ability to define manual triggers for jobs that require intervention prior to execution, e.g. an approval process outside of Jenkins.

This plugin allows builds to be automatically terminated after the specified amount of time has elapsed.

Allows the user to provide parameters for a build in the url (similar to /job/JOBNAME/buildWithParameters), prompting for confirmation before triggering the job.

This plugin visualize builds relations as a graph.

This plug-in collects the Checkstyleanalysis results of the project modules and visualizes the found warnings.

A buildstep wrapping any number of other buildsteps, controlling their execution based on a defined condition (e.g. BuildParameter).

This plugin allows copying files located somewhere on the master node into the jobs' workspaces, whether their builds take place on the master node or on slave nodes.

This plug-in collects the Cppcheckanalysis results of the project and visualizes the found errors.

This plugin visualize Delivery Pipelines (Jobs with upstream/downstream dependencies)

This plugin search for the depency:analyze results into the maven build output and summarize it.

This plugin shows a dependency graph of the projects. It uses dot (from graphviz) for drawing.

Jenkins plugin to have a bird's eye view of your continuous deployment pipeline.

This plugin counts disk usage.

This plugin allows dynamic generation of default build parameter values.

Provides a View, which allows to set search filters directly on the main page.

This plugin is a replacement for Jenkins's email publisher

This plugin can be used to upload project artifacts and whole directories to an ftp server.

This plugin adds the ability to directly execute Groovy code.

This plugin publishes HTML reports.

This plugin will allow you to publish the artifacts via HTTP POST to an URL.

Lets you specify a set of JDKs that can be picked from as a build parameter.

Generate job configurations.

Parse the console output and highlight error/warning/info lines.

This plugin is used to statistics the mean time to repair for job's builds.

Jenkins' monitoring with JavaMelody. Open reportafter installation.

View type to allow grouping job views into multiple levels instead of one big list of tabs.

Adds a widget in the sidebar with the next _build_ date for all the scheduled projects. It also creates a column definition.

This plugin from Tikal Knowledgeallows sending running Jobs status notifications.

String, text, boolean and choice parameters with default values set from the previous build (if any).

A suite of plugins that lets you orchestrate automation, simple or complex. See Pipeline as Code with Jenkinsfor more details.

Full screen dashboard to view stages of the pipeline as a build history.

Send build artifacts over FTP

This plugin fetchs the jobs of configured remote Jenkins CI servers and displays them in one view.

This plugin shows the parameter values on the main build page

This plugin prepares slaves for build execution by letting you copy files and execute scripts before the slave gets used. It also allows you to start and stop slaves on demand from the master node.

Visit a url like http://myslave:3141 to see an XML document giving the slave's status. Use automated tools like curl or nagios to check this data periodically, if you want to.

This is a plugin to send SMS notification for failed build.

This plugin allows you to manage slaves running on \*nix machines over SSH.

Automatically cleans up Subversion modules removed from job configuration when enabled.

This plugin allows you to upload artifacts to a subversion repository. This is done via a delete/import of the items requested.

This plugin lets you use builders, publishers and SCM settings from another project.

This plugin allows you to see how the junit tests progress during a build.

Displays test stabilities - i.e. the history of failed tests.

This plugin allows you to choose specific tests you want to run.

Adds timestamps to the Console Output.

A URL SCM plugin for Hudson. This plugin supports polling and checkout. Polling is done by checking the last-modified header returned when connecting to a URL. Checkout is done by copying the URL data into the workspace.

This plug-in collects the compiler warnings of the project modules and visualizes the results.

Allows you to connect to Windows machines and start slave agents on them.

This plugin deletes the project workspace after a build is finished.