阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-01
- if語句、for語句不管有沒有多個語句,一定要使用花括號括起來。下面的這個例子就是因為if語句的body部分存在多個語句,但是沒有采用花括號包含在一起,引出的問題:當rn->vinfo0位NULL時,route就會使用上一次的值給entry變數賦值,從而導致資料異常,嚴重的話會導致程序掛起。
沒有使用花括號導致的bug modify before: for (rn = ls_table_top (top->rt_network); rn; rn = ls_route_next (rn)) { if (rn->vinfo0) route = RN_INFO (rn, RNI_DEFAULT); if(route && route->selected) { entry.prefixlen = rn->p->prefixlen; entry.prefix = *((PSP_ULONG *)(rn->p->prefix)); entry.type = route->selected->type; entry.flags = route->selected->flags; entry.area_id = route->selected->area_id.s_addr; entry.cost = OSPF_PATH_COST(route->selected); if (CHECK_FLAG(route->selected->flags, OSPF_PATH_TYPE2)) { entry.type2_cost = route->selected->type2_cost; } else { entry.type2_cost = 0; } /* Get the actual nexthop vector. */ vec = ospf_path_nexthop_vector (route->selected); for (i = 0; i < vector_max (vec); i++) { if ((nh = vector_slot (vec, i))) { count++; entry.nexthop.flags = nh->flags; entry.nexthop.if_id = nh->if_id.s_addr; entry.nexthop.nbr_id = nh->nbr_id.s_addr; entry.nexthop.id = count; entry.nexthop.oi_if_name[0] = '\0'; strncpy(entry.nexthop.oi_if_name, nh->oi->u.ifp->name, PSP_INTERFACE_NAMSIZ); if(record && fn) { (*fn)(tid,record,&entry); } } } vector_free (vec); } } modify after: for (rn = ls_table_top (top->rt_network); rn; rn = ls_route_next (rn)) { if (rn->vinfo0) { route = RN_INFO (rn, RNI_DEFAULT); if(route && route->selected) { entry.prefixlen = rn->p->prefixlen; entry.prefix = *((PSP_ULONG *)(rn->p->prefix)); entry.type = route->selected->type; entry.flags = route->selected->flags; entry.area_id = route->selected->area_id.s_addr; entry.cost = OSPF_PATH_COST(route->selected); if (CHECK_FLAG(route->selected->flags, OSPF_PATH_TYPE2)) { entry.type2_cost = route->selected->type2_cost; } else { entry.type2_cost = 0; } /* Get the actual nexthop vector. */ vec = ospf_path_nexthop_vector (route->selected); for (i = 0; i < vector_max (vec); i++) { if ((nh = vector_slot (vec, i))) { count++; entry.nexthop.flags = nh->flags; entry.nexthop.if_id = nh->if_id.s_addr; entry.nexthop.nbr_id = nh->nbr_id.s_addr; entry.nexthop.id = count; entry.nexthop.oi_if_name[0] = '\0'; strncpy(entry.nexthop.oi_if_name, nh->oi->u.ifp->name, PSP_INTERFACE_NAMSIZ); if(record && fn) { (*fn)(tid,record,&entry); } } } vector_free (vec); } } }