阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-02
程式基本就是這樣的,在Linux系統上測試通過,沒問題。在其他系統上應該沒有大問題,如果有的話就是標頭檔案的問題(聽室友說在mac上sleep()函式是沒有的,Windows下要新增一個頭檔案,具體什麼標頭檔案需要的可以百度下);#include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> //主要是用到exit()退出程序函式 #include<string.h>//字串標頭檔案 #define NoFind -1 #define NoOperation -2 #define Fill -3 #define Exist -4 using namespace std; class student { public: void printStudent(); // print a student information void setName(); string getName(); void setId(); unsigned int getId(); void setAge(); unsigned int getAge(); void setSex(); char getSex(); void setAddr(); string getAddr(); void setPhone(); string getPhone(); void setRoom(); string getRoom(); private: string name; unsigned int id; unsigned int age; char sex; string addr; string phone; string room; }; void student::setId() { cout<<"Id:"; cin>>id; } unsigned int student::getId() { return id; } void student::setName() { cout<<"Name:"; cin>>name; } string student::getName() { return name; } void student::setAge() { cout<<"Age:"; cin>>age; } unsigned int student::getAge() { return age; } void student::setSex() { cout<<"Sex:"; cin>>sex; } char student::getSex() { return sex; } void student::setAddr() { cout<<"Addr:"; cin>>addr; } string student::getAddr() { return addr; } void student::setPhone() { cout<<"Phone:"; cin>>phone; } string student::getPhone() { return phone; } void student::setRoom() { cout<<"Room:"; cin>>room; } string student::getRoom() { return room; } void student::printStudent() { cout<<"Id:"<<id<<endl; cout<<"Name:"<<name<<endl; cout<<"Age:"<<age<<endl; cout<<"Sex:"<<sex<<endl; cout<<"Addr:"<<addr<<endl; cout<<"Phone:"<<phone<<endl; cout<<"Room:"<<room<<endl; cout<<endl; } //上面都是學生類,以及類的屬性設定和獲取函式 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define LEN 1024 //定義一個結構體,儲存類物件和資料有效性標誌 typedef struct Node{ student s; int flag;//如果為0 表示該結構體中的物件無效 }Node; static int studentNum = 0; static Node buff[LEN] = {};//用來存放上面結構體物件的,一個物件表示一個同學的資訊 //在陣列中得到一個空閒的元素,返回陣列小標;是否空閒可以檢視flag標誌位 int getArrayFree() { int i; for(i = 0; i < LEN; i++) { if(0 == buff[i].flag) return i; } return Fill; } //在陣列中查詢指定學生的資訊,該函式被刪除和修改函式呼叫 //用學號查詢和姓名查詢兩種方式,返回查詢到的學生在陣列中下標號 int getArrayIndex() { unsigned int select; unsigned int id = 0; string name = ""; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<"select operation student way, id or name?"<<endl; cout<<"****************************"<<endl; cout<<" 1 Use id "<<endl; cout<<" 2 Use name "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Break "<<endl; cout<<" 4 Exit "<<endl; cout<<"****************************"<<endl; cin>>select; switch(select) { case 1: cout<<"please enter the student Id:"; cin>>id; break; case 2: cout<<"please enter the student Name:"; cin>>name; break; case 3: return NoOperation; case 4: cout<<"exit process!"<<endl;exit(0); default: cout<<"other select will go break!"<<endl; return NoOperation; } int i; for(i = 0; i < LEN; i++) { if(!(buff[i]).flag) continue; if(0 == id) { if(name == buff[i].s.getName()) return i; } if(id == buff[i].s.getId()) return i; } return NoFind; } //判斷該id是否存在,姓名可以相同,但學號一定不能相同 int isExist(int id) { int i; int count = 0; for(i = 0; i < LEN; i++) { if(id == buff[i].s.getId()) count++; } return count; } //增加一個學生的資訊到陣列中,也即是通訊錄中增加一條通訊錄 int addStudentInfo() { student newStd; string name; int i; int index; char yORn; cout<<endl; cout<<"-----------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"addStudentInfo:"<<endl; newStd.setId(); newStd.setName(); newStd.setAge(); newStd.setSex(); newStd.setAddr(); newStd.setPhone(); newStd.setRoom(); cout<<endl; newStd.printStudent(); cout<<"Are you sure this information is correct?[y or N]"<<endl; cin>>yORn; if(!(('y' == yORn) || ('Y' == yORn))) return 0; if( -1 == (index = getArrayFree()) ) { cout<<"The contacts filled!"<<endl; return Fill; } if(isExist(newStd.getId())) { cout<<"The id is exist!"<<endl; return Exist; } buff[index].s = newStd; buff[index].flag = 1; studentNum++; cout<<endl; cout<<"Success"<<endl;cout<<endl; return 0; } //刪除指定學生的通訊錄資訊,只要flag置0 int delStudentInfo() { int index; index = getArrayIndex(); if(NoFind == index) { cout<<"No find the student!"<<endl; return 0; } if(NoOperation == index) return 0; buff[index].flag = 0; studentNum--; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"Success"<<endl; return 0; } //修改指定學生的資訊 int updateStudentInfo() { int index; int select; int count = 2; cout<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"update the student information:"<<endl; index = getArrayIndex(); if(NoFind == index) { cout<<"No find the student!"<<endl; return NoFind; } if(NoOperation == index) return 0; while(1) { cout<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<" 1 Id "<<endl; cout<<" 2 Name "<<endl; cout<<" 3 Age "<<endl; cout<<" 4 Sex "<<endl; cout<<" 5 Addr "<<endl; cout<<" 6 Phone "<<endl; cout<<" 7 Room "<<endl; cout<<" 8 Break "<<endl; cout<<" 9 Exit "<<endl; cout<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"please select update informaton:"<<endl; cin>>select; switch(select) { case 1://下面迴圈要判斷id(學號)是否重合,如果重合就再選擇一個學號,直到沒有重合的 while((count-1)) { buff[index].s.setId(); count = isExist(buff[index].s.getId()); if(count >= 2) cout<<"id is exist!"<<endl; } break; case 2: buff[index].s.setName();break; case 3: buff[index].s.setAge();break; case 4: buff[index].s.setSex();break; case 5: buff[index].s.setAddr();break; case 6: buff[index].s.setPhone();break; case 7: buff[index].s.setRoom();break; case 8: return NoOperation; case 9: cout<<"exit process!"<<endl;exit(0); default:return NoOperation; } } return 0; } //統計通訊錄中有多少個學生 int accoutStudent() // accout Student number { cout<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<"student number:"<<studentNum<<endl; return 0; } //列印指定學生資訊 void printStudentInfo() { int index; index = getArrayIndex(); if(NoFind == index) { cout<<"No find the student!"<<endl; return; } if(NoOperation == index) return; cout<<endl; cout<<"---------------------------------"<<endl; buff[index].s.printStudent(); return; } //列印所有學生的資訊 void showAllStudentInfo() { int i; cout<<endl; cout<<"show all stduent information:"<<endl; for(i = 0; i < LEN; i++) { if(1 == buff[i].flag) buff[i].s.printStudent(); } return; } //根據選單選擇呼叫對應函式 void select(int number) { switch(number) { case 1: addStudentInfo();break; case 2: delStudentInfo();break; case 3: updateStudentInfo();break; case 4: accoutStudent();break; case 5: printStudentInfo();break; case 6: showAllStudentInfo();break; default: cout<<"error"<<endl;return; } } //選擇選單函式 void menu() { unsigned int number = 7; while(1) { cout<<endl; cout<<"**********************************"<<endl; cout<<" 1 Add student information" <<endl; cout<<" 2 Del student information" <<endl; cout<<" 3 Update student information" <<endl; cout<<" 4 Accout student number" <<endl; cout<<" 5 Printf a student information"<<endl; cout<<" 6 Show all student information"<<endl; cout<<" 7 Exit "<<endl; cout<<"**********************************"<<endl; cout<<endl; cout<<"please enter the number:<1~7>"<<endl; cin>>number; if(7 == number) return; if((1 <= number)&&(7 > number)) select(number); sleep(1); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { menu(); return 0; }