1. 程式人生 > >Springboot 1.5.X不再支援Velocity

Springboot 1.5.X不再支援Velocity

今天升級專案的SpringBoot版本到1.5.4,發現一堆問題,其中Velocity的支援已經移除,導致檢視一直報錯,之前知道Spring4.3廢棄了Velocity,@deprecated as of Spring 4.3, in favor of FreeMarker,所以以為Springboot也只是deprecated ,誰曾想居然remove掉了。

Classes, methods and properties that were deprecated in Spring Boot 1.4 have been removed in this release. Please ensure that you aren’t calling deprecated methods before upgrading. In particular, the HornetQ and Velocity support have been removed.