1. 程式人生 > >如何學習自然語言處理:一本書和一門課



不過,對於希望入門NLP的同學來說,推薦你們先看一下這本書: Speech and Language Processing,第一版中文名譯為《自然語言處理綜論》,作者都是NLP領域的大大牛:斯坦福大學 Dan Jurafsky 教授和科羅拉多大學的 

James H. Martin 教授。這也是我當年的入門書,我讀過這本書的中文版(翻譯自第一版英文版)和英文版第二版,該書第三版正在撰寫中,作者已經完成了不少章節的撰寫,所完成的章節均可下載:Speech and Language Processing (3rd ed. draft)。從章節來看,第三版增加了不少和NLP相關的深度學習的章節,內容和篇幅相對於之前有了更多的更新:

Chapter Slides Relation to 2nd ed.
1: Introduction [Ch. 1 in 2nd ed.]
3: Finite State Transducers
5: Spelling [pptx] [pdf] [expanded from pieces in Ch. 5 in 2nd ed.]
8: Neural Nets and Neural Language Models
13: Statistical Parsing
15: Vector [pptx] [pdf] [expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
16: Dense Vector [pptx] [pdf] [new in this edition]
17: Intro, Sim [pptx] [
WSD [pptx] [pdf]
[expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
19: The Representation of Sentence Meaning
20: Computational Semantics
22: SRL [pptx] [pdf]
Select [pptx] [pdf]
[expanded from parts of Ch. 19 and 20 in 2nd ed.]
23: Neural Models of Sentence Meaning (RNN, LSTM, CNN, etc.)
24: Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking
25: Discourse Coherence
26: Seq2seq Models and Summarization
27: Machine Translation
29: Conversational Agents
30: Speech Recognition
31: Speech Synthesis

另外該書作者之一斯坦福大學 Dan Jurafsky 教授曾經在Coursera上開設過一門自然語言處理課程:Natural Language Processing,該課程目前貌似在Coursera新課程平臺上已經查詢不到,不過我們在百度網盤上做了一個備份,包括該課程視訊和該書的第二版英文,兩個一起看,效果更佳:

