1. 程式人生 > >SQL ZOO練習——The JOIN operation

SQL ZOO練習——The JOIN operation

1. Modify it to show the matchid and player name for all goals scored by Germany. To identify German players, check for: teamid = 'GER'.

SELECT matchid, player FROM goal
  WHERE teamid = 'GER'

2. Show id, stadium, team1, team2 for just game 1012.

SELECT id, stadium, team1, team2 FROM game
  WHERE id = 1012

3. Modify it to show the player, teamid, stadium and mdate and for every German goal.

SELECT goal.player, goal.teamid, game.stadium, game.mdate FROM goal
  JOIN game ON(id = matchid)
    WHERE teamid = 'GER'

4. Show the team1, team2 and player for every goal scored by a player called Mario player LIKE 'Mario%'.

SELECT game.team1, game.team2, goal.player FROM game 
  JOIN goal ON (id = matchid)
    WHERE goal.player LIKE 'Mario%'

5. Show playerteamidcoachgtime for all goals scored in the first 10 minutes gtime<=10

SELECT goal.player, goal.teamid, eteam.coach, goal.gtime FROM goal
  JOIN eteam ON (teamid = id)
    WHERE gtime <= 10

6. List the the dates of the matches and the name of the team in which 'Fernando Santos' was the team1 coach.

SELECT game.mdate, eteam.teamname FROM game
  JOIN eteam ON(team1=eteam.id)
    WHERE coach = 'Fernando Santos'

7. List the player for every goal scored in a game where the stadium was 'National Stadium, Warsaw'

SELECT player FROM goal
  JOIN game ON(game.id = goal.matchid)
    WHERE stadium = 'National Stadium, Warsaw'

8. Instead show the name of all players who scored a goal against Germany.

SELECT DISTINCT goal.player FROM goal
  JOIN game ON (game.id = matchid)
    WHERE (teamid != 'GER' 
             AND (team1='GER' OR team2='GER'))

9. Show teamname and the total number of goals scored.

SELECT eteam.teamname, COUNT(goal.teamid) FROM eteam
  JOIN goal ON (teamid=eteam.id)
    GROUP BY teamname

10. Show the stadium and the number of goals scored in each stadium.

SELECT game.stadium, COUNT(player) FROM game
  JOIN goal ON (game.id = goal.matchid)
    GROUP BY stadium

11. For every match involving 'POL', show the matchid, date and the number of goals scored.

SELECT goal.matchid, game.mdate,COUNT(teamid) FROM goal
  JOIN game ON (game.id=matchid)
    WHERE (team1 = 'POL' OR team2 = 'POL')
      GROUP BY matchid, mdate

12. For every match where 'GER' scored, show matchid, match date and the number of goals scored by 'GER'

SELECT goal.matchid, game.mdate, COUNT(teamid) FROM goal
  JOIN game ON (game.id=matchid)
    WHERE teamid = 'GER'
      GROUP BY matchid, mdate

13. List every match with the goals scored by each team as shown. This will use "CASE WHEN" which has not been explained in any previous exercises.

SELECT game.mdate, game.team1,
  SUM(CASE WHEN teamid = team1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS score1,
  SUM(CASE WHEN teamid = team2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS score2 
FROM game LEFT JOIN goal ON (game.id = matchid) 
  GROUP BY mdate, matchid, team1, team2