1. 程式人生 > >演算法——遞迴篇——樹葉下落問題



The nodes containing 5 and 6 have the same horizontal position (with different vertical positions, of course). The node containing 7 is one unit to the left of those containing 5 and 6, and the node containing 3 is one unit to their right. When the "leaves" drop from these nodes, three piles are created: the leftmost one contains 7 leaves (from the leftmost node), the next contains 11 (from the nodes containing 5 and 6), and the rightmost pile contains 3. (While it is true that only leaf nodes in a tree would logically have leaves, we ignore that in this problem.)
The input contains multiple test cases, each describing a single tree. A tree is specified by giving the value in the root node, followed by the description of the left subtree, and then the description of the right subtree. If a subtree is empty, the value -1 is supplied. Thus the tree shown above is specified as 5 7 -1 6 -1 -1 3 -1 -1. Each actual tree node contains a positive, non-zero value. The last test case is followed by a single -1 (which would otherwise represent an empty tree).
For each test case, display the case number (they are numbered sequentially, starting with 1) on a line by itself. On the next line display the number of "leaves" in each pile, from left to right, with a single space separating each value. This display must start in column 1, and will not exceed the width of an 80-character line. Follow the output for each case by a blank line. This format is illustrated in the examples below.
Sample Input