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Types of Edge Computing Implementations——邊緣計算的實現

We have discussed the definition of edge computing and talked about its architecture and characteristics in last blog The Coming of Edge Computing. In this article, we will simply introduce three types of edge computing implementations: fog computing, mobile edge computing and cloudlet.

I、Fog Computing

The fog computing implementation is a decentralized computing infrastructure based on fog computing nodes composed of vary kinds of elements including but not limited to routers, switches, access points, IoT gateways as well as set-top boxes and placed at any point of the architecture between the end devices and the cloud [1].




Cloudlet is a trusted, resource rich computer or cluster of computers that is well-connected to the Internet and available for use by nearby mobile devices[2]. It is proposed to reduce the network latency because of sending data to cloud center.




然而隨著物聯網的發展和移動裝置的日益增多,聯網裝置的增長率已經遠遠超過網路頻寬的增長,大量的資料傳送大雲端計算中心必定會引起網路擁塞,所以網路延遲成為這一模式的瓶頸。所以有人提出在上面的模式中引入Cloudlet. Cloudlet是資源豐富的主機或者一系列主機的叢集,它們被放置在網路邊緣可以被移動裝置連線的位置。這樣,資料就可以傳送到clouldlet進行處理並返回結果,大大的降低了延遲。同時,cloudlet不能完成的計算可以傳送到雲端計算中心。所以,cloudlet應該放在離移動裝置最近的地方,也就是可以經過一跳就可以到達的地方,例如:蜂窩是網路基站,或者wifi接入點。於是形成了下面的模式[3]:


  • Proximity. Cloutlet離移動裝置非常近,可以經過一跳就到達。

  • Resource rich. 與霧計算的節點相比,cloudlet的是專門設定的計算或儲存節點,所以計算的儲存能力都遠高於霧計算。

III、Mobile Edge Computing

儘管cloutlet在一定的程度上解決了雲端計算的網路延遲問題,但是cloudlet卻存在以下不足:(1)cloudlet只能通過無線網路接入,所以只能覆蓋有限的區域。(2)與雲端計算相比,cloudlet的資源還是十分有限。為了解決這些問題,有人提出了Mobile Edge Computing的概念。

Mobile Edge Computing is a model for enabling business oriented, cloud computing platform within the radio access network at the close proximity of mobile subscribers to serve delay sensitive, context aware applications[4].



  • Proximity. 移動邊緣計算的節點一般被部署在基站的範圍內,所以移動裝置通過RAN就可以與節點連線。

  • Dense Geographical Distribution. 移動邊緣計算的節點可以分佈在網路邊緣的各個基站內,所以具有廣泛的地理分佈。

  • Low Latency. 因為非常靠近使用者。

  • Location Awareness. 因為移動裝置可以與基站相連,所以基站可以獲取裝置的相關位置使移動邊緣計算可以為使用者提供更好的服務。

  • Network Context Information. 實時的RAN資訊,如裝置位置,訊號條件,網路負載等可以使裝置提供內容相關的服務。


Item Fog computing Mobile edge computing Cloudlet
Node devices Routers, switches, assess points, gateways Severs running in base stations Data center in a box
Node location Varying between end devices and cloud Radio network controller/Micro base station Local/Outdoor installation
Context awareness Medium High Low
Proximity One or multiple hops One hop One hop
Access mechanisms Bluetooth, wifi, mobile networks Mobile networks Wifi
Internode communication supported Partial Partial

[1] K. Dolui and S. K. Datta, “Comparison of edge computing implementations: Fog computing, cloudlet and mobile edge computing,” in 2017 IEEE Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), pp. 1–6, June 2017.
[2] M. Satyanarayanan, P. Bahl, R. Caceres, and N. Davies, “The case for vm-based cloudlets in mobile computing,” Pervasive Computing, IEEE, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 14–23, 2009.
[3] Pang Z, Sun L, Wang Z, et al. A Survey of Cloudlet Based Mobile Computing[C]// International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data. IEEE, 2016:268-275.
[4] A. Ahmed and E. Ahmed, “A survey on mobile edge computing,” 2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), Coimbatore, 2016, pp. 1-8.
doi: 10.1109/ISCO.2016.7727082