1. 程式人生 > >C#中物件池ObjectPool的實現


執行緒池是從預先建立的眾多執行緒中  取用 / 歸還  執行緒,通過重複利用執行緒,以節省頻繁新建銷燬執行緒的開銷。

同理,物件池則是為了從預先建立好的眾多相同的物件中 取用 / 歸還 物件,通過重複利用物件,以節省頻繁建立銷燬物件的開銷。



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;

namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects
    /// <summary>
    /// Generic implementation of object pooling pattern with predefined pool size limit. The main purpose is that
    /// limited number of frequently used objects can be kept in the pool for further recycling.
    /// Notes:
    /// 1) it is not the goal to keep all returned objects. Pool is not meant for storage. If there is no space in the
    /// pool, extra returned objects will be dropped.
    /// 2) it is implied that if object was obtained from a pool, the caller will return it back in a relatively short
    /// time. Keeping checked out objects for long durations is ok, but reduces usefulness of pooling. Just new up your own.
    /// Not returning objects to the pool in not detrimental to the pool's work, but is a bad practice. Rationale: If
    /// there is no intent for reusing the object, do not use pool - just use "new".
    /// </summary>
    public class ObjectPool<T> where T : class
        private struct Element
            internal T Value;

        // Not using System.Func{T} because .NET2.0 does not have that type.
        public delegate T Factory();

        // Storage for the pool objects. The first item is stored in a dedicated field because we expect to be able to
        // satisfy most requests from it.
        private T _firstItem;

        private readonly Element[] _items;

        // factory is stored for the lifetime of the pool. We will call this only when pool needs to expand. compared to
        // "new T()", Func gives more flexibility to implementers and faster than "new T()".
        private readonly Factory _factory;

        public ObjectPool(Factory factory)
            : this(factory, Environment.ProcessorCount * 2)
        { }

        public ObjectPool(Factory factory, int size)
            Debug.Assert(size >= 1);
            _factory = factory;
            _items = new Element[size - 1];

        private T CreateInstance()
            T inst = _factory();
            return inst;

        /// <summary>
        /// Produces an instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness. Note that Free will try
        /// to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically reducing how far we will typically search.
        /// </remarks>
        public T Allocate()
            // PERF: Examine the first element. If that fails, AllocateSlow will look at the remaining elements. Note
            // that the initial read is optimistically not synchronized. That is intentional. We will interlock only when
            // we have a candidate. in a worst case we may miss some recently returned objects. Not a big deal.
            T inst = _firstItem;
            if (inst == null || inst != Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _firstItem, null, inst))
                inst = AllocateSlow();

            return inst;

        private T AllocateSlow()
            Element[] items = _items;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                // Note that the initial read is optimistically not synchronized. That is intentional. We will interlock
                // only when we have a candidate. in a worst case we may miss some recently returned objects. Not a big deal.
                T inst = items[i].Value;
                if (inst != null)
                    if (inst == Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref items[i].Value, null, inst))
                        return inst;

            return CreateInstance();

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns objects to the pool.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Search strategy is a simple linear probing which is chosen for it cache-friendliness. Note that Free will try
        /// to store recycled objects close to the start thus statistically reducing how far we will typically search in Allocate.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Free(T obj)

            if (_firstItem == null)
                // Intentionally not using interlocked here. In a worst case scenario two objects may be stored into same
                // slot. It is very unlikely to happen and will only mean that one of the objects will get collected.
                _firstItem = obj;

        private void FreeSlow(T obj)
            Element[] items = _items;
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                if (items[i].Value == null)
                    // Intentionally not using interlocked here. In a worst case scenario two objects may be stored into
                    // same slot. It is very unlikely to happen and will only mean that one of the objects will get collected.
                    items[i].Value = obj;

        private void Validate(object obj)
            Debug.Assert(obj != null, "freeing null?");

            Debug.Assert(_firstItem != obj, "freeing twice?");

            var items = _items;
            for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                var value = items[i].Value;
                if (value == null)

                Debug.Assert(value != obj, "freeing twice?");




private struct Element
    internal T Value;
private readonly Element[] _items;







