Android studio 啟動模擬器報錯-Turn off Hyper-V
Unfortunately, you cannot have Hyper-V running and use the emulator.
Here is what you can do:
1) Start a command prompt as Administrator
2) Run the following command: C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
3) Reboot your machine.
2.執行C:\Windows\system32> bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Android studio 啟動模擬器報錯-Turn off Hyper-V
啟動模擬器時出現彈出視窗: Unfortunately, you cannot have Hyper-V running and use the emulator. Here is what you can do: 1) Start a command prompt
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1、檢查\app\src\main\AndroidMainfest.xml中是否有testOnly屬性為true,如果有去掉或者改為false 2、檢查Android Studio和gradle版本是否
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android studio 啟動報錯
這幾天一直在用android studio 開發專案,專案關閉重新開啟android studio 時遇到問題: Internal error. Please report to
mac 電腦的android studio 啟動的時候報錯
Error:(1, 0) The android gradle plugin version 2.4.0-alpha7 is too old, please update to the latest version. To override this check from