1. 程式人生 > >[Paper note] Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification

[Paper note] Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification

  • Author: Rahul Rama Varior, NTU Singapore; Mrinal Haloi, Nanyang technological Universi; Gang Wang
  • Picutre of the model



  1. Architecture of baseline siamese network for person re-id.
  2. Matching gate between convolutional blocks.

Matching gate (MG) structure

  • Feature summarization
    • Aggregates the local feature along a horizontal stripe.
    • Deal with problem of changed view point (view point change in re-id typically in the horizontal direction, same parts are very likely to be along the same horizontal region).
    • Equation and dimention:
      equation; equation
      where equation is the equation
      row of feature map. equation (maybe equation) and equation (maybe equation).
  • Feature similarity
    • Euclidean distance of equation and equation
      where equation
    • equation decides the variance of the Gaussian function, learnable, should set a higher initial value.
  • Filtering and boosting the features
    • Repeat equation c times horizontally to obtain equation.
    • Add filtered feature to original feature.

    • Perform L2 normalization across channels after this


  • Dataset: Market-1501, CUHK-03, VIPeR.
  • Baseline S-CNN outperform most CNN approaches. With MG gaining further improvement.
  • Visualization of gate. Low gate activation means low similarity.