1. 程式人生 > >How to attach to running target w/o reset from Linux JLinkGDBServer

How to attach to running target w/o reset from Linux JLinkGDBServer


I am trying to work through the process of gdb + JLinkGDBServer attaching to a running device without invoking a reset on the device.
Some environmental info:
Ubuntu 11.04 Linux,
arm-none-eabi-gdb V7.4.40,
JLinkGDBServer V4.58 (JTAG, not SWD)
target system is STM32L151 Cortex-M3

I have tried starting JLinkGDBServer with the -noreset option but it appears not to work, at least on ubuntu linux.
The target get a reset regardless of the -noreset option.

Note: I have tried this with OpenOCD built for JLink support and it works (e.g. no reset).
The significant difference is that OpenOCD, by default, does not do any resets at connect time, where as JLinkGDBServer (per docs) does a reset unless the -noreset option is specified.
Most of developers in our shop use JLinkGDBServer, so I would prefer staying with JLinkGDBServer rather that trying to get them switched to OpenOCD.

Can someone give detailed directions as to how (in particular from Linux) to attach to a running
Cortex-M3 system?
It would be much appreciated.
