阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-05
c++客戶端 eth類似getch有許多引數
Usage eth [OPTIONS]
Wallet usage:
account list List all keys available in wallet.
account new Create a new key and add it to the wallet.
account update [<uuid>|<address> , ... ] Decrypt and re-encrypt given keys.
account import [<uuid>|<file>|<secret-hex>] Import keys from given source and place in wallet.
wallet import <file> Import a presale wallet.
Client mode (default):
--mainnet Use the main network protocol.
--ropsten Use the Ropsten testnet.
--private <name> Use a private chain.
--test Testing mode: Disable PoW and provide test rpc interface.
--config <file> Configure specialised blockchain using given JSON information.
--genesis <file> Set genesis JSON file.
-o [ --mode ] <full/peer> Start a full node or a peer node (default: full).
--ipc Enable IPC server (default: on).
--ipcpath <path> Set .ipc socket path (default: data directory)
--no-ipc Disable IPC server.
--admin <password> Specify admin session key for JSON-RPC (default: auto-generated and printed at start-up).
-K [ --kill ] Kill the blockchain first.
-R [ --rebuild ] Rebuild the blockchain from the existing database.
--rescue Attempt to rescue a corrupt database.
--import-presale <file> Import a pre-sale key; you'll need to specify the password to this key.
-s [ --import-secret ] <secret> Import a secret key into the key store.
-S [ --import-session-secret ] <secret> Import a secret session into the key store.
--master <password> Give the master password for the key store. Use --master "" to show a prompt.
--password <password> Give a password for a private key.
Client transacting:
--ask <wei> Set the minimum ask gas price under which no transaction will be mined
(default 20000000000).
--bid <wei> Set the bid gas price to pay for transactions
(default 20000000000).
--unsafe-transactions Allow all transactions to proceed without verification. EXTREMELY UNSAFE.
Client mining:
-a [ --address ] <addr> Set the author (mining payout) address to given address (default: auto).
-m [ --mining ] <on/off/number> Enable mining, optionally for a specified number of blocks (default: off).
--extra-data arg Set extra data for the sealed blocks.
Client networking:
-b [ --bootstrap ] Connect to the default Ethereum peer servers (default unless --no-discovery used).
--no-bootstrap Do not connect to the default Ethereum peer servers (default only when --no-discovery is used).
-x [ --peers ] <number> Attempt to connect to a given number of peers (default: 11).
--peer-stretch <number> Give the accepted connection multiplier (default: 7).
--public-ip <ip> Force advertised public IP to the given IP (default: auto).
--listen-ip <ip>(:<port>) Listen on the given IP for incoming connections (default:
--listen <port> Listen on the given port for incoming connections (default: 30303).
-r [ --remote ] <host>(:<port>) Connect to the given remote host (default: none).
--port <port> Connect to the given remote port (default: 30303).
--network-id <n> Only connect to other hosts with this network id.
--peerset <list> Space delimited list of peers; element format: type:[email protected][:port].
default Attempt connection when no other peers are available and pinning is disabled.
required Keep connected at all times.
--no-discovery Disable node discovery, implies --no-bootstrap.
--pin Only accept or connect to trusted peers.
Work farming mode:
--no-precompute Don't precompute the next epoch's DAG.
Ethash verify mode:
-w,--check-pow <headerHash> <seedHash> <difficulty> <nonce> Check PoW credentials for validity.
Benchmarking mode:
-M,--benchmark Benchmark for mining and exit; use with --cpu and --opencl.
--benchmark-warmup <seconds> Set the duration of warmup for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trial <seconds> Set the duration for each trial for the benchmark tests (default: 3).
--benchmark-trials <n> Set the number of trials for the benchmark tests (default: 5).
DAG creation mode:
-D,--create-dag <number> Create the DAG in preparation for mining on given block and exit.
Mining configuration:
-C,--cpu When mining, use the CPU.
-t, --mining-threads <n> Limit number of CPU/GPU miners to n (default: use everything available on selected platform)
--current-block Let the miner know the current block number at configuration time. Will help determine DAG size and required GPU memory.
--disable-submit-hashrate When mining, don't submit hashrate to node.
Import/export modes:
-I [ --import ] <file> Import blocks from file.
-E [ --export ] <file> Export blocks to file.
--from <n> Export only from block n; n may be a decimal, a '0x' prefixed hash, or 'latest'.
--to <n> Export only to block n (inclusive); n may be a decimal, a '0x' prefixed hash, or 'latest'.
--only <n> Equivalent to --export-from n --export-to n.
--format <binary/hex/human> Set export format.
--dont-check Prevent checking some block aspects. Faster importing, but to apply only when the data is known to be valid.
--download-snapshot <path> Download Parity Warp Sync snapshot data to the specified path.
--import-snapshot <path> Import blockchain and state data from the Parity Warp Sync snapshot.
General Options:
-d [ --db-path ] <path> Load database from path
(default: C:\Users\wangbing\AppData\Roaming\Ethereum).
-v [ --verbosity ] <0 - 9> Set the log verbosity from 0 to 9 (default: 8).
-V [ --version ] Show the version and exit.
-h [ --help ] Show this help message and exit.