1. 程式人生 > >JS線上編輯器


  1.  2 soEditor v 2.5 lite

    官方: 下載: 可 以下載的是lite版, 目前還沒找到pro版的. 可以支援ASP,Coldfusion,ASP.NET. 介面做的很整潔,但沒有檔案管理,最大的問題是對於直接從其他處複製來的圖片不會做自動修正.當然這個也仁者見仁了. soEditor 2.5 is an extremely powerful browser-based WYSIWYG content authoring tool

    designed specifically for dynamic web applications. This customizable editor allows

    developers to make it possible for anyone to create, edit and maintain web content

    without the need for HTML knowledge or programming expertise.

  2. It is the code that is generated by the formVista FVML <htmleditor> tag during rendering. Xinha itself is a fork of the original HTMLArea component created by Mihai Bazon and

    sponsored by Interactivetools. AreaEdit maintains the original HTMLArea (modified BSD)

    license and is free to use. While it is designed to work within formVista without modification, AreaEdit does not

    requre formVista. It is a fully functional editor component supporting a number of

    plugins and can as easily be used as a standalone editor component for any PHP web

    application. The primary difference between AreaEdit and Xinha is one of focus. The Xinha project

    aims to be a rapidly developing feature-filled editor with many plugins. By contrast, AreaEdit takes a slower minimalists approach. It aims first and foremost

    to be functional and maintainable. The feature set we are focusing on is targeted

    squarely at the serious non-technical business user. Business users don&apos;t care

    about the nuances of HTML <br> and <p> tags, they just want the editor to work as

    they would expect. If your audience is primarly composed to developers or those familar with HTML, you

     should take a look at Xinha. AreaEdit is known to work with MSIE 5.5 or later and any modern Gecko based

    browsers. (FireFox, Mozilla).

  3.  KTML.Pro.v3.5.6-SPK100 下載: 警告: 本程式是商業程式,僅供網友研究學習,請在下載後24小時內刪除. 對於由此產生的法律問題概不負責. 有著類似dw一樣的屬性欄,這個是pro版,提供了lite版沒有的對錶格的屬性編輯等功能,


  4.  網頁線上編輯器 mEditor ASP 中文版 v2.0 下載: 運 行環境支援: 作業系統支援: Windows 2000 系列 / Window Xp 系列 / Window 2003 系列網路伺服器支援: Asp 版本要求安裝IIS 5.0版本或更高版本 瀏覽器支援: 正常執行在IE5.5以上版本,部分特殊功能要求IE版本升級到6.0以才能使用 >>> 在網路伺服器設定完成後,執行index.asp進行樣式管理. >>> 建議將mEditor放在專案的根目錄. 注意事項 有關無元件上傳類 v2.0 升級事項 1.修正核心部分字元編碼的問題. 2.增強系統執行的健壯性與穩定性. 3.增加了"模式按鈕"欄式管理,可隨意啟用/取消模式按鈕. 4.在編輯器的樣式上進行了整體的修改. 5.增加了編輯器的縮放功能,僅適用於IE5.5以上版本. 6.增加了"搜尋替換"功能(快捷鍵CTRL+R),僅適用於IE5.5以上版本. 7.將部分功能移植到"程式碼模式"使用,如:"全選","刪除","複製"..... 8.增加快捷鍵CTRL+1(預覽模式),CTRL+2(程式碼模式),CTRL+3(檢視模式),CTRL+R(查詢替換). 

  5. InnovaStudio WYSIWYG Editor v2.3 警告: 本程式是商業程式,僅供網友研究學習,請在下載後24小時內刪除. 對於由此產生的法律問題概不負責. 介面做的很是精細, 功能極強大,非常優秀之作,強烈推薦下載  

  6.  CuteEditor for ASP Enterprise License 警告: 本程式是商業程式,僅供網友研究學習,請在下載後24小時內刪除. 對於由此產生的法律問題概不負責. Cuteditor 我曾研究過,不虧為成熟的商業作品,各方面做的都很規範,功能強大,也提供簡體中文語言包,