阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-05
#如果存在 UpdateDataByColumnType 儲存過程則刪除 UpdateDataByColumnType 儲存過程 drop procedure if exists UpdateDataByColumnType; #如果存在 tmpTable 臨時表則刪除 UpdateDataByColumnType 臨時表 DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmpTable; #建立 UpdateDataByColumnType 儲存過程 create procedure UpdateDataByColumnType(db char(20)) begin #申明變數 DECLARE tntmp VARCHAR(100); DECLARE tctmp VARCHAR(100); DECLARE indexx int; #建立臨時表 create table tmpTable (tablename VARCHAR(1000),columnsname VARCHAR(1000),flag int); #清空臨時表 truncate TABLE tmpTable; #將需要清空的表插入到臨時表 INSERT INTO tmpTable(tablename ,columnsname, flag ) (SELECT a.TABLE_NAME,a.COLUMN_NAME,0 as flag FROM information_schema.COLUMNS as a left JOIN information_schema.TABLES as b on a.TABLE_NAME = b.TABLE_NAME and a.TABLE_SCHEMA = b.TABLE_SCHEMA WHERE a.table_schema = db and a.DATA_TYPE in ('datetime','timestamp') and b.TABLE_TYPE ="BASE TABLE"); #迴圈獲取所有的表明以及刪除狀態 SELECT tablename,columnsname into tntmp,tctmp FROM tmpTable WHERE flag = 0 limit 1; WHILE tntmp <> '' and tctmp <> '' DO #拼寫刪除語句 set @sqlText := concat("update ",tntmp," set ",tctmp ,"='1990-01-01 00:00:00' where ",tctmp," is NULL;"); prepare stmt from @sqlText; #執行語句 execute stmt; #釋放刪除語句 deallocate prepare stmt; #更新表狀態 UPDATE tmpTable SET flag=1 WHERE tablename = tntmp and columnsname = tctmp; set tntmp = ""; set tctmp = ""; #選擇一下條語句 SELECT tablename,columnsname into tntmp,tctmp FROM tmpTable WHERE flag = 0 limit 1; END WHILE; end; call UpdateDataByColumnType("hb_dyrmyy"); #如果存在 UpdateDataByColumnType 儲存過程則刪除 UpdateDataByColumnType 儲存過程 drop procedure if exists UpdateDataByColumnType; #如果存在 tmpTable 臨時表則刪除 UpdateDataByColumnType 臨時表 DROP TABLE if EXISTS tmpTable;