1. 程式人生 > >javaIO(4):Reader,InputStreamReader和FileReader原始碼分析






package java.io;

 * 用於讀取字元流的抽象類。
 * 子類必須實現的方法只有 read(char[], int, int) 和 close()。
 * 但是,多數子類將重寫此處定義的一些方法,以提供更高的效率和/或其他功能。
public abstract class Reader implements Readable
, Closeable {
/** * 鎖物件 */ protected Object lock; /** * 構造方法1,使用本類型別"鎖物件" */ protected Reader() { this.lock = this; } /** * 構造方法2,使用指定型別的"鎖物件" */ protected Reader(Object lock) { if (lock == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this
.lock = lock; } /** * 試圖將字元讀入指定的字元緩衝區。 */ public int read(java.nio.CharBuffer target) throws IOException { int len = target.remaining(); char[] cbuf = new char[len]; int n = read(cbuf, 0, len); if (n > 0) target.put(cbuf, 0, n); return
n; } /** * 讀取單個字元。 */ public int read() throws IOException { char cb[] = new char[1]; if (read(cb, 0, 1) == -1) return -1; else return cb[0]; } /** * 將字元讀入陣列。 */ public int read(char cbuf[]) throws IOException { return read(cbuf, 0, cbuf.length); } /** * 將字元讀入陣列的某一部分。子類需實現該方法 */ abstract public int read(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException; /** Maximum skip-buffer size */ private static final int maxSkipBufferSize = 8192; /** Skip buffer, null until allocated */ private char skipBuffer[] = null; /** * 跳過字元。 */ public long skip(long n) throws IOException { if (n < 0L) throw new IllegalArgumentException("skip value is negative"); int nn = (int) Math.min(n, maxSkipBufferSize); synchronized (lock) { if ((skipBuffer == null) || (skipBuffer.length < nn)) skipBuffer = new char[nn]; long r = n; while (r > 0) { int nc = read(skipBuffer, 0, (int)Math.min(r, nn)); if (nc == -1) break; r -= nc; } return n - r; } } /** * 判斷是否準備讀取此流。 */ public boolean ready() throws IOException { return false; } /** * 判斷此流是否支援 mark() 操作。 */ public boolean markSupported() { return false; } /** * 標記流中的當前位置。 */ public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException { throw new IOException("mark() not supported"); } /** * 重置該流。如果已標記該流,則嘗試在該標記處重新定位該流。 */ public void reset() throws IOException { throw new IOException("reset() not supported"); } /** * 關閉該流並釋放與之關聯的所有資源。 */ abstract public void close() throws IOException; }


package java.io;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder;

 * InputStreamReader 是位元組流通向字元流的橋樑
 * 它使用指定的 charset 讀取位元組並將其解碼為字元。
 * 它使用的字符集可以由名稱指定或顯式給定,或者可以接受平臺預設的字符集。
 * 每次呼叫 InputStreamReader 中的一個 read() 方法都會導致從底層輸入流讀取一個或多個位元組。
 * 要啟用從位元組到字元的有效轉換,可以提前從底層流讀取更多的位元組,使其超過滿足當前讀取操作所需的位元組。 
 * 為了達到最高效率,可要考慮在 BufferedReader 內包裝 InputStreamReader,如:
 * BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

public class InputStreamReader extends Reader {

     * 從位元組到字元的解碼過程嚴重依賴StreamDecoder類及其方法,通篇都在使用這個類。
    private final StreamDecoder sd; 

     * 構造方法1,建立一個使用預設字符集的 InputStreamReader。 
    public InputStreamReader(InputStream in) {
        try {
            sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, (String)null); // ## check lock object
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // The default encoding should always be available
            throw new Error(e);

     * 構造方法2,建立使用指定字符集的 InputStreamReader。 
    public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String charsetName)
        throws UnsupportedEncodingException
        if (charsetName == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("charsetName");
        sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, charsetName);

     * 構造方法3,建立使用給定字符集的 InputStreamReader。
    public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, Charset cs) {
        if (cs == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("charset");
        sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, cs);

     * 構造方法4,建立使用給定字符集解碼器的 InputStreamReader。
    public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, CharsetDecoder dec) {
        if (dec == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("charset decoder");
        sd = StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader(in, this, dec);

     * 返回此流使用的字元編碼的名稱。 
    public String getEncoding() {
        return sd.getEncoding();

     * 讀取單個字元。 
    public int read() throws IOException {
        return sd.read();

     * 將字元讀入陣列中的某一部分。 
    public int read(char cbuf[], int offset, int length) throws IOException {
        return sd.read(cbuf, offset, length);

     * 判斷此流是否已經準備好用於讀取。
    public boolean ready() throws IOException {
        return sd.ready();

     * 關閉該流並釋放與之關聯的所有資源。
    public void close() throws IOException {



package java.io;
 * 用來讀取字元檔案的便捷類。
 * 此類的構造方法假定預設字元編碼和預設位元組緩衝區大小都是適當的。
 * 要自己指定這些值,可以先在 FileInputStream 上構造一個 InputStreamReader。
 * FileReader 用於讀取字元流。要讀取原始位元組流,請考慮使用 FileInputStream。 
public class FileReader extends InputStreamReader {

    * 構造方法1,在給定從中讀取資料的檔名的情況下建立一個新 FileReader。
    public FileReader(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
        super(new FileInputStream(fileName));

    * 構造方法2,在給定從中讀取資料的 File 的情況下建立一個新 FileReader。 
    public FileReader(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {
        super(new FileInputStream(file));

    * 構造方法3,在給定從中讀取資料的 FileDescriptor 的情況下建立一個新 FileReader。 
    public FileReader(FileDescriptor fd) {
        super(new FileInputStream(fd));
    // 方法全部呼叫父類的方法



package java.io;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import java.util.stream.StreamSupport;

 * 從字元輸入流中讀取文字,緩衝各個字元,從而實現字元、陣列和行的高效讀取。 
 * 可以指定緩衝區的大小,或者可使用預設的大小。
 * 通常,Reader 所作的每個讀取請求都會導致對底層字元或位元組流進行相應的讀取請求。
 * 建議用 BufferedReader包裝所有其read操作可能開銷很高的Reader,如FileReader和 InputStreamReader)。
 * 例如,BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("foo.in"));

public class BufferedReader extends Reader {

    private Reader in; // 持有父類物件,用於包裝其子類方法

    private char cb[]; // buffer
    private int nChars, nextChar;

    private static final int INVALIDATED = -2;
    private static final int UNMARKED = -1;
    private int markedChar = UNMARKED;
    private int readAheadLimit = 0; /* Valid only when markedChar > 0 */

    /** If the next character is a line feed, skip it */
    private boolean skipLF = false;

    /** The skipLF flag when the mark was set */
    private boolean markedSkipLF = false;

    private static int defaultCharBufferSize = 8192;  // 預設buffer大小
    private static int defaultExpectedLineLength = 80;

     * 建立一個使用指定大小輸入緩衝區的緩衝字元輸入流。
    public BufferedReader(Reader in, int sz) {
        if (sz <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Buffer size <= 0");
        this.in = in;
        cb = new char[sz];
        nextChar = nChars = 0;

     * 建立一個使用預設大小輸入緩衝區的緩衝字元輸入流。
    public BufferedReader(Reader in) {
        this(in, defaultCharBufferSize);

    /** 檢查流是否開啟 */
    private void ensureOpen() throws IOException {
        if (in == null)
            throw new IOException("Stream closed");

     * fill方法用於向buffer中寫入字元。
    private void fill() throws IOException {
        int dst;
        if (markedChar <= UNMARKED) {
            /* No mark */
            dst = 0;
        } else {
            /* Marked */
            int delta = nextChar - markedChar;
            if (delta >= readAheadLimit) {
                /* Gone past read-ahead limit: Invalidate mark */
                markedChar = INVALIDATED;
                readAheadLimit = 0;
                dst = 0;
            } else {
                if (readAheadLimit <= cb.length) {
                    /* Shuffle in the current buffer */
                    System.arraycopy(cb, markedChar, cb, 0, delta);
                    markedChar = 0;
                    dst = delta;
                } else {
                    /* Reallocate buffer to accommodate read-ahead limit */
                    char ncb[] = new char[readAheadLimit];
                    System.arraycopy(cb, markedChar, ncb, 0, delta);
                    cb = ncb;
                    markedChar = 0;
                    dst = delta;
                nextChar = nChars = delta;

        int n;
        do {
            n = in.read(cb, dst, cb.length - dst);
        } while (n == 0);
        if (n > 0) {
            nChars = dst + n;
            nextChar = dst;

     * 讀取單個字元。
     * 底層呼叫的是Reader子型別的read方法,本類read方法對其進行了"緩衝區裝飾"。
    public int read() throws IOException {
        synchronized (lock) {
            for (;;) {
                if (nextChar >= nChars) {
                    if (nextChar >= nChars)
                        return -1;
                if (skipLF) {
                    skipLF = false;
                    if (cb[nextChar] == '\n') {
                return cb[nextChar++];

     * 讀取部分字元陣列,私有方法,供本類其他方法呼叫。
    private int read1(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        if (nextChar >= nChars) {
            /* If the requested length is at least as large as the buffer, and
               if there is no mark/reset activity, and if line feeds are not
               being skipped, do not bother to copy the characters into the
               local buffer.  In this way buffered streams will cascade
               harmlessly. */
            if (len >= cb.length && markedChar <= UNMARKED && !skipLF) {
                return in.read(cbuf, off, len);
        if (nextChar >= nChars) return -1;
        if (skipLF) {
            skipLF = false;
            if (cb[nextChar] == '\n') {
                if (nextChar >= nChars)
                if (nextChar >= nChars)
                    return -1;
        int n = Math.min(len, nChars - nextChar);
        System.arraycopy(cb, nextChar, cbuf, off, n);
        nextChar += n;
        return n;

     * 將字元讀入陣列的某一部分。
     * 它將通過重複地呼叫底層流的 read 方法,嘗試讀取儘可能多的字元。也是對老read方法進行了"裝飾"。
    public int read(char cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException {
        synchronized (lock) {
            if ((off < 0) || (off > cbuf.length) || (len < 0) ||
                ((off + len) > cbuf.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
            } else if (len == 0) {
                return 0;

            int n = read1(cbuf, off, len);
            if (n <= 0) return n;
            while ((n < len) && in.ready()) {
                int n1 = read1(cbuf, off + n, len - n);
                if (n1 <= 0) break;
                n += n1;
            return n;

     * 讀取一個文字行。內部方法,供其他方法呼叫。
     * 通過下列字元之一即可認為某行已終止:換行 ('\n')、回車 ('\r') 或回車後直接跟著換行。
    String readLine(boolean ignoreLF) throws IOException {
        StringBuffer s = null;
        int startChar;

        synchronized (lock) {
            boolean omitLF = ignoreLF || skipLF;

            for (;;) {

                if (nextChar >= nChars)
                if (nextChar >= nChars) { /* EOF */
                    if (s != null && s.length() > 0)
                        return s.toString();
                        return null;
                boolean eol = false;
                char c = 0;
                int i;

                /* Skip a leftover '\n', if necessary */
                if (omitLF && (cb[nextChar] == '\n'))
                skipLF = false;
                omitLF = false;

                for (i = nextChar; i < nChars; i++) {
                    c = cb[i];
                    if ((c == '\n') || (c == '\r')) {
                        eol = true;
                        break charLoop;

                startChar = nextChar;
                nextChar = i;

                if (eol) {
                    String str;
                    if (s == null) {
                        str = new String(cb, startChar, i - startChar);
                    } else {
                        s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar);
                        str = s.toString();
                    if (c == '\r') {
                        skipLF = true;
                    return str;

                if (s == null)
                    s = new StringBuffer(defaultExpectedLineLength);
                s.append(cb, startChar, i - startChar);

     * 讀一行,呼叫上面的方法。
    public String readLine() throws IOException {
        return readLine(false);

     * 跳過字元。 
    public long skip(long n) throws IOException {
        if (n < 0L) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("skip value is negative");
        synchronized (lock) {
            long r = n;
            while (r > 0) {
                if (nextChar >= nChars)
                if (nextChar >= nChars) /* EOF */
                if (skipLF) {
                    skipLF = false;
                    if (cb[nextChar] == '\n') {
                long d = nChars - nextChar;
                if (r <= d) {
                    nextChar += r;
                    r = 0;
                else {
                    r -= d;
                    nextChar = nChars;
            return n - r;

     * 判斷此流是否已準備好被讀取。
    public boolean ready() throws IOException {
        synchronized (lock) {

             * If newline needs to be skipped and the next char to be read
             * is a newline character, then just skip it right away.
            if (skipLF) {
                /* Note that in.ready() will return true if and only if the next
                 * read on the stream will not block.
                if (nextChar >= nChars && in.ready()) {
                if (nextChar < nChars) {
                    if (cb[nextChar] == '\n')
                    skipLF = false;
            return (nextChar < nChars) || in.ready();

     * 判斷此流是否支援 mark() 操作(它一定支援)。 
    public boolean markSupported() {
        return true;

     * 標記流中的當前位置。對 reset() 的後續呼叫將嘗試將該流重新定位到此點。 
    public void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException {
        if (readAheadLimit < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Read-ahead limit < 0");
        synchronized (lock) {
            this.readAheadLimit = readAheadLimit;
            markedChar = nextChar;
            markedSkipLF = skipLF;

     * 將流重置到最新的標記。 
    public void reset() throws IOException {
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (markedChar < 0)
                throw new IOException((markedChar == INVALIDATED)
                                      ? "Mark invalid"
                                      : "Stream not marked");
            nextChar = markedChar;
            skipLF = markedSkipLF;

     * 關閉該流並釋放與之關聯的所有資源。 
    public void close() throws IOException {
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (in == null)
            try {
            } finally {
                in = null;
                cb = null;

     * 返回一個流集合,裡面包含的是讀取到的行
    public Stream<String> lines() {
        Iterator<String> iter = new Iterator<String>() {
            String nextLine = null;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                if (nextLine != null) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    try {
                        nextLine = readLine();
                        return (nextLine != null);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

            public String next() {
                if (nextLine != null || hasNext()) {
                    String line = nextLine;
                    nextLine = null;
                    return line;
                } else {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return StreamSupport.stream(Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(
                iter, Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL), false);

