530 A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl)
如果163郵箱作為發信郵箱,在測試時,發現發郵件報錯535 Error:authentication failed.
530 A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl)
原因主要是qq郵箱的黑名單制度,通過網站傳送來的郵件會被認為不安全,解決辦法為 登入qq郵箱,進入郵箱首頁,點選最下面的自助查詢,收信查詢,刪除黑名單 ================= 如果163郵箱作為發信郵箱,在測試時,發現發郵件報錯535 Error
使用javamail報出:530 Error: A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl). More information at http://se
2、使用javamail報出530 Error: A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl). More information at http://service.mail.qq 這個原因還容易找一些,直接跳到了自己傳送郵件的郵
A secure connection is requiered(such as ssl). More information at http://service.mail.qq.com/cgi-bi
span QQ class inf orm socket SM secure tor javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: 530 Error: A secure connection is requiered(such as
javax.mail.AhenticationFailedException: 535 Err / A secure connection is requiered(java發郵件)
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[Vue warn]: The data property "isLogin" is already declared as a prop
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[Vue warn]: The data property "orderId" is already declared as a prop.Use prop default value instead
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image 默認 conn ng- 事情 學習 false OS cti 題外話,很少在網上公開寫東西,不是沒有分享精神,只是害怕自己也是略懂會誤導其他人,所以每次解決完問題都是在印象筆記上記錄,只供自己方便查閱。上一次寫還是2016年的事情,轉眼已經到了2018年了,我也