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function addFavorite()
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<body id="htmlbody" style="margin:auto; background:url(/data/skins/chinese/images/subg.jpg); ">

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<p style="font-size:13px;margin-top: 20px; color:#c60617; height:30px; line-height:30px;">歡迎來到中國曲藝網!</p>
<p style="font-size:13px; color:#c60617; height:30px; line-height:30px;"><a href="user.php" style="color:#c60617;text-decoration: none;" target="_blank">[會員登陸]</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a style="color:#c60617;text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer;" href="javascript:addFavorite();">新增收藏</a> </p>
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<div class="menu01">$menu</div>
<div class="search">$search</div>
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     <ul id="tiles">
       <!-- These is where we place content loaded from the Wookmark API -->

     <div id="loader">
       <div id="loaderCircle"></div>




 <!-- include jQuery -->
 <script src="/data/skins/chinese/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>

 <!-- Include the plug-in -->
 <script src="/data/skins/chinese/jquery.wookmark.js"></script>

 <!-- Once the page is loaded, initalize the plug-in. -->
 <script type="text/javascript">
   var handler = null;
   var page = 1;
   var isLoading = false;
   var apiURL = '/jsonphoto.php?action=page'

   // Prepare layout options.
   var options = {
     autoResize: true, // This will auto-update the layout when the browser window is resized.
     container: $('#tiles'), // Optional, used for some extra CSS styling
     offset: 2, // Optional, the distance between grid items
     itemWidth: 260 // Optional, the width of a grid item

    * When scrolled all the way to the bottom, add more tiles.
   function onScroll(event) {
     // Only check when we're not still waiting for data.
     if(!isLoading) {
       // Check if we're within 100 pixels of the bottom edge of the broser window.
       var closeToBottom = ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 100);
       if(closeToBottom) {

    * Refreshes the layout.
   function applyLayout() {
     // Create a new layout handler.
     handler = $('#tiles li');

    * Loads data from the API.
   function loadData() {
     isLoading = true;

       url: apiURL,
       dataType: 'json',
       data: {page: page}, // Page parameter to make sure we load new data
       success: onLoadData

    * Receives data from the API, creates HTML for images and updates the layout
   function onLoadData(data) {
     isLoading = false;
   return false;
     // Increment page index for future calls.

     // Create HTML for the images.
     var html = '';
     var i=0, length=data.length, image;
     for(; i<length; i++) {
       image = data[i];
       html += '<li>';

       // Image tag (preview in Wookmark are 200px wide, so we calculate the height based on that).
       html += '<a href="'+image.url+'">'+'<img src="'+image.preview+'" width="200" height="'+Math.round(image.height/image.width*200)+'">'+'</a>';

       // Image title.
       html += '<p>'+image.title+'</p>';

       html += '</li>';

     // Add image HTML to the page.

     // Apply layout.

   $(document).ready(new function() {

 // Capture scroll event.
     $(document).bind('scroll', onScroll);

     // Load first data from the API.
   function  show(i)

function visiable(i)


function search()
var  keyword=$("#sear_word").val();


                 <!--[info]lang=chinese|temp=chinese|classid=0|show=advanced|module=photo|scriptsid=|substr=30|numperpage=20|morelink=0|color=|classname=0|showtime=0|row=4|images=none|action=new|shownum=2|child=2|type=1|max=10|showwidth=237|showheight=339|remotedomain=|user=|keyword=|manufacturer=|listby=id|date=1392800860[/info] -->       

</div><!-- end of table -->


$site_engine_root = dirname(__FILE__ ? __FILE__ : getenv('SCRIPT_FILENAME')).'/';

require_once $site_engine_root.'header.php';
$action = isset($_GET['action'])? $_GET['action']:(isset($_POST['action'])? $_POST['action']:'');
$page = isset($_GET['page'])? $_GET['page']:(isset($_POST['page'])? $_POST['page']:'0');

$sql="select id,title,photo,resolution from {$tablepre}photo where moderate=1 and classid=1   order by id desc limit $paged,$pagenum";


echo 1;exit;

foreach($querysql as $key => $value)
echo json_encode($photoarr);
