1. 程式人生 > >PostgreSql 使用postgis 儲存地理空間資訊操作以及jsonb操作示例

PostgreSql 使用postgis 儲存地理空間資訊操作以及jsonb操作示例

PostgreSql 使用postgis 儲存地理空間資訊操作示例

1.postgresql9.4 版本
2.請先安裝postgis和postgis_topology 外掛
4.9.5+以解決加入了|| 和jsonb_set 等操作符和函式

    OWNER = postgres

-- Extension: postgis
-- DROP EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis; -- Extension: postgis_topology -- DROP EXTENSION postgis_topology; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology; #建立表 -- Table: public.poi_test -- DROP TABLE public.poi_test; CREATE TABLE public.poi_test ( id bigserial NOT NULL, --自增加id name character
varying(50), --動串 location geometry, --地理資訊點格式 extinfo jsonb, --其它資訊 createtime timestamp without time zone, --時間戳 PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS = FALSE );
ALTER TABLE public.poi_test OWNER to
#建立geo索引 CREATE INDEX poi_test_location_index ON public.poi_test USING gist (location); #建立jsonb索引 CREATE INDEX public_poi_test_index_extinfo ON public.poi_test USING GIN (extinfo); #插入表 INSERT INTO public.poi_test ( name, location,extinfo,createtime ) VALUES ( '馬泉營B口',GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510431 40.040612)'),'{"type":"地鐵"}',current_timestamp); INSERT INTO public.poi_test ( name, location,extinfo,createtime ) VALUES ( '漢堡啤酒餐廳',GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.511791 40.040477)'), '{"type":"飯店","ali_type":"餐廳"}',current_timestamp); INSERT INTO public.poi_test ( name, location,extinfo,createtime ) VALUES ( '馬泉營C口停車場',GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510691 40.039383)'), '{"type":"地鐵"}',current_timestamp); INSERT INTO public.poi_test ( name, location,extinfo,createtime ) VALUES ( '麗苑小區',GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.516844 40.041461)'), '{"type":"小區"}',current_timestamp); #9.4版以下,需要自定義jsonb更新函式 --start------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* * derivative work of Matheus de Oliveira's json_manipulator.sql * https://gist.github.com/matheusoliveira/9488951 * * adapted to support postgresql 9.4 jsonb type * no warranties or guarantees of any kind are implied or offered * * license is as Matheus conferred it on 4/9/2015: * matheusoliveira commented on Apr 9 * @hannes-landeholm, I'd like to take credit if you share them * (a link to this gist is more than enough), but I don't care * much about licensing, consider it public domain, modify and * use as you will. * https://gist.github.com/matheusoliveira/9488951 */ --jsonb插入追加 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_append(data jsonb, insert_data jsonb) RETURNS jsonb IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(insert_data) ) t; $$; --刪除 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_delete(data jsonb, keys text[]) RETURNS jsonb IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) WHERE key <> ALL(keys) ) t; $$; --合併 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_merge(data jsonb, merge_data jsonb) RETURNS jsonb IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( WITH to_merge AS ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(merge_data) ) SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) WHERE key NOT IN (SELECT key FROM to_merge) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM to_merge ) t; $$; --更新 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_update(data jsonb, update_data jsonb) RETURNS jsonb IMMUTABLE LANGUAGE sql AS $$ SELECT json_object_agg(key, value)::jsonb FROM ( WITH old_data AS ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(data) ), to_update AS ( SELECT * FROM jsonb_each(update_data) WHERE key IN (SELECT key FROM old_data) ) SELECT * FROM old_data WHERE key NOT IN (SELECT key FROM to_update) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM to_update ) t; $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_lint(from_json jsonb, ntab integer DEFAULT 0) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ SELECT (CASE substring(from_json::text FROM '(?m)^[\s]*(.)') /* Get first non-whitespace */ WHEN '[' THEN (E'[\n' || (SELECT string_agg(repeat(E'\t', ntab + 1) || jsonb_lint(value, ntab + 1)::text, E',\n') FROM jsonb_array_elements(from_json)) || E'\n' || repeat(E'\t', ntab) || ']') WHEN '{' THEN (E'{\n' || (SELECT string_agg(repeat(E'\t', ntab + 1) || to_json(key)::text || ': ' || jsonb_lint(value, ntab + 1)::text, E',\n') FROM jsonb_each(from_json)) || E'\n' || repeat(E'\t', ntab) || '}') ELSE from_json::text END)::jsonb $$; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.jsonb_unlint(from_json jsonb) RETURNS jsonb LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $$ SELECT (CASE substring(from_json::text FROM '(?m)^[\s]*(.)') /* Get first non-whitespace */ WHEN '[' THEN ('[' || (SELECT string_agg(jsonb_unlint(value)::text, ',') FROM jsonb_array_elements(from_json)) || ']') WHEN '{' THEN ('{' || (SELECT string_agg(to_json(key)::text || ':' || jsonb_unlint(value)::text, ',') FROM jsonb_each(from_json)) || '}') ELSE from_json::text END)::jsonb $$; --end------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #全量替換更新 update public.poi_test set location=GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510691 40.039383)') where name='馬泉營C口停車場'; update public.poi_test set extinfo='{"type":"飯店","ali_type":"餐廳"}'::jsonb where name='漢堡啤酒餐廳'; #字串替換更新 select replace(extinfo::text,'"type": "飯店"','"type":"飯店111"')::jsonb from public.poi_test ; update public.poi_test set extinfo=replace(extinfo::text,'"type": "飯店"','"type":"字串替換更新"')::jsonb where name='漢堡啤酒餐廳'; #使用自定義函式更新jsonb_update select jsonb_update('{"type":"飯店","ali_type":"餐廳"}'::jsonb,'{"type":"1111"}'::jsonb); update public.poi_test set extinfo=jsonb_update(extinfo::jsonb,'{"type":"自定義函式更新1"}'::jsonb) where name='漢堡啤酒餐廳'; update public.poi_test set extinfo='[{"type":"飯店","ali_type":"餐廳"}]'::jsonb where name='漢堡啤酒餐廳'; #jsonb_update select jsonb_append('{"type":"飯店2","ali_type":"餐廳2"}'::jsonb,'{"aaa":"aaaa"}'::jsonb); #jsonb_delete select jsonb_delete('{"type":"飯店2","ali_type":"餐廳2"}'::jsonb,array['type']); #jsonb_merge select jsonb_merge('{"type":"飯店2","ali_type":"餐廳2"}'::jsonb,'{"aaaa":"合併的"}'::jsonb); #查詢 select *,ST_AsText(location),extinfo::jsonb from public.poi_test where name like '馬泉%'; select *,ST_AsText(location) from public.poi_test where name = '麗苑小區'; select *,ST_AsText(location) from public.poi_test where extinfo @>'{"type":"地鐵"}'; select *,ST_AsText(location),extinfo->'type' as type from public.poi_test where extinfo @>'{"type":"地鐵"}'; #查詢500M內的地點,按近遠排序 select * ,ST_Distance(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510431 40.040612)'), location) km from public.poi_test where ST_Distance(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510431 40.040612)'), location)<0.005 order by km asc; select * ,ST_Distance(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510431 40.040612)'), location) km from public.poi_test where ST_Distance(GeomFromEWKT('SRID=4326;POINT(116.510431 40.040612)'), location)*1000<5 order by km asc;