阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-06
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//去除字串中含有的某字串:str = str.replace('give', '');
var str = 'Could you please give me a simple example of how to' ;
console.log("str=======前==" + str);//str=======前==Could you please give me a simple example of how to
//注意:此處不可寫作:str.replace('give', '');要寫作:str = str.replace('give', '');
// replace:返回新的字串,一定要重新接收,不然替換不了
str = str.replace('give', '');//去掉字元的位置不定,可能在字串中間,也可能在末尾
console.log("str.replace('give', '')==" + str.replace('give', ''));
//str.replace('give', '')==Could you please me a simple example of how to
console.log("str=======後==" + str);//str=======後==Could you please me a simple example of how to
var str = "hello world!";
var items = str.split("o");
var newStr = items.join("");//陣列轉成字串,元素是通過指定的分隔符進行分隔的。此時以空串分割:即直接連線
console.log("newStr=====" + newStr);// newStr=====hell wrld!