1. 程式人生 > >SQL增刪改查,迴圈,觸發器,儲存過程,以及sql語法



create database j1216
log on
create table tb_student
id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,
s_name varchar(20),
sex varchar(10),
age int
create table tb_sc
tno varchar(20) primary key not null,
grade int,
sno varchar(20) not null,
c_no int not null
create table tb_course
c_id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,
c_no int not null,
c_name varchar(50)
create table tb_depart
id int identity(1,1) primary key not null,
d_no int ,
d_name varchar(50)
create table tb_grade
g_no varchar(20) primary key not null,
s_no varchar(20) not null,
w_grade int,
l_grade int
create table OrderDetails
OrderD int primary key not null,
ProductD int,
UnitPrice money,
Quantity int
create table Products
ProductD int primary key not null,
UnetislnStock int
select * from  tb_student
select * from  tb_user
select * from OrderDetails;
select * from tb_sc;
drop table tb_sc
drop table tb_student_clone
drop table tb_student_clone2

create table tb_user
id int,
uname varchar(20)
 use j1216
alter table tb_student alter column s_name varchar(30)
alter table tb_student drop column age
alter table tb_student add  age int
alter table tb_student add tno varchar(20)
alter table tb_student add d_no int
exec sp_rename 'tb_student.s_name','sname','column'
----新增列語法:ALTER TABLE 表名 Add 列名 型別 ...
alter table tb_user add userid int not null identity(10,1);

------ 語法:   alter table 表名 add constraint 約束名 primary key (你的主鍵);  
alter table tb_user add constraint pk_tb_user primary key (userid);

----- 語法:alter table 表名 add constraint 約束名 foreign key (你的外來鍵) references (表名)(欄位名)
------ 指定表中的資料是否用新新增的或重新啟用的 FOREIGN KEY 或 CHECK 約束進行驗證。如果沒有指定,對於新約束,假定為 WITH CHECK,對於重新啟用的約束,假定為 WITH NOCHECK
alter table tb_student with check add constraint pk_tno
foreign key(tno) references tb_sc(tno)

alter table OrderDetails with nocheck add constraint pk_ProductD
foreign key(ProductD) references Products(ProductD)
insert into  tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('張三','男',21,'1203',15);
insert into  tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('歐陽鋒','男',120,'1208',63);
insert into  tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('歐陽亞雄','男',27,'1203',42);
insert into  tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('DB_i11','男',32,'1207',77);
insert into  tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('DB_ii1111','男',23,'1201',56);
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1201',85,'1',1000)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1202',80,'2',1001)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1203',77,'1',1000)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1204',65,'2',1001)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1205',45,'1',1000)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1206',98,'1',1000)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1207',78,'2',1001)
insert into tb_sc(tno,grade,sno,c_no) values('1208',86,'2',1001)
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1000,'java')
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1001,'c++')
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1002,'c#')
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1003,'.net')
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1004,'php')
insert into tb_course(c_no,c_name) values(1005,'android')
insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(1111,'計算機學院')
insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(2222,'管理學院')
insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(3333,'旅遊學院')
insert into tb_depart(d_no,d_name) values(4444,'烹飪學院')
insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(1,15)
insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(2,65)
insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(3,20)
insert into Products(ProductD,UnetislnStock) values(4,50)
insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10522,1,31.00,6)
insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10523,2,9.65,7)
insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10524,3,30.00,10)
insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10525,4,19.00,5)
declare @t int
declare @a int
declare @s int
   set @t=rand()*100
   set @a=rand()*100
   print @t;
   print @a;
   set @s=0
   print @s;
   if(@t>10 and @a>10)
             -----一般來講cast()適用範圍略廣,convert(),一般用於日期和字串之間進行轉換SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(10),CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,121) AS DATETIME
          insert into tb_grade(g_no, s_no, w_grade, l_grade) values('s27181'+cast(@s as varchar(2)),'s2530'+cast(@s as varchar(2)),@t,@a)
          set @t=rand()*100
          set @a=rand()*100
          set @
[email protected]
+1 end go select * from tb_grade; select * from tb_student; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --修改表中資訊 update tb_student set sex='女' where s_name like '%三' update tb_student set sex='男' where s_name like 'DB%' update tb_student set d_no=1111 where id<7 update tb_student set d_no=2222 where id<23 and id>=21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --刪除整張表的資訊 delete from tb_student delete from tb_student_clone delete from tb_student_clone2 delete from tb_sc delete from tb_grade delete from OrderDetails delete from Products --刪除部分資料 delete from tb_student where id=1 delete from tb_student where s_name like '歐陽%' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --查詢語句 select * from tb_student select * from tb_sc select * from tb_course select * from tb_grade select * from tb_student_clone select * from tb_student_clone2 select * from Products select * from OrderDetails --根據id降序查詢 select * from tb_student order by id desc --根據id升序查詢 select * from tb_student order by id asc --查詢所有年齡在20歲以下的學生的姓名及其年齡 select s_name,age from tb_student where age>20 --查詢年齡在20到25歲之間的學生的資訊 select * from tb_student where age>20 and age<25 select * from tb_student where age between 21 and 24 --查詢姓"歐陽"且全名只有3個字的學生的姓名 --- sql中like用法 : --- * 它同於DOS命令中的萬用字元,代表多個字元。 (如:c*c代表cc,cBc,cbc,cabdfec等) --- % 這種方法在很多程式中要用到,主要是查詢包含子串的。 (如:%c%代表agdcagd等) --- [*] 代替* (如:a[*]a代表a*a) --- ? 同於DOS命令中的?萬用字元,代表單個字元 (如:b?b代表brb,bFb等) --- # 大致同上,不同的是代只能代表單個數字。 (如:k#k代表k1k,k8k,k0k) --- _ 指定一個範圍中任意一個 (如:[a-z]代表a到z的26個字母中任意一個) --- [!字元] 它只代表單個字元 (如:[!a-z]代表9,0,%,*等) --- [!數字] 它只代表單個字元 (如:[!0-9]代表A,b,C,d等) --- 字元[範圍型別]字元 可以和其它幾種方式組合使用 (如:cc[!a-d]#代表ccF#等) select s_name from tb_student where s_name like '歐陽_' select s_name from tb_student where s_name like '歐陽%' and len(s_name)=3 --查詢"DB_"開頭,且倒數第三個字元為i的課程的詳細情況 --當記錄中有萬用字元時使用轉義\escape '\' select * from tb_student where s_name like 'DB\_%i__'escape '\' --查詢選修了3號課程的學生的學號及其成績,查詢結果按分數的降序排列 select sno,grade from tb_sc where sno=3 order by grade desc --查詢男女生各有多少人 select count(*)from tb_student where sex='男' union select count(*)from tb_student where sex='女' --按性別分組查詢 select sex as '性別',count(*) as '人數' from tb_student group by sex ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --把相同的欄位去掉 select distinct sex from tb_student --truncate 和delete,truncate 執行的速度比delete快 --刪除全部資料,保留表的結構 truncate table tb_course ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --T-SQL --迴圈想表中新增資料的SQL指令碼 declare @t int --宣告一個整型變數 declare @s char(2) --性別 set @t=0 --給整型變數賦值 while(@t<10) --迴圈 begin --迴圈體 if(@t%2!=0) set @s='男' else set @s='女' insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno) values('劉備'+cast(@t as varchar(2)),@s,
[email protected]
,cast(([email protected]) as varchar(30) )) set @[email protected]+1 end --迴圈修改表中的資料 declare @t int --宣告一個變數 declare @s int set @t=1197 --給整型變數賦值 set @s=31 while(@t<1204) --迴圈 begin --迴圈體 update tb_student set [email protected] where [email protected]
set @[email protected]+1 set @[email protected]+1 end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --複製表 select * into tb_student_clone from tb_student where 1=1 --複製表結構 select * into tb_student_clone2 from tb_student where 1=2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --分頁每頁顯示5條記錄 select top 5 * from tb_student select top 5 * from tb_student order by id asc --顯示第二頁 select top 5 * from tb_student where id not in(select top 5 id from tb_student) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --冒牌分頁 declare @t1 int --宣告一個整型變數 declare @pagecount int set @t1=0 --給整型變數賦值 set @pagecount=(cast((select count(*) as count from tb_student) as int)/5)+1; print @pagecount; while(@t1<(@pagecount)) --迴圈 begin --迴圈體 select top 5 * from tb_student where id not in(select top (5*@t1) id from tb_student) set @[email protected]+1 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --每頁顯示m條資料,查詢第n頁結果 declare @m int ---每頁顯示多少條資料 declare @n int --- set @m=5 set @n=(cast((select count(*) as count from tb_student) as int)/5)+1; print @n if (@n-1)>0 begin select top (@m) * from tb_student where id not in(select top (@m*(@n-1)) id from tb_student) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --求交集,可以直接用and select * from tb_student where sex='女' intersect select * from tb_student where age>35 --求並集 系統會自動將重複的元組去掉 select * from tb_student where sex='男' union select * from tb_student where age>21 ----求交集 系統保留重複元素組 select * from tb_student where sex='男' union all select * from tb_student where age>21 --求補集 select * from tb_student where sex='男' except select * from tb_student where age<30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --獲得當前增量的值 identity--系統變數 select @@identity as abc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --cast型別轉換函式 select cast('123' as int) select cast('2012-12-11' as datetime) select cast(CONVERT(varchar(800),GETDATE(),121) as datetime) --convert型別轉換函式 select convert(datetime, '2012-12-11') --獲取當前時間 select current_timestamp --獲取當前主機埠號和主機名 select host_id() as '主機埠號',host_name() as '主機名' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --字串的連線 select * from tb_student where s_name=('劉備'+'0') --當表中不存在此欄位時,系統會自動建立一個虛列欄位 select *,('abc'+'123') as a from tb_student select * from tb_student select * from tb_depart ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --多表查詢 select distinct * from tb_student as s,tb_course as c,tb_sc as sc where s.tno=sc.tno and c.c_no=sc.c_no --連線查詢 --內聯查詢 select a.*,b.d_name from tb_student a inner join tb_depart b on b.d_name='計算機學院' and a.d_no=b.d_no --左連查詢,以左邊表為基表,滿足條件的查詢出來,不滿足條件用null填充 select * from tb_student a left join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='計算機學院' --右連查詢,以右邊表為基表,滿足條件的查詢出來,不滿足條件用null填充 select * from tb_student a right join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='計算機學院' --巢狀查詢 select * from tb_depart as a where a.d_no in(select d_no from tb_student where s_name='張三') select * from tb_depart as a where a.d_no not in(select d_no from tb_student where s_name='張三') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --建立檢視 create view view_sc as select a.*,b.d_name from tb_student a right join tb_depart b on a.d_no=b.d_no and b.d_name='計算機學院' --查詢檢視 select * from view_sc a,tb_sc b where a.tno=b.tno --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --判斷資料庫是否存在,如果存在,就刪除它 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='j1216') drop database j1216 --判斷表在資料庫中是否存在,如果存在,就刪除它 if exists (select * from sysdatabases where name='tb_sc') drop table tb_sc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --定義變數儲存表中的記錄 declare @t2 int select @t2=count(*) from tb_student print @t2; --列印變數 ----print 直接返回一個值 ----select 返回一個帶有結構的值,比如說有列名 print @t2 select @t2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --全域性變數的使用 --列印SQL Server的版本 print 'SQL Server的版本: '[email protected]@VERSION --列印伺服器的名稱 print '伺服器的名稱: '[email protected]@SERVERNAME --向tb_student表中新增一行資料 INSERT INTO tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) VALUES('武松','男',23,'1205',63) --如果大於0表示上一條語句執行有錯誤 print '當前錯誤號: '+convert(varchar(5),@@ERROR) --列印剛在表中新增的資料的ID號 print '剛才報名的學員,座位號為:' +convert(varchar(5),@@IDENTITY ) --修改tb_student表中姓名為'李四'的學生的年齡 UPDATE tb_student SET age=85 WHERE s_name='李四' --如果大於0表示上一條語句執行有錯誤 print '當前錯誤號: '+convert(varchar(5),@@ERROR) --GO是批處理的標誌, --表示SQL Server將這些T-SQL語句編譯為一個執行單元,提高執行效率 GO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --if-else語句的使用 declare @a float select @a=avg(w_grade) from tb_grade print @a print '平均分是:'+convert(varchar(10),@a) if(@a>=60) begin print '平均成績:良' select top 3 g_no, s_no, w_grade from tb_grade order by w_grade desc end else begin print '平均成績:差' select top 3 g_no, s_no, w_grade from tb_grade order by w_grade asc end go --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --while迴圈語句 declare @a1 float while(1=1) begin select @a1=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 print @a1 if(@a1>0) begin update tb_grade set w_grade=w_grade+2 where w_grade<60 end else begin break; end end go select * from tb_grade; --變數儲存小於60分的學生人數 declare @c int select @c=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 while(@c>0) begin update tb_grade set w_grade=w_grade+2 select @c=count(*) from tb_grade where w_grade<60 end go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --case end ---相當於switch select *, case when w_grade>=90 then 'A' when w_grade>=80 and w_grade<=89 then 'B' when w_grade>=70 and w_grade<=79 then 'C' when w_grade>=60 and w_grade<=69 then 'D' else 'E' end as '成績評定' from tb_grade go ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --觸發器的語法 ---- create trigger triggerName on tableName ---- for delete,|insert,|update ---- as ---- begin ---- --T-SQL ---- end --建立一張備份表 select * into tb_student_clone from tb_student where 1=2 --建立觸發器的指令碼 --deleted inserted是刪除,增加時呼叫的虛擬表 drop trigger tg_student; drop trigger tg_student1; drop trigger tg_student2; ------ tb_student和tb_sc有主外來鍵關聯,建立刪除觸發器需要先刪除從表後刪主表 ---------------------------------刪除觸發器 create trigger tg_student on tb_student for delete as begin insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end ----呼叫觸發器 delete from tb_student where id=25 ---報錯: 當 IDENTITY_INSERT 設定為 OFF 時,不能為表 'tb_student_clone' 中的標識列插入顯式值。 --------正確如下: create trigger tg_student1 on tb_student for delete as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end -------------------------插入觸發器 create trigger tg_student2 on tb_student for insert as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from inserted end --觸發器的呼叫 insert into tb_student(s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) values('','',25,'1206',9) select * from tb_student_clone --刪除觸發器 drop trigger tg_student --禁用觸發器 disable trigger tg_student on tb_student disable trigger tg_student2 on tb_student --啟用觸發器 enable trigger tg_student on tb_student --修改觸發器 只需要在建立觸發器的指令碼中將create改為alter alter trigger tg_student on tb_student for delete,update as begin set IDENTITY_INSERT tb_student_clone on insert into tb_student_clone(id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no) select id,s_name,sex,age,tno,d_no from deleted end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --建立觸發器,使得在向OrderDetails表中新增資料時,貨倉表中的貨物數量UnetislnStock --則要減去相應的訂單表中預定的數量Quantity create trigger tg_order on OrderDetails for insert as begin [email protected]是訂單中產品數量 declare @a int [email protected]是訂單中產品號碼 declare @b int select @a=Quantity from inserted select @b=ProductD from inserted update Products set UnetislnStock=([email protected]) where [email protected] end --禁用觸發器 disable trigger tri_order on OrderDetails --啟用觸發器 enable trigger tri_order on OrderDetails --呼叫觸發器 insert into OrderDetails(OrderD, ProductD, UnitPrice, Quantity) values(10527,4,19.00,10) select * from Products select * from OrderDetails; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --建立無參儲存過程 create proc pro_2 as begin insert into tb_student( s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values('李剛','男',35,'1207',8) end --呼叫儲存過程 exec pro_2 --建立帶引數的儲存過程,輸入和輸出引數(用output定義的引數為輸出引數) --用in定義的引數是輸入引數(in可以不寫) create proc pro_4(@name varchar(20),@sex varchar(2), @age int,@tno varchar(50),@d_no int,@c int output) as begin insert into tb_student(s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values(@name,@sex,@age,@tno,@d_no) set @[email protected]@rowcount print '新增'+convert(varchar(5),@c)+'條資料' end --呼叫儲存過程 declare @a int exec pro_4 '鳳姐','女',30,'1203',250,@a --修改儲存過程 只需要在建立儲存過程的指令碼中將create改為alter alter proc pro_4(@name varchar(20),@sex varchar(2), @age int,@tno varchar(50),@d_no int,@c int output) as begin if @name='' begin raiserror('姓名不能為空',17,1) return end insert into tb_student(s_name, sex, age, tno, d_no) values(@name,@sex,@age,@tno,@d_no) set @[email protected]@rowcount print '新增'+convert(varchar(5),@c)+'條資料' end --呼叫儲存過程 declare @a int exec pro_4 '','女',30,'1207',250,@a declare @a int exec pro_4 '伏羲','女',30,'1207',250,@a --刪除儲存過程 drop proc pro_2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --儲存過程:查詢資料庫中指定開始行到結束行記錄 create proc pro_zuoye(@a int,@b int) as begin select * from tb_student where id not in(select top (@a-1) id from tb_student) intersect select * from tb_student where id in(select top (@b) id from tb_student ) end --呼叫儲存過程 exec pro_zuoye 5,8 --------------------簡單的分頁,使用儲存過程 USE [j1216] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Sp_PapeView] Script Date: 07/24/2013 15:45:31 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO create proc Sp_PageView ( @RecordCount int OUTPUT, --總記錄數 @PageSize int=4, --每頁的大小(記錄數) @PageCurrent int=1, --要顯示的頁碼 @PageCount int OUTPUT --總頁數 ) as begin select @RecordCount=COUNT(*) from tb_student select @[email protected]/@PageSize+1 select top (@PageSize) * from tb_student where id not in (select top ((@PageCurrent-1)*@PageCount) id from tb_student) end declare @RecordCount int,@PageCount int exec sp_pageView @RecordCount,5,1,@PageCount ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --備註:凡是使用create函式建立的資料庫元素,全部都用drop來刪除