SAP ABAP 與FTP檔案互動-進站 檔案上傳到FTP伺服器
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-07
report z04ftp2. data: begin of ig_ftp_result occurs 0, line(100), end of ig_ftp_result. data: l_path(128) type c. "檔案路徑,必須以/結尾 data: l_filename(128) type c value 'CH210276140222_likp.txt'. "檔名 data: l_ftpcommand(100) type c. "FTP命令 data: l_handle type i. "HAND "源路徑,必須以/結尾 data: cons_source(128) type c value '/usr/sap/AA2/D01/data/'. data: cons_dens(128) type c . "目標路徑 constants cons_key type i value 26101957. data pr_return(1) type c value '0'. *// INITIALIZATION initialization. *伺服器上下載檔案的路徑 " CONCATENATE '/usr/sap/AA2/D01/data/' INTO cons_source. *// START OF SELECTION start-of-selection. perform frm_ftp_file. form frm_ftp_file . data: l_dstlen type i, "DESTINATION LEN l_pw(64) type c. "密碼長度一定要夠否則出錯 * 連線FTP伺服器 l_pw = 'sap888'. *-- FTP_CONNECT requires an encrypted password to work * CREATE THE NEW PW BASE ON LOGIN FTP PASS WORD. call function 'HTTP_SCRAMBLE' exporting source = l_pw sourcelen = 6 key = cons_key importing destination = l_pw. do 3 times." 連線三次,以為一次可能會不成功 * OPEN THE FTP SERVER. call function 'FTP_CONNECT' exporting user = 'sap01' "USER password = l_pw "PASS WORD host = ' 9980' rfc_destination = 'SAPFTPA' "DEFAULT importing handle = l_handle exceptions not_connected = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc = 0. exit. endif. enddo. if sy-subrc <> 0. write :/ sy-datum, sy-uzeit, sy-uname, 'CONNECT FTP FAILED!'. "MESSAGEG stop. endif. * Change local directory clear l_ftpcommand. concatenate 'lcd' cons_source into l_ftpcommand separated by space. perform frm_ftp_command using l_ftpcommand pr_return. if pr_return = '1'. write:/ sy-datum, sy-uzeit, sy-uname, 'FTP改變本地路徑錯誤!'. stop. endif. * Change ftp directory if cons_dens <> ''. clear l_ftpcommand. concatenate 'cd' cons_dens into l_ftpcommand separated by space. perform frm_ftp_command using l_ftpcommand pr_return. endif. * Change TRANSFER MODE clear l_ftpcommand. * l_ftpcommand = 'binary'. l_ftpcommand = 'ascii'. perform frm_ftp_command using l_ftpcommand pr_return. if pr_return = '1'. write:/ sy-datum, sy-uzeit, sy-uname, '改變FTP傳輸模式出現錯誤!'. stop. endif. * Put File into FTP SERVER clear l_ftpcommand. concatenate 'put' l_filename into l_ftpcommand separated by space. perform frm_ftp_command using l_ftpcommand pr_return. if pr_return = '1'. write:/ sy-datum, sy-uzeit, sy-uname, '檔案傳輸中出現錯誤!'. stop. endif. * 斷開FTP伺服器 call function 'FTP_DISCONNECT' exporting handle = l_handle. write:/ sy-datum, sy-uzeit, sy-uname, '檔案傳輸成功!'. endform. " FRM_FTP_FILE ************************************************************************ *& FORM FRM_FTP_COMMAND * ************************************************************************ *& FTP Command * ************************************************************************ form frm_ftp_command using pr_command pr_ret. call function 'FTP_COMMAND' exporting handle = l_handle command = pr_command * COMPRESS = * RFC_DESTINATION = * VERIFY = * IMPORTING * FILESIZE = * FILEDATE = * FILETIME = tables data = ig_ftp_result exceptions tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3 others = 4 . * Disconnect if sy-subrc <> 0." 呼叫中出錯立即斷開連線 pr_ret = '1'. call function 'FTP_DISCONNECT' exporting handle = l_handle. exit. endif. endform. "FRM_FTP_COMMAND