阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-07
Nsis程式碼- outfile IpTest.exe
- name IpTest
- ; get_ip example
- ; by Hendri Adriaens
- ; [email protected]
- ;
- ; Usage:
- ; ip::get_ip
- ; Output: 'ip1;ip2;ip3;ip4;'
- ; (semi-colon delimited IP's list, on stack)
- ;
- ; Uses NSIS script to retrieve
- ; separate IP-addresses and to
- ; test whether or not it is an
- ; internet IP-address. Based on
- ; information by Joost Verburg:
- ; These ranges are for local networks:
- ; 10.x.x.x /
- ; 172.16.x.x / to 172.31.x.x /
- ; 192.168.x.x /
- ; 169.254.x.x /
- ; and:
- ; 169.254.x.x is an Automatic Private IP Address,
- ; which you get when there is no DHCP server available,
- ; for example, Windows gives these addresses when you check
- ; "Obtain an IP address automatically" and you have no DHCP server.
- ;
- ; Further information has also been found at:
- ; http://home.t-online.de/home/TschiTschi/ip_adressierung.htm
- ;
- ; Script supplies two funcions:
- ; GetNextIp : get any IP (network and internet)
- ; CheckIP : determine IP type (see function header for available types)
- ; Script uses the VersionCheck
- ; function to test IP's.
- Section
- ; Code to use actual ExtensionDLL
- ; Current script provides an example
- ip::get_ip
- Pop $0
- ; test entry
- ;StrCpy $0';;;;'
- Loop:
- Push $0
- Call GetNextIp
- Call CheckIp
- Pop $2 ; Type of current IP-address
- Pop $1 ; Current IP-address
- Pop $0 ; Remaining addresses
- StrCmp $2'1''' NoLoopBackIp
- MessageBox MB_OK "LoopBack IP-address: $1"
- Goto Continue
- NoLoopBackIp:
- StrCmp $2'2''' NoAPA
- MessageBox MB_OK "Automatic Private IP-address: $1"
- Goto Continue
- NoAPA:
- StrCmp $2'3''' NoLanIp
- MessageBox MB_OK "Network IP-address: $1"
- Goto Continue
- NoLanIp:
- MessageBox MB_OK "Internet IP-address: $1"
- Continue:
- StrCmp $0'' ExitLoop Loop
- ExitLoop:
- SectionEnd
- ; Function GetNextIp
- ; input: head of stack
- ; format: 'ip1;ip2;ip3;ip4;'
- ; output: 'ip1' head of stack
- ; 'ip2;ip3;ip4;' second entry of stack
- Function GetNextIp
- Exch $0
- Push $1
- Push $2
- Strcpy $20 ; Counter
- Loop:
- IntOp $2 $2 + 1
- StrCpy $1 $01 $2
- StrCmp $1'' ExitLoop
- StrCmp $1';''' Loop
- StrCpy $1 $0 $2 ; IP-address
- IntOp $2 $2 + 1
- StrCpy $0 $0'' $2 ; Remaining string
- ExitLoop:
- Pop $2
- Push $0
- Exch 2
- Pop $0
- Exch $1
- FunctionEnd
- ; Function CheckIP
- ; input: IP-address on stack
- ; output: additional entry on stack
- ; 1 - LoopBack IP (localhost, indicates no connection to a LAN or to the internet).
- ; 2 - Automatic Private IP Address (no DHCP server).
- ; 3 - Network IP.
- ; 4 - Internet IP.
- ; Eg:
- ; Push ''
- ; Call CheckIP
- ; Pop $0 ; Contains '3'
- ; Pop $1 ; Contains ''
- Function CheckIP
- Exch $0
- Push $1
- ; Check 127.x.x.x
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $12'' Range1 ; IP cannot be in range of LoopBack addresses
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $11 LoopBack ; We found a LoopBack IP
- ; Check 10.x.x.x
- Range1:
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $12'' Range2 ; IP cannot be in range 1
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $11 LanIp ; We found a LanIp
- ; Check 172.16.x.x to 172.31.x.x
- Range2:
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $12'' Range3 ; IP cannot be in range 2
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $11 LanIp ; We found a LanIp
- ; Check 192.168.x.x
- Range3:
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $12'' Range4 ; IP cannot be in range 3
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $11 LanIp ; We found a LanIp
- ; Check 169.254.x.x
- Range4:
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $12'' InternetIp ; It should be an internet IP
- Push ''
- Push $0
- Call VersionCheck
- Pop $1
- StrCmp $11 APA ; We found an Automatic Private IP Address
- Goto InternetIp ; Remaining addresses are internet IPs
- LoopBack:
- StrCpy $11
- Goto Exit
- APA:
- StrCpy $12
- Goto Exit
- LanIp:
- StrCpy $13
- Goto Exit
- InternetIp:
- StrCpy $14
- Exit:
- Exch $1
- Exch 1
- Exch $0
- Exch 1
- FunctionEnd
- ; Function VersionCheck
- ; input: 'v1', 'v2' on stack
- ; output 1 - if number 1 is newer
- ; 2 - if number 2 is newer
- ; 0 - if it is the same verion
- ; Eg:
- ; Push ''
- ; Push '3.5'
- ; Call VersionCheck
- ; Pop $0 ; now contains 1
- Function VersionCheck
- Exch $0 ;second versionnumber
- Exch
- Exch $1 ;first versionnumber
- Push $R0 ;counter for $0
- Push $R1 ;counter for $1
- Push $3 ;temp char
- Push $4 ;temp string for $0
- Push $5 ;temp string for $1
- StrCpy $R0 "-1"
- StrCpy $R1 "-1"
- Start:
- StrCpy $4""
- DotLoop0:
- IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1
- StrCpy $3 $01 $R0
- StrCmp $3"" DotFound0
- StrCmp $3"." DotFound0
- StrCpy $4 $4$3
- Goto DotLoop0
- DotFound0:
- StrCpy $5""
- DotLoop1:
- IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1
- StrCpy $3 $11 $R1
- StrCmp $3"" DotFound1
- StrCmp $3"." DotFound1
- StrCpy $5 $5$3
- Goto DotLoop1
- DotFound1:
- Strcmp $4""0 Not4
- StrCmp $5"" Equal
- Goto Ver2Less
- Not4:
- StrCmp $5"" Ver2More
- IntCmp $4 $5 Start Ver2Less Ver2More
- Equal:
- StrCpy $0"0"
- Goto Finish
- Ver2Less:
- StrCpy $0"1"
- Goto Finish
- Ver2More:
- StrCpy $0"2"
- Finish:
- Pop $5
- Pop $4
- Pop $3
- Pop $R1
- Pop $R0
- Pop $1
- Exch $0
- FunctionEnd
指令 <noscript src="/admin/blogs/339618/chmlink.js" type="text/javascript"></noscript>
WriteINIStr $TEMP/something.ini section1 something 123 WriteINIStr $TEMP/something.ini section1 somethingelse 1234 WriteINIStr $TEMP/something.ini section2 nsis true