點選複製 div或span的內容
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-07
<span class="dtable" onclick="execClick();" oncopy="execCopy(event,this);"> 123456 </span> <script> function execClick(){ document.execCommand("copy"); } function execCopy(event,thisDiv){ if(isIE()){ if(window.clipboardData){ window.clipboardData.setData("Text", thisDiv.innerText); alert(window.clipboardData.getData("Text")); } }else{ event.preventDefault(); if (event.clipboardData) { event.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", thisDiv.innerText); alert(event.clipboardData.getData("text")); } } } function isIE(){ var input = window.document.createElement ("input"); //"!window.ActiveXObject" is evaluated to true in IE11 if (window.ActiveXObject === undefined) return null; if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) return 6; if (!window.document.querySelector) return 7; if (!window.document.addEventListener) return 8; if (!window.atob) return 9; //"!window.document.body.dataset" is faster but the body is null when the DOM is not //ready. Anyway, an input tag needs to be created to check if IE is being //emulated if (!input.dataset) return 10; return 11; } </script>