阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-07
驗證檔案數字簽名是否有效可以使用函式 WinVerifyTrust
取得檔案數字簽名證書資訊需要使用函式 CryptQueryObject。
// FileSign.cpp : 定義控制檯應用程式的入口點。 // #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <wincrypt.h> #include <wintrust.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <tchar.h> #pragma comment(lib, "crypt32.lib") #define ENCODING (X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING) typedef struct { LPWSTR lpszProgramName;//程式名 LPWSTR lpszPublisherLink;//釋出者連結 LPWSTR lpszMoreInfoLink;//更多資訊連結 } SPROG_PUBLISHERINFO, *PSPROG_PUBLISHERINFO; BOOL GetProgAndPublisherInfo(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, PSPROG_PUBLISHERINFO Info); //獲取時間戳日期 BOOL GetDateOfTimeStamp(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, SYSTEMTIME *st); //列印證書資訊 BOOL PrintCertificateInfo(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext); //獲取簽名信息的時間戳 BOOL GetTimeStampSignerInfo(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO *pCounterSignerInfo); int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]) { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; HCERTSTORE hStore = NULL; HCRYPTMSG hMsg = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; BOOL fResult; DWORD dwEncoding, dwContentType, dwFormatType; PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo = NULL; PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pCounterSignerInfo = NULL; DWORD dwSignerInfo; CERT_INFO CertInfo; SPROG_PUBLISHERINFO ProgPubInfo; SYSTEMTIME st; ZeroMemory(&ProgPubInfo, sizeof(ProgPubInfo)); __try { if (argc != 2) { _tprintf(_T("Usage: SignedFileInfo <filename>\n")); return 0; } #ifdef UNICODE lstrcpynW(szFileName, argv[1], MAX_PATH); #else if (mbstowcs(szFileName, argv[1], MAX_PATH) == -1) { printf("Unable to convert to unicode.\n"); __leave; } #endif // Get message handle and store handle from the signed file. //查詢簽名信息 fResult = CryptQueryObject(CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_FILE, szFileName, CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_FLAG_PKCS7_SIGNED_EMBED, CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_FLAG_BINARY, 0, &dwEncoding, &dwContentType, &dwFormatType, &hStore, &hMsg, NULL); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptQueryObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Get signer information size. fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM, 0, NULL, &dwSignerInfo); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptMsgGetParam failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Allocate memory for signer information. pSignerInfo = (PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSignerInfo); if (!pSignerInfo) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate memory for Signer Info.\n")); __leave; } // Get Signer Information. fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM, 0, (PVOID)pSignerInfo, &dwSignerInfo); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptMsgGetParam failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Get program name and publisher information from // signer info structure. //獲取程式名和釋出者資訊 if (GetProgAndPublisherInfo(pSignerInfo, &ProgPubInfo)) { if (ProgPubInfo.lpszProgramName != NULL) { wprintf(L"Program Name : %s\n", ProgPubInfo.lpszProgramName); } if (ProgPubInfo.lpszPublisherLink != NULL) { wprintf(L"Publisher Link : %s\n", ProgPubInfo.lpszPublisherLink); } if (ProgPubInfo.lpszMoreInfoLink != NULL) { wprintf(L"MoreInfo Link : %s\n", ProgPubInfo.lpszMoreInfoLink); } } _tprintf(_T("\n")); // Search for the signer certificate in the temporary // certificate store. CertInfo.Issuer = pSignerInfo->Issuer; CertInfo.SerialNumber = pSignerInfo->SerialNumber; pCertContext = CertFindCertificateInStore( hStore, ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_CERT, (PVOID)&CertInfo, NULL); if (!pCertContext) { _tprintf(_T("CertFindCertificateInStore failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Print Signer certificate information. _tprintf(_T("Signer Certificate:\n\n")); PrintCertificateInfo(pCertContext); _tprintf(_T("\n")); // Get the timestamp certificate signerinfo structure. if (GetTimeStampSignerInfo(pSignerInfo, &pCounterSignerInfo)) { // Search for Timestamp certificate in the temporary // certificate store. CertInfo.Issuer = pCounterSignerInfo->Issuer; CertInfo.SerialNumber = pCounterSignerInfo->SerialNumber; pCertContext = CertFindCertificateInStore(hStore, ENCODING, 0, CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_CERT, (PVOID)&CertInfo, NULL); if (!pCertContext) { _tprintf(_T("CertFindCertificateInStore failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Print timestamp certificate information. _tprintf(_T("TimeStamp Certificate:\n\n")); PrintCertificateInfo(pCertContext); _tprintf(_T("\n")); // Find Date of timestamp. if (GetDateOfTimeStamp(pCounterSignerInfo, &st)) { _tprintf(_T("Date of TimeStamp : %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d\n"), st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute); } _tprintf(_T("\n")); } } __finally { // Clean up. if (ProgPubInfo.lpszProgramName != NULL) LocalFree(ProgPubInfo.lpszProgramName); if (ProgPubInfo.lpszPublisherLink != NULL) LocalFree(ProgPubInfo.lpszPublisherLink); if (ProgPubInfo.lpszMoreInfoLink != NULL) LocalFree(ProgPubInfo.lpszMoreInfoLink); if (pSignerInfo != NULL) LocalFree(pSignerInfo); if (pCounterSignerInfo != NULL) LocalFree(pCounterSignerInfo); if (pCertContext != NULL) CertFreeCertificateContext(pCertContext); if (hStore != NULL) CertCloseStore(hStore, 0); if (hMsg != NULL) CryptMsgClose(hMsg); } return 0; } BOOL PrintCertificateInfo(PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; LPTSTR szName = NULL; DWORD dwData; __try { // Print Serial Number. _tprintf(_T("Serial Number: ")); dwData = pCertContext->pCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData; for (DWORD n = 0; n < dwData; n++) { _tprintf(_T("%02x "), pCertContext->pCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData[dwData - (n + 1)]); } _tprintf(_T("\n")); // Get Issuer name size. if (!(dwData = CertGetNameString(pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG, NULL, NULL, 0))) { _tprintf(_T("CertGetNameString failed.\n")); __leave; } // Allocate memory for Issuer name. szName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwData * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!szName) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate memory for issuer name.\n")); __leave; } // Get Issuer name. if (!(CertGetNameString(pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, CERT_NAME_ISSUER_FLAG, NULL, szName, dwData))) { _tprintf(_T("CertGetNameString failed.\n")); __leave; } // print Issuer name. _tprintf(_T("Issuer Name: %s\n"), szName); LocalFree(szName); szName = NULL; // Get Subject name size. if (!(dwData = CertGetNameString( pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, NULL, NULL, 0))) { _tprintf(_T("CertGetNameString failed.\n")); __leave; } // Allocate memory for subject name. szName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwData * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!szName) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate memory for subject name.\n")); __leave; } // Get subject name. if (!(CertGetNameString(pCertContext, CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, 0, NULL, szName, dwData))) { _tprintf(_T("CertGetNameString failed.\n")); __leave; } // Print Subject Name. _tprintf(_T("Subject Name: %s\n"), szName); fReturn = TRUE; } __finally { if (szName != NULL) LocalFree(szName); } return fReturn; } LPWSTR AllocateAndCopyWideString(LPCWSTR inputString) { LPWSTR outputString = NULL; outputString = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (wcslen(inputString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (outputString != NULL) { lstrcpyW(outputString, inputString); } return outputString; } BOOL GetProgAndPublisherInfo(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, PSPROG_PUBLISHERINFO Info) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; PSPC_SP_OPUS_INFO OpusInfo = NULL; DWORD dwData; BOOL fResult; __try { // Loop through authenticated attributes and find // SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID OID. for (DWORD n = 0; n < pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr; n++) { if (lstrcmpA(SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].pszObjId) == 0) { // Get Size of SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO structure. fResult = CryptDecodeObject(ENCODING, SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].pbData, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].cbData, 0, NULL, &dwData); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptDecodeObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Allocate memory for SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO structure. OpusInfo = (PSPC_SP_OPUS_INFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwData); if (!OpusInfo) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate memory for Publisher Info.\n")); __leave; } // Decode and get SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO structure. fResult = CryptDecodeObject(ENCODING, SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].pbData, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].cbData, 0, OpusInfo, &dwData); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptDecodeObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Fill in Program Name if present. if (OpusInfo->pwszProgramName) { Info->lpszProgramName = AllocateAndCopyWideString(OpusInfo->pwszProgramName); } else Info->lpszProgramName = NULL; // Fill in Publisher Information if present. if (OpusInfo->pPublisherInfo) { switch (OpusInfo->pPublisherInfo->dwLinkChoice) { case SPC_URL_LINK_CHOICE: Info->lpszPublisherLink = AllocateAndCopyWideString(OpusInfo->pPublisherInfo->pwszUrl); break; case SPC_FILE_LINK_CHOICE: Info->lpszPublisherLink = AllocateAndCopyWideString(OpusInfo->pPublisherInfo->pwszFile); break; default: Info->lpszPublisherLink = NULL; break; } } else { Info->lpszPublisherLink = NULL; } // Fill in More Info if present. if (OpusInfo->pMoreInfo) { switch (OpusInfo->pMoreInfo->dwLinkChoice) { case SPC_URL_LINK_CHOICE: Info->lpszMoreInfoLink = AllocateAndCopyWideString(OpusInfo->pMoreInfo->pwszUrl); break; case SPC_FILE_LINK_CHOICE: Info->lpszMoreInfoLink = AllocateAndCopyWideString(OpusInfo->pMoreInfo->pwszFile); break; default: Info->lpszMoreInfoLink = NULL; break; } } else { Info->lpszMoreInfoLink = NULL; } fReturn = TRUE; break; // Break from for loop. } // lstrcmp SPC_SP_OPUS_INFO_OBJID } // for } __finally { if (OpusInfo != NULL) LocalFree(OpusInfo); } return fReturn; } BOOL GetDateOfTimeStamp(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, SYSTEMTIME *st) { BOOL fResult; FILETIME lft, ft; DWORD dwData; BOOL fReturn = FALSE; // Loop through authenticated attributes and find // szOID_RSA_signingTime OID. for (DWORD n = 0; n < pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr; n++) { if (lstrcmpA(szOID_RSA_signingTime, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].pszObjId) == 0) { // Decode and get FILETIME structure. dwData = sizeof(ft); fResult = CryptDecodeObject(ENCODING, szOID_RSA_signingTime, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].pbData, pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].cbData, 0, (PVOID)&ft, &dwData); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptDecodeObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); break; } // Convert to local time. FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&ft, &lft); FileTimeToSystemTime(&lft, st); fReturn = TRUE; break; // Break from for loop. } //lstrcmp szOID_RSA_signingTime } // for return fReturn; } BOOL GetTimeStampSignerInfo(PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo, PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO *pCounterSignerInfo) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCertContext = NULL; BOOL fReturn = FALSE; BOOL fResult; DWORD dwSize; __try { *pCounterSignerInfo = NULL; // Loop through unathenticated attributes for // szOID_RSA_counterSign OID. for (DWORD n = 0; n < pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.cAttr; n++) { if (lstrcmpA(pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr[n].pszObjId, szOID_RSA_counterSign) == 0) { // Get size of CMSG_SIGNER_INFO structure. fResult = CryptDecodeObject(ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].pbData, pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].cbData, 0, NULL, &dwSize); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptDecodeObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } // Allocate memory for CMSG_SIGNER_INFO. *pCounterSignerInfo = (PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwSize); if (!*pCounterSignerInfo) { _tprintf(_T("Unable to allocate memory for timestamp info.\n")); __leave; } // Decode and get CMSG_SIGNER_INFO structure // for timestamp certificate. fResult = CryptDecodeObject(ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].pbData, pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr[n].rgValue[0].cbData, 0, (PVOID)*pCounterSignerInfo, &dwSize); if (!fResult) { _tprintf(_T("CryptDecodeObject failed with %x\n"), GetLastError()); __leave; } fReturn = TRUE; break; // Break from for loop. } } } __finally { // Clean up. if (pCertContext != NULL) CertFreeCertificateContext(pCertContext); } return fReturn; }