1. 程式人生 > >非常好的MATALB工具箱,包括SIFT,hog等


vl_compile Compile VLFeat MEX files

Run VLFeat demos Harris corner strength VLFeat toolbox builtin help Create a prefix-less version of VLFeat commands Obtain VLFeat root path Add VLFeat Toolbox to the pathAIB
  • Agglomerative Information Bottleneck
  • Compute a histogram by using an AIB compressed alphabet
  • Quantize based on VL_AIB cut
  • Compute histogram over VL_AIB tree
  • Fisher vector feature encoding
  • Hat operator
  • Inverse vl_hat operator
  • Inverse Rodrigues' formula
  • Rodrigues' formula
  • Learn a Gaussian Mixture Model using EM
  • Derivative of an affine warp
  • Flattens image array
  • Scale and flattens image array
  • Image distance transform
  • Downsample an image by two
  • Compute integral image
  • Generate an image from a stock pattern
  • Reads an image as gray-scale
  • Reads an image as gray-scale
  • Upsample an image by two
  • Convert RGB color space to XYZ
  • Compute the thin-plate spline basis
  • Compute the U matrix of a thin-plate spline transformation
  • Apply affine transformation to points
  • Inverse thin-plate spline warping
  • Thin-plate spline warping
  • Convert XYZ color space to LAB
  • Convert XYZ color space to LUV
  • Convert XYZ to RGB
  • Hierachical integer K-means
  • Compute histogram of quantized data
  • Push data down an integer K-means tree
  • Compute histogram of quantized data
  • Project data on integer K-means paritions
  • Cluster data using k-means
  • Pairwise distances
  • Sort strings using the Alphanum algorithm
  • Parse list of parameter-value pairs
  • Binned summation
  • Select a given number of columns
  • Cumulative maximum
  • Get MATLAB process ID
  • Compute the gradient of an image
  • Marginal of histogram
  • Compute HOG features
  • Homogeneous kernel map
  • Find labels in an integer hash table
  • Accumulate integer labels into a hash table
  • Calculate Integral Histogram
  • Determines whether Octave is running
  • Build randomized kd-tree
  • Local Binary Patterns
  • Flip LBP features left-right
  • Find local maximizers
  • Return MATLAB version as an integer
  • Numerical derivative
  • Numerical second derivative
  • Override structure subset
  • Toggle VLFeat SIMD optimizations
  • Construct advanced SVM dataset structure
  • Train a Support Vector Machine
  • Control VLFeat computational threads
  • Random number generator
  • Obtain VLFeat version information
  • Weighted histogram
  • Create a directory recursively.
  • Fill extremal region
  • Transpose exremal regions frames
  • Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
  • vl_cf Creates a copy of a figure
  • Select a point by clicking
  • Select a segment by clicking
  • Compute DET curve
  • Set figure aspect ratio
  • Convert PLOT style line specs to line properties
  • Plot a geometric frame
  • Plot 2 or 3 dimensional points
  • vl_pr Precision-recall curve.
  • Set the printing size of a figure
  • ROC curve.
  • Tiles axes without wasting space
  • Compute true positives and false positives
  • Flatten a tree, assigning the label of the root to each node
  • Color an image based on the segmentation
  • Produce a quickshift segmentation of a grayscale or color image
  • Quick shift image segmentation
  • Create an edge image from a Quickshift segmentation.
  • Covariant feature detectors and descriptors
  • Convert a geometric frame to an oriented ellipse
  • Local Intensity Order Pattern descriptor
  • Extract PHOW features
  • Plot scale space
  • Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
  • Match SIFT features
  • Read Lowe's SIFT implementation data files
  • SLIC superpixels
  • Second derivative of the Gaussian density function
  • Derivative of the Gaussian density function
  • Derivative of the sigmoid function
  • Standard Gaussian density function
  • RCOS function
  • Sigmoid function
  • VLAD feature encoding