1. 程式人生 > >Matlab for mac卡頓、拋Java異常

Matlab for mac卡頓、拋Java異常


後查閱資料認為可能是Matlab JVM記憶體不夠的問題。官方給出的解決方案如下,將JVM記憶體設定到最大後,情況有所緩解。有時候仍然有些卡


Java Heap Memory Preferences

You can adjust the amount of memory that MATLAB® software allocates for Java® objects.

Note:   The default heap size is sufficient for most cases.

To adjust the Java heap size:

  1. On the Home tab, in the Environment section, click  Preferences. Select MATLAB > General > Java Heap Memory.

  2. Select a Java heap size value using the slider or spin box.

    Note:   Increasing the Java heap size decreases the amount of memory available for storing data in arrays.

  3. Click OK

  4. Restart MATLAB.

If the amount of memory you specified is not available upon restart, MATLAB resets the value to the default, and displays an error dialog box. To readjust the value, repeat the previous steps.

If increasing the heap size does not eliminate memory errors, check your Java code for memory leaks. Eliminate references to objects that are no longer useful. For more information, see the Java SE Troubleshooting guide at 



關閉version control

在Preferences->General->Source Control->NOT Enable MathWorks source control integration.