1. 程式人生 > >初學mysql經典練習題及答案







create table class(cid int not null auto_increment primary key, caption varchar(32) not null)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

create table student(
    -> sid int not null auto_increment primary key,
    -> name varchar(32) not null,
    -> gender varchar(8) not null,
    -> class_id int not null)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

create table teacher(
    -> tid int not null auto_increment primary key,
    -> tname varchar(32) not null)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

create table course(
    -> cid int not null auto_increment primary key,
    -> cname varchar(16) not null,
    -> teacher_id int not null)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;

create table score(
    -> sid int not null auto_increment primary key,
    -> student_id int not null,
    -> corse_id int not null,
    -> number int not null)engine=innodb default charset=utf8;



select A.student_id,sw,ty from (select student_id,number as sw from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = '生物') as A left join (select student_id,number as ty from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = '體育') as B on A.student_id = B.student_id where sw > if(isnull(ty),0,ty)


select student_id,avg(number) from score group by student_id having avg(number)>60;


select student_id,student.name,avg(number) from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid group by student_id having avg(number)>60;

     第二種實現方式 個人覺得這種方式好理解一些,語法結構是 先通過select student_id,avg(number) as stu_num from score group by student_id語句分組將資料取出並起臨時表別名為SCORE,然後在和student表進行連表。

select SCORE.student_id,SCORE.stu_num from (select student_id,avg(number) as stu_num from score group by student_id) as SCORE left join student on SCORE.student_id=student.sid where SCORE.stu_num>60


select score.student_id,student.name,count(score.corse_id),sum(score.number) from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid group by score.student_id;


select count(tname) from teacher where tname like "趙%";



select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname="趙";
select * from score where score.corse_id in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname="趙")


select sid,name from student where student.sid not in (select student_id from score where score.corse_id in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname="趙"));



select * from score where corse_id=1 or corse_id=2;


select NEW_C.student_id,count(NEW_C.corse_id) as NUM from (select student_id,corse_id from score where corse_id=1 or corse_id=2) as NEW_C group by NEW_C.student_id having NUM=2;


select A.id,student.name from (select NEW_C.student_id as ID,count(NEW_C.corse_id) as NUM from (select student_id,corse_id from score where corse_id=1 or corse_id=2) as NEW_C group by NEW_C.student_id having NUM=2) as A left join student on A.ID=student.sid;



select cid,cname,teacher.tname from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname='趙';


select * from score where corse_id in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname='趙') group by student_id


select A.student_id,student.name from(select * from score where corse_id in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname='趙') group by student_id)as A left join student on A.student_id=student.sid


select student_id,name from(select A.student_id,num_1,num_2 from(select student_id, number as num_1 from score where corse_id=1)as A left join (select student_id,number as num_2 from score where corse_id=2)as B on A.student_id=B.student_id where num_1>if (isnull(num_2),0,num_2))as C left join student on C.student_id=sid


select student_id,name from(select *from score where score.number<60)as A left join student on A.student_id=student.sid


select student.sid,student.name from (select student_id,count(corse_id)as S_NUM from score group by student_id having S_NUM<(select count(cname) from course))as A right join student on A.student_id=student.sid



select student_id from score where student_id !=1 and score.corse_id in (select corse_id from score where student_id=1) group by student_id


select student_id,name from (select student_id from score where student_id !=1 and score.corse_id in (select corse_id from score where student_id=1) group by student_id)as A left join student on A.student_id=student.sid


select student_id,count(student_id) from score group by student_id having count(student_id) = (select count(1) as a from score where student_id=2)


select student_id,name from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid where student_id in (select student_id from score group by student_id having count(student_id) = (select count(1) as a from score where student_id=2)) and corse_id in (select corse_id from score where student_id =2) group by student_id having count(corse_id)= (select count(1) as a from score where student_id=2);


insert into score (student_id,corse_id,number) select student_id,2,(select avg(number) from score where corse_id =2) as a from score where student_id not in (select student_id from score where corse_id=2) group by student_id;

14、按平均成績從低到高顯示所有學生的“生物”、“物理”、“體育”三門的課程成績,按如下形式顯示: 學生ID,生物,物理體育,有效課程數,有效平均分;

select SC.student_id,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "生物" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as sw,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "物理" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as wl,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "體育" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as ty,count(SC.corse_id),avg(SC.number) from score as SC group by SC.student_id order by avg(SC.number) desc;


select SC.student_id,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "生物" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as sw,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "物理" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as wl,(select number from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid where course.cname = "體育" and score.student_id = SC.student_id) as ty,count(SC.corse_id),avg(SC.number) from score as SC group by SC.student_id order by avg(SC.number) desc;
select corse_id,max(number) as max_num,min(number) as min_num from score group by corse_id;


新知識點:case when then相當於if判斷

select corse_id,avg(number),sum(case when score.number>=60 then 1 else 0 end)/count(1)*100 as jgl from score group by corse_id;


select A.avg_num,course.cname,teacher.tname from (select avg(number) as avg_num,corse_id from score group by corse_id) as A left join course on course.cid = A.corse_id left join teacher on teacher.tid = course.teacher_id order by A.avg_num desc;


select corse_id,count(score.student_id) from score group by score.corse_id;


select A.c_id,student.name from (select count(corse_id) as c_id,student_id from score group by student_id) as A left join student on student.sid=A.student_id having A.c_id =2;


select * from (select count(1) as M from student where gender="男") as A,(select count(1) as W from student where gender="女") as B;
select corse_id,avg(number) from score group by corse_id order by avg(number) asc,corse_id desc;
select A.student_id,student.name,A.avg_num from (select avg(number) as avg_num,student_id from score group by student_id having avg_num > 75) as A left join student on student.sid = A.student_id;
select A.student_id,student.sname,A.number from (select student_id,number from score where corse_id=(select cid from course where cname="生物") having number < 60) as A left join student on student.sid = A.student_id;
select A.student_id,student.name from (select student_id,number from score where corse_id=3 group by student_id having number > 80) as A left join student on student.sid=A.student_id;
select * from score where score.corse_id = 3 and score.number > 80
select count(A.student_id) from (select student_id from score group by student_id) as A;
select score.corse_id,student.name,score.number from score left join student on score.student_id=student.sid where score.corse_id in (select course.cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where tname = "趙") order by score.number desc
select A.c_num,course.cname from (select count(student_id) as c_num,corse_id from score where corse_id in (select cid from course) group by corse_id) as A left join course on course.cid =A.corse_id ;
select course.cname,count(1) from score left join course on score.corse_id = course.cid group by corse_id;
select DISTINCT s1.corse_id,s2.corse_id,s1.number,s2.number from score as s1, score as s2 where s1.number = s2.number and s1.corse_id != s2.corse_id;
select student_id,count(corse_id) from score group by student_id having count(corse_id)>1
select corse_id,cname,count(student_id)  from score left join course on score.corse_id=course.cid group by corse_id having count(student_id) = (select count(sid) from student)

select name from(select A.student_id as n_s_id from (select student_id,corse_id from score) as A left join course on course.cid=A.corse_id where course.teacher_id not in (select tid from teacher where tname="孫") group by A.student_id ) as B left join student on student.sid=B.n_s_id;
select student_id,student.sname from score left join student on score.student_id = student.sid where score.corse_id not in (select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id = teacher.tid where tname = "李平老師") group by student_id;
select student_id,avg(number) from score where student_id in (select student_id from score where number < 60 group by student_id having count(corse_id) >=1);
select A.number,student.name,student.sid from (select score.number,score.student_id from score where score.corse_id = 2 and score.number<60) as A left join student on student.sid = A.student_id order by A.number desc;


delete from score where corse_id in(select cid from course left join teacher on course.teacher_id=teacher.tid where teacher.tname='孫')
delete from score where corse_id = 1 and student_id = 2


