1. 程式人生 > >android lcm驅動解讀及除錯

android lcm驅動解讀及除錯


  1 #if defined(BUILD_LK)
  2 #include <string.h>
  3 #else
  4 #include <linux/string.h>
  5 #endif
  7 #ifdef BUILD_LK
  8     #include <platform/disp_drv_platform.h>
 10 #elif defined(BUILD_UBOOT)
11 #include <asm/arch/mt_gpio.h> 12 #else 13 //#include <linux/delay.h> 14 #include <mach/mt_gpio.h> 15 #endif 16 #include <cust_gpio_usage.h> 17 18 #include "lcm_drv.h" 19 20 22 // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 // Local Constants
24 // --------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 26 #define FRAME_WIDTH (480) 27 #define FRAME_HEIGHT (800) 28 29 #define REGFLAG_DELAY 0xFD 30 #define REGFLAG_END_OF_TABLE 0xFE // END OF REGISTERS MARKER
31 32 #define LCM_DSI_CMD_MODE 0 33 34 35 #ifndef TRUE 36 #define TRUE 1 37 #endif 38 39 #ifndef FALSE 40 #define FALSE 0 41 #endif 42 43 #define GPIO_LCM_ID GPIO18 44 #define LCM_TDT 0 45 46 bool lcm_ili9806e_vendor=LCM_TDT; //default to choose byd panel 47 48 49 //set LCM IC ID 50 #define LCM_ID_ILI9806E (0x980604) 51 52 #define LCM_DEBUG 53 54 55 56 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 // Local Variables 58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 59 60 static LCM_UTIL_FUNCS lcm_util = {0}; 61 62 //復位引腳 63 #define SET_RESET_PIN(v) (lcm_util.set_reset_pin((v))) //這裡就會直接使用GPIO_LCD_RST硬引腳 64 #define UDELAY(n) (lcm_util.udelay(n)) 65 #define MDELAY(n) (lcm_util.mdelay(n)) 66 68 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 69 // Local Functions 70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 71 72 /**********資料傳輸介面***************/ 73 #define dsi_set_cmdq_V2(cmd, count, ppara, force_update) lcm_util.dsi_set_cmdq_V2(cmd, count, ppara, force_update) 74 #define dsi_set_cmdq(pdata, queue_size, force_update) lcm_util.dsi_set_cmdq(pdata, queue_size, force_update) 75 76 /*********讀寫暫存器介面函式*********/ 77 #define wrtie_cmd(cmd) lcm_util.dsi_write_cmd(cmd) 78 #define write_regs(addr, pdata, byte_nums) lcm_util.dsi_write_regs(addr, pdata, byte_nums) 79 #define read_reg(cmd) lcm_util.dsi_dcs_read_lcm_reg(cmd) 80 #define read_reg_v2(cmd, buffer, buffer_size) lcm_util.dsi_dcs_read_lcm_reg_v2(cmd, buffer, buffer_size) 81 82 83 struct LCM_setting_table { 84 unsigned char cmd; 85 unsigned char count; 86 unsigned char para_list[64]; 87 }; 88 90 /*************** 初始化引數及函式介面 *******************/ 91 static struct LCM_setting_table lcm_initialization_setting[] = { 92 93 /* 資料格式:命令,資料個數,資料 */ //命令一般是對應暫存器地址 94 95 {0xFF,5,{0xFF,0x98,0x06,0x04,0x01}},//ChangetoPage1 96 {0x08,1,{0x10}},//outputSDA 97 {0x21,1,{0x01}},//DE=1Active 98 {0x30,1,{0x02}},//480X800 99 {0x31,1,{0x00}},//ColumnInversion 100 {0x60,1,{0x07}},//SDTI 101 {0x61,1,{0x04}},//CRTI 102 {0x62,1,{0x08}},//EQTI 103 {0x63,1,{0x04}},//PCTI 104 {0x40,1,{0x10}},//10 105 {0x41,1,{0x44}},//77//DVDDHDVDDLclamp 106 {0x42,1,{0x03}},//11//VGH/VGL00 107 {0x43,1,{0x89}},//VGH/VGL 108 {0x44,1,{0x86}},//VGH/VGL 109 //{0x45,1,{0x1B}},//VGL_REG-10V .....(此處省略程式碼n條初始化程式碼) 234 {0x11,1,{0x00}}, // Sleep-Out 235 {REGFLAG_DELAY,120,{}}, 236 {0x29,1,{0x00}}, 237 {REGFLAG_DELAY, 20, {}}, 238 //{0xFF,5,{0xFF,0x98,0x06,0x04,0x08}}, // Change to Page 8 239 {REGFLAG_END_OF_TABLE, 0x00, {}} 240 }; 241 420 /*******************初始化資料的函式************************/ 421 static void push_table(struct LCM_setting_table *table, unsigned int count, unsigned char force_update) 422 { 423 unsigned int i; 424 425 for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { 426 427 unsigned cmd; 428 cmd = table[i].cmd; 429 430 switch (cmd) { 431 432 case REGFLAG_DELAY : 433 MDELAY(table[i].count); 434 break; 435 436 case REGFLAG_END_OF_TABLE : 437 break; 438 439 default: 440 dsi_set_cmdq_V2(cmd, table[i].count, table[i].para_list, force_update); 441 } 442 } 443 444 } 445 448 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 449 // LCM Driver Implementations 450 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 451 452 static void lcm_set_util_funcs(const LCM_UTIL_FUNCS *util) 453 { 454 memcpy(&lcm_util, util, sizeof(LCM_UTIL_FUNCS)); 455 } 456 457 458 /* 獲取lcm各個引數 */ 459 static void lcm_get_params(LCM_PARAMS *params) 460 { 461 memset(params, 0, sizeof(LCM_PARAMS)); //先將LCM_PARAMS結構清空 462 463 params->type = LCM_TYPE_DSI; //lcm介面型別 464 465 params->width = FRAME_WIDTH; //lcm顯示寬度 466 params->height = FRAME_HEIGHT; //lcm顯示高度 467 468 /*********設定通訊模式*************/ 469 470 // enable tearing-free 471 #ifndef BUILD_UBOOT 472 //params->dbi.te_mode = LCM_DBI_TE_MODE_VSYNC_ONLY; 473 //params->dbi.te_edge_polarity = LCM_POLARITY_RISING; 474 params->dbi.te_mode = LCM_DBI_TE_MODE_DISABLED; 475 #endif 476 477 /* dsi分兩種模式,一種是cmd模式,一種是video模式 */ 478 #if (LCM_DSI_CMD_MODE) 479 params->dsi.mode = CMD_MODE; //cmd模式 480 #else 481 params->dsi.mode = SYNC_PULSE_VDO_MODE; 482 #endif 483 484 /*××××××××××××設定資料格式××××××××××××*/ 485 486 // DSI 487 /* Command mode setting */ 488 params->dsi.LANE_NUM = LCM_TWO_LANE; //兩通道MIPI 489 //The following defined the fomat for data coming from LCD engine. 490 params->dsi.data_format.color_order = LCM_COLOR_ORDER_RGB; 491 params->dsi.data_format.trans_seq = LCM_DSI_TRANS_SEQ_MSB_FIRST; 492 params->dsi.data_format.padding = LCM_DSI_PADDING_ON_LSB; 493 params->dsi.data_format.format = LCM_DSI_FORMAT_RGB888; 494 495 // Highly depends on LCD driver capability. 496 // Not support in MT6573 497 params->dsi.packet_size=256; 498 499 // Video mode setting 500 params->dsi.intermediat_buffer_num = 2; 501 502 params->dsi.PS=LCM_PACKED_PS_24BIT_RGB888; 503 504 /*************垂直引數設定×××××××××××××××××*/ 505 506 params->dsi.vertical_sync_active = 6; 507 params->dsi.vertical_backporch = 14; 508 params->dsi.vertical_frontporch = 20; 509 params->dsi.vertical_active_line = FRAME_HEIGHT; 510 511 /*************水平引數設定×××××××××××××××××*/ 512 513 params->dsi.horizontal_sync_active = 10; 514 params->dsi.horizontal_backporch = 80; 515 params->dsi.horizontal_frontporch = 80; 516 params->dsi.horizontal_active_pixel = FRAME_WIDTH; 517 518 //params->dsi.pll_div1=1; // div1=0,1,2,3;div1_real=1,2,4,4 519 //params->dsi.pll_div2=1; // div2=0,1,2,3;div2_real=1,2,4,4 520 //params->dsi.fbk_div =28; // fref=26MHz, fvco=fref*(fbk_div+1)*2/(div1_real*div2_real) 521 522 /*××××××××××××××××時鐘頻率××××××××××××××××*/ 523 524 params->dsi.PLL_CLOCK = 130; 525 //params->dsi.ssc_disable = 0; 526 //params->dsi.ssc_range = 4; 527 } 528 529 530 //legen add for detect lcm vendor 531 static bool lcm_select_panel(void) 532 { 533 int value=0; 534 535 mt_set_gpio_mode(GPIO_LCM_ID,GPIO_MODE_00); 536 537 mt_set_gpio_pull_enable(GPIO_LCM_ID, GPIO_PULL_DISABLE); 538 539 mt_set_gpio_dir(GPIO_LCM_ID, GPIO_DIR_IN); 540 541 value+=mt_get_gpio_in(GPIO_LCM_ID); 542 if(value) 543 return LCM_TDT; 544 545 return LCM_TDT; 546 } 547 //legen add end 548 549 550 551 /***************lcm初始化函式************************/ 552 static void lcm_init(void) 553 { 554 /* lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); //SET_RESET_PIN(1); 555 MDELAY(10); 556 lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO); //SET_RESET_PIN(0); 557 MDELAY(10); 558 lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); //SET_RESET_PIN(1); 559 MDELAY(120);*/ 560 561 //復位 562 SET_RESET_PIN(1); 563 SET_RESET_PIN(0); 564 MDELAY(100); 565 SET_RESET_PIN(1); 566 MDELAY(50); 567 568 //初始化資料 569 push_table(lcm_initialization_setting, sizeof(lcm_initialization_setting) / sizeof(struct LCM_setting_table), 1); 570 } 571 572 573 /********************休眠******************************/ 574 /* 掛起的機制一般有兩種: 簡單睡眠或深度睡眠 575 簡單睡眠:裝置還處於工作狀態,可以被喚醒,但是此時也會存在待機功耗等問題; 576 深度睡眠:裝置處於休眠狀態,基本處於不工作狀態,因此無法被喚醒; 577 578 一般程式設計都是使用深度睡眠,在喚醒時進行重新初始化; 579 */ 580 static void lcm_suspend(void) 581 { 582 #ifdef BUILD_LK 583 printf("%s, ALS/PS bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb \n", __func__); //lk層只能用printf 584 #else 585 printk("%s, ALS/PS bbbbbbbbbbbbbb \n", __func__); //核心層只能用printk 586 #endif 587 588 push_table(lcm_deep_sleep_mode_in_setting, sizeof(lcm_deep_sleep_mode_in_setting) / sizeof(struct LCM_setting_table), 1); 589 } 590 591 592 593 /*******************喚醒**********************************/ 594 static void lcm_resume(void) 595 { 596 597 lcm_init(); 598 //MDELAY(200); 599 600 //push_table(lcm_sleep_out_setting, sizeof(lcm_sleep_out_setting) / sizeof(struct LCM_setting_table), 1); 601 } 602 603 604 605 /********************lcm升級****************************************/ 606 static void lcm_update(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, 607 unsigned int width, unsigned int height) 608 { 609 unsigned int x0 = x; 610 unsigned int y0 = y; 611 unsigned int x1 = x0 + width - 1; 612 unsigned int y1 = y0 + height - 1; 613 614 unsigned char x0_MSB = ((x0>>8)&0xFF); 615 unsigned char x0_LSB = (x0&0xFF); 616 unsigned char x1_MSB = ((x1>>8)&0xFF); 617 unsigned char x1_LSB = (x1&0xFF); 618 unsigned char y0_MSB = ((y0>>8)&0xFF); 619 unsigned char y0_LSB = (y0&0xFF); 620 unsigned char y1_MSB = ((y1>>8)&0xFF); 621 unsigned char y1_LSB = (y1&0xFF); 622 623 unsigned int data_array[16]; 633 dsi_set_cmdq(data_array, 7, 0); 634 635 } 636 637 638 static unsigned int lcm_esd_test = FALSE; ///only for ESD test 639 640 static unsigned int lcm_esd_check(void) 641 { 642 #ifndef BUILD_LK 643 char buffer[3]; 644 char buffer2[4]; 645 int array[4]; 646 647 if(lcm_esd_test) 648 { 649 lcm_esd_test = FALSE; 650 return TRUE; 651 } 652 return TRUE; 653 #endif 654 655 } 656 657 static unsigned int lcm_esd_recover(void) 658 { 659 #ifndef BUILD_LK 660 lcm_init(); 661 //lcm_resume(); 662 663 printk("lcm_esd_recover\n"); 664 665 return TRUE; 666 #endif 667 } 668 669 670 /********************裝置id匹配********************************/ 671 static unsigned int lcm_compare_id(void) 672 { 673 674 int array[4]; 675 char buffer[5]; 676 char id_high=0; 677 char id_midd=0; 678 char id_low=0; 679 int id=0; 680 681 //Do reset here 682 /*lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); //SET_RESET_PIN(1); 683 lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ZERO); //SET_RESET_PIN(0); 684 MDELAY(25); 685 lcm_util.set_gpio_out(GPIO_DISP_LRSTB_PIN, GPIO_OUT_ONE); //SET_RESET_PIN(1); 686 MDELAY(50); */ 687 688 //首先進行復位操作 689 SET_RESET_PIN(1); 690 SET_RESET_PIN(0); 691 MDELAY(100); 692 SET_RESET_PIN(1); 693 MDELAY(50); 694 695 //enable CMD2 Page1 696 array[0]=0x00063902; 697 array[1]=0x0698ffff; 698 array[2]=0x00000104; 699 dsi_set_cmdq(array, 3, 1); 700 MDELAY(10); 701 702 703 array[0]=0x00033700; 704 dsi_set_cmdq(array, 1, 1); 705 //read_reg_v2(0x04, buffer, 3);//if read 0x04,should get 0x008000,that is both OK. 706 707 read_reg_v2(0x00, buffer,1); 708 id_high = buffer[0]; ///////////////////////0x98 709 710 read_reg_v2(0x01, buffer,1); 711 id_midd = buffer[0]; ///////////////////////0x06 712 713 read_reg_v2(0x02, buffer,1); 714 id_low = buffer[0]; ////////////////////////0x04 715 716 id =(id_high << 16) | (id_midd << 8) | id_low; 717 718 #if defined(BUILD_LK) 719 printf("ILI9806E compare-LK:0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x\n", id_high, id_midd, id_low, id); 720 #else 721 printk("ILI9806E compare:0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x\n", id_high, id_midd, id_low, id); 722 #endif 723 724 return (id == LCM_ID_ILI9806E)?1:0; 725 } 726 727 728 729 LCM_DRIVER ili9806e_wvga_dsi_vdo_lcm_drv= 730 { 731 .name = "ili9806e_wvga_dsi_vdo", //裝置名 732 .set_util_funcs = lcm_set_util_funcs, //獲得LCM_DRIVER結構 733 .get_params = lcm_get_params, //獲得lcm引數 734 .init = lcm_init, //初始化lcm 735 .suspend = lcm_suspend, //lcm掛起 736 .resume = lcm_resume, //lcm恢復 737 .compare_id = lcm_compare_id, //lcm裝置id匹 738 .esd_check = lcm_esd_check, // 739 .esd_recover = lcm_esd_recover, // 740 #if (LCM_DSI_CMD_MODE) 741 .update = lcm_update, //lcm升級 742 #endif 743 }; 744










進入這個檔案後,反斜槓搜尋/lcm  然後修改對應的名稱和解析度。

編譯: make -j12 2>&1 | tee log.txt
