1. 程式人生 > >SoapUI壓力測試的指標項說明


轉載:http://www.blogjava.net/qileilove/archive/2014/09/30/418416.html soapUI Pro指標項說明:
Test Step Sets the startup delay for each thread (in milliseconds), setting to 0 will start all threads simultaneously. min The shortest time the step has taken (in milliseconds). max The longest time the step has taken (in milliseconds). avg The average time for the test step (in milliseconds). last The last time for the test step (in milliseconds). cnt The number of times the test step has been executed. tps The number of transactions per second for the test step, see Calculation of TPS/BPS below. bytes The number of bytes processed by the test step. bps The bytes per second processed by the test step. err The number of assertion errors for the test step. rat Failed requests ratio (the percentage of requests that failed).
  1、Test Step:呼叫方法名稱。   2、min、max、avg、last:呼叫時的最小、最大、平均、最近一次的響應時間   3、cnt總呼叫次數 ;tps平均每秒呼叫次數   4、bytes介面處理的字元數;bps平均每秒介面處理的字元數   5、err報錯次數;rat報錯次數/執行次數   或   min,最小響應時間   max,最大響應時間   avg,平均響應時間   last,上一次請求響應時間   cnt,請求數   tps,每秒處理請求數   bps,吞吐率   rat,錯誤率