AgensGraph 2.1 釋出,基於 PostgreSQL 的圖資料庫
AgensGraph 是一個基於 PostgreSQL 的新一代多模型圖資料庫。它提供圖形分析環境,使用者可以同時編寫、編輯和執行 SQL 和 Cypher 查詢。AgensGraph 帶有 PostgreSQL 相容性和 PostgreSQL 擴充套件,能夠幫助 PostgreSQL 使用者擺脫資料遷移的痛苦,輕鬆開發提供高階資料分析的服務。
AgensGraph 2.1 主要改進和修復:
Performance Enhancement
Enhance shortest-path algorithm and minor features
Cypher Implemention
Make all built-in functions usable
Support "IN" for sub-queries
Improve Graph meta
Add a GUC on graphmeta which decide it works automatically or not
Add a function regather_graphmeta() which reset and gather graphmeta
Add help command in agens shell
Implement pre-evaluating CypherTypeCast
Implement auto type casting on function call
Implement auto type casting on operators
jsonb to graphid -> numeric to graphid
Handle UNKNOWNOID constants properly (::jsonb and ::text)
Handle parameters AS-IS
Change the implementation of constants
Implement type casting
Update comment about token precedence in gram.y
Bug Fixes
Please see the release notes for fix details