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php解析html dom節點樹

不得不感嘆用DOM直接解析HTML DOM樹的靈活和強大,因為基本的HTML元素就是那麼幾種常見的,再加上ID屬性或者CLASS屬性之類的。。



error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
class DomTree
    private $doc=null;

    private $basic_meaning=array();

    private $en_or_ch=array();

    private $en_to_en=array();

    private $example=array();

    private $sentences=array();

    private $glossary=array();

    private $auth=array();

    private $use_in_wrong = array();

    private $approximate_words = array();

    private $baike_trans = array();

    public function __construct($source)
        $this->doc = new DomDocument();

        else if(is_string($source))
            preg_match('#^(http|ftp)://#i', $source)?$this->doc->loadHTML(file_get_contents($source)):die("不支援的資源型別");

        $div_list = $this->doc->getElementsByTagName("div");
        $div_list_len = $div_list->length;

        for($i=0; $i<$div_list_len; $i++)
                switch(trim($div_list->item($i)->getAttribute ("class")))
                    case "basic clearfix":

                    case "layout dual":

                    case "layout en":

                    case "layout sort":

                    case "layout patt":

                    case "layout coll":

                    case "layout auth":

                    case "layout comn":

                    case "layout nfw":

                    case "layout baike";


    private function getBasicMeans($basic_div)
        $li_list = $basic_div->getElementsByTagName("li");
        $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$li_list_len; $i++)
            $item = $li_list->item($i);
                $strong_list  = $item->getElementsByTagName("strong");
                $strong_list_len = $strong_list->length;
                for($j=0; $j<$strong_list_len; $j++)

    private function getEnOrCh($div_elem)
        $li_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("li");
        $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$li_list_len; $i++)


    private function getEnToEn($div_elem)
        $li_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("li");
        $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$li_list_len; $i++)
            $this->en_to_en[]= $this->strip_Empty($li_list->item($i)->nodeValue);
    private function strip_Empty($string)
            return preg_replace('#\s{2,}#', ' ', $string);

    private function getExample($div_elem)
            $ol_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ol");
            $ol_list_len = $ol_list->length;
            for($i=0; $i<$ol_list_len; $i++)
               $li_list = $ol_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
               $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
               for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)
                   $this->example[] = $this->strip_Empty($li_list->item($j)->nodeValue);

    private function normalSentence($div_elem)
        $ol_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ol");
        $ol_list_len = $ol_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ol_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ol_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)


    private function getGlossary($div_elem)
        $ul_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ul");
        $ul_list_len = $ul_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ul_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ul_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)


    private function getAuth($div_elem)
        $ul_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ul");
        $ul_list_len = $ul_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ul_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ul_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)


    private function useInWrong($div_elem)
        $ol_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ol");
        $ol_list_len = $ol_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ol_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ol_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)


    private function getApproximateWords($div_elem)
        $ul_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ul");
        $ul_list_len = $ul_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ul_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ul_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)
                $a_list = $li_list->item($j)->getElementsByTagName("a");
                $a_list_len = $a_list->length;
                for($k=0; $k<$a_list_len; $k++)


    private function getBaike($div_elem)
        $ul_list = $div_elem->getElementsByTagName("ul");
        $ul_list_len = $ul_list->length;
        for($i=0; $i<$ul_list_len; $i++)
            $li_list = $ul_list->item($i)->getElementsByTagName("li");
            $li_list_len = $li_list->length;
            for($j=0; $j<$li_list_len; $j++)


    //介面:  返回基本釋義
    public function getBasicMeaning()
            return $this->basic_meaning;

    //介面: 返回英漢雙解
    public function getEnOrChMeaning()
            return $this->en_or_ch;

    //介面:  返回英英釋義
    public function getEnToEnMeaning()
            return $this->en_to_en;

     //介面:  返回例句
    public function getExampleMeaning()
            return $this->example;
    //介面:  返回常用句型
    public function getNormalSentenceMeaning()
            return $this->sentences;

    //介面:  返回詞彙表
    public function getGlossaryMeaning()
            return $this->glossary;

    //介面:  返回名人名言
    public function getAuthMeaning()
            return $this->auth;

    //介面:  返回常見錯誤用法
    public function getUseInWrongMeaning()
            return $this->use_in_wrong;

    //介面:  獲取近義詞
    public function getApproximateWordsMeaning()
            return $this->approximate_words;

    //介面: 獲取百度百科的解釋
    public function getBaikeMeaning()
            return $this->baike_trans;

    public function getAllMeaning()
        $all_meaning = array();
        $all_meaning['basic_meaning'] = $this->getBasicMeaning();
        $all_meaning['en_or_ch'] = $this->getEnOrChMeaning();
        $all_meaning['en_to_en'] = $this->getEnToEnMeaning();
        $all_meaning['normal_sentence'] = $this->getNormalSentenceMeaning();
        $all_meaning['glossary_sentence'] = $this->getGlossaryMeaning();
        $all_meaning['auth_sentence'] = $this->getAuthMeaning();
        $all_meaning['wrong_use'] = $this->getUseInWrongMeaning();
        $all_meaning['approximate_words'] = $this->getApproximateWordsMeaning();
        $all_meaning['baike_meaning'] = $this->getBaikeMeaning();
        return $all_meaning;

$dom = new DomTree("./com.html");

$trans = $dom->getAllMeaning();
echo "<pre>";


    [basic_meaning] => Array
            [0] => 單詞;訊息;話語;諾言
            [1] => 用詞語表達

    [en_or_ch] => Array
            [0] => [C] 字,詞 the smallest unit of spoken language which has meaning and can stand alone
            [1] => [C] (說的)話,話語,言語 anything said; remark or statement
            [2] => [S] 訊息,資訊; 謠言 piece of news; message; rumour
            [3] => [S] 口令,號令; 命令 spoken command or signal
            [4] => [S] 諾言,保證 a promise
            [5] => vt. 用詞語表達; 選用 express (sth) in particular words; phrase sth

    [en_to_en] => Array
            [0] => a unit of language that native speakers can identify; "words are the blocks from which sentences are made" "he hardly said ten words all morning" 
            [1] => a brief statement; "he didn't say a word about it" 
            [2] => information about recent and important events; "they awaited news of the outcome" 
            [3] => a verbal command for action; "when I give the word, charge!" 
            [4] => an exchange of views on some topic; "we had a good discussion" "we had a word or two about it" 
            [5] => a promise; "he gave his word" 
            [6] => a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory; "large computers use words up to 64 bits long" 
            [7] => the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus) 
            [8] => a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group; "he forgot the password" 
            [9] => the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen" 
            [10] => put into words or an expression; "He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees" 

    [example] => Array
            [0] => Could we have a word before you go to the meeting? 你去開會之前,咱們能私下說句話嗎?
            [1] => My friend sent word that he was well. 我朋友捎來口信說他很好。

    [normal_sentence] => Array
            [0] =>  What does this word mean? 這個詞是什麼意思? 
            [1] =>  I couldn't look up the spelling of the word, as I hadn't a dictionary at hand. 我沒法查這個詞的拼寫,因為我手邊沒有詞典。 
            [2] =>  Many English words are derived from Latin. 許多英文單詞源於拉丁文。 
            [3] =>  All the words beside the central idea should be crossed out. 凡偏離中心思想的詞語都應通通刪掉。 
            [4] =>  The editor eliminated slang words from the essay. 編輯將俚語從這篇文章中剔除。 
            [5] =>  These words can't be staled by repetition. 這些詞語不會因為經常使用而變成陳詞濫調。 
            [6] =>  He gave me his visiting card, with a few words in pencil. 他把他的名片給我,上面有幾個鉛筆字。 
            [7] =>  I don't believe a word of his story. 他說的這件事我一句話都不相信。 
            [8] =>  At the press conference, the reporters copied down every word spoken by the prime minister. 在新聞釋出會上,記者們逐字記下了首相的講話。 
            [9] =>  Tell me what happened in your words. 用你自己的話把發生的事告訴我。 
            [10] =>  Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help. 當別人需要幫助時,行動勝於語言。 
            [11] =>  I would like a word with you. 我想和你談談。 
            [12] =>  After a word with the colonel he went away . 他和上校簡單談過之後就走了。 
            [13] =>  There's been no word from her for weeks. 已經有好幾個星期沒有她的音信了。 
            [14] =>  Word came that I was needed at home. 有信兒來說家裡需要我。 
            [15] =>  Word has come that meeting will be held on Tuesday. 通知已到,星期二開會。 
            [16] =>  Word is that the election will be held in June. 有訊息說選舉將在六月份舉行。 
            [17] =>  Word is that he's left the country. 據說他已經離開這個國家了。 
            [18] =>  Word got round that he had resigned. 謠傳他已辭職。 
            [19] =>  Stay hidden until I give the word. 我不下令就藏著別動。 
            [20] =>  Their word is law. 他們的命令必須服從。 
            [21] =>  He gave the word and they let him in. 他說出了口令,他們讓他進去了。 
            [22] =>  The word now is “freedom”. 現在的口號是“自由”。 
            [23] =>  I give you my word I'll go. 我向你保證,我會去的。 
            [24] =>  Stand by your word. 要守信用。 
            [25] =>  Hear The Word of God . 聽宣講《聖經》。 
            [26] =>  Be careful how you word your answer. 回答時要斟酌字句。 
            [27] =>  She worded the explanation well. 她的解釋措辭得體。 
            [28] =>  The advice wasn't very tactfully worded. 這份通知措辭不太得體。 
            [29] =>  The suggestion might be worded more politely. 那項建議的措辭可以更婉轉些。 
            [30] =>  This is a carefully worded contract. 這是一份措辭嚴謹的合同。 

    [glossary_sentence] => Array
            [0] => address a few words 講幾句話
            [1] => await word from sb 等待某人的訊息
            [2] => break one's words 食言
            [3] => breathe a word 走漏訊息
            [4] => bring word 帶來訊息
            [5] => choose a word 選擇詞
            [6] => coin a word 杜撰一個詞
            [7] => cook up words 造新詞
            [8] => cross out a word 劃掉一個詞
            [9] => cut out many words 刪掉許多詞
            [10] => digest a word 消化一個詞
            [11] => doubt sb's words 懷疑某人的話
            [12] => drink in all the words 吸收所有的詞語
            [13] => eat one's words 收回前言,認錯,道歉
            [14] => exchange angry words 發生口角
            [15] => find words 找出言語(來表達)
            [16] => gain the good word of 博得…的讚揚
            [17] => get word 得到訊息
            [18] => get a word 插嘴
            [19] => give one's word 保證,允許
            [20] => give the word 發出命令
            [21] => have words together 爭吵
            [22] => have words with sb 與某人吵嘴
            [23] => have a word with sb 同某人談一談
            [24] => hunt up a word 查一個詞
            [25] => keep one's word 信守諾言
            [26] => leave word 留言
            [27] => leave out a word 省略一個詞,丟掉一個詞
            [28] => look up a word (在詞典裡)查一個詞
            [29] => memorize words 記單詞
            [30] => play on words 玩弄字眼
            [31] => pronounce a word 讀一個詞
            [32] => put in words for 為…說幾句話
            [33] => put the words into sb's mouth 教某人怎麼講
            [34] => quote a word 引用一個詞
            [35] => receive word of 收到…訊息
            [36] => regret one's words 為說過的話而後悔
            [37] => respect one's word 遵守自己許下的諾言
            [38] => say a word 說句話,進一步,走漏訊息
            [39] => say a few words 說幾句話
            [40] => say a good word for sb 為某人說好話
            [41] => send sb a word 給某人捎個信兒
            [42] => spell a word 拼寫一個詞
            [43] => stress the word 重讀那個詞
            [44] => take back one's word 收回自己的話
            [45] => take sb's word for it 相信了某人的話
            [46] => understand a word 理解某個詞的意思
            [47] => use words 用詞
            [48] => waste one's words 白費口舌
            [49] => weigh words 斟酌詞句
            [50] => write a word 寫一個詞
            [51] => advance word 事先傳出的訊息
            [52] => angry words 氣話
            [53] => beautiful words 優美的言辭
            [54] => big words 大話
            [55] => borrowed word 外來詞
            [56] => broken words 斷斷續續的話
            [57] => burning words 熱情洋溢的話
            [58] => choice words 精選的詞句
            [59] => colorful words 豐富的言辭
            [60] => cross words 氣話
            [61] => empty words 空洞的話,無意義的話
            [62] => everyday word 日常用語
            [63] => farewell words 送別詞
            [64] => fighting words 容易引起爭論的話,挑戰性的話
            [65] => foreign word 外來詞
            [66] => hard words 憤怒的話,激烈的話
            [67] => heated word 激烈的言詞,爭吵時使用的話
            [68] => high words 憤怒的話,激烈的話
            [69] => hollow words 虛假的言語
            [70] => honeyed words 甜言蜜語
            [71] => hot words 激烈的言詞,爭吵時使用的話
            [72] => household word 家喻戶曉的詞
            [73] => irresponsible words 不負責任的話
            [74] => key words 關鍵的字眼
            [75] => last words 臨終遺言
            [76] => living words 現代語
            [77] => meaningful words 意味深長的言語
            [78] => meaningless words 無意義的話
            [79] => misspelled word 拼錯的詞
            [80] => native word 本國詞,本地詞
            [81] => pleasant words 動聽的語言
            [82] => regional word 方言
            [83] => scientific word 科學用語
            [84] => semi-technical words 半科技詞
            [85] => sharp words 憤怒的話,激烈的話
            [86] => simple word 簡單的詞
            [87] => sincere words 真誠的話
            [88] => small word 小詞
            [89] => spoken words 口頭語
            [90] => suggestive words 含蓄的話
            [91] => sweet words 甜言蜜語
            [92] => tearful parting words 傷感的離別之言
            [93] => the latest word 最新訊息,最後訊息
            [94] => uncleanly words 下流話
            [95] => unfamiliar word 生詞
            [96] => unusual word 冷僻詞
            [97] => warm words 忿怒的話,激烈的話
            [98] => written words 書面語
            [99] => wrong words 錯詞
            [100] => dictionary word 詞典裡出現的詞
            [101] => English words 英語單詞
            [102] => law word 法律用語
            [103] => newspaper word 新聞用語
            [104] => slang word 俚語
            [105] => at a word 立即,立刻
            [106] => in a word 簡言之,總之
            [107] => in one's own words 用自己的話說
            [108] => in other words 換言之
            [109] => upon my word 的確,真的
            [110] => without a word 一聲沒吭
            [111] => word in heavy type 黑體字
            [112] => words in season 時宜的話
            [113] => words of comfort 安慰的話
            [114] => words of command 命令
            [115] => words of complaint 怨言
            [116] => the W- of God 聖經
            [117] => words of praise 表揚的話
            [118] => word of six letters 六個字母的詞
            [119] => words of thanks 感謝的話
            [120] => word the explanation 解釋
            [121] => word accurately 準確地用言語表達
            [122] => word crudely 簡單地用詞語〔語言〕表達
            [123] => word felicitously 恰當地用言語表達
            [124] => word intelligibly 清楚地用語言表達
            [125] => word positively 明確地用詞語表達
            [126] => word vaguely 含糊地表達
            [127] => word well 措辭得體

    [auth_sentence] => Array
            [0] =>  Rome shall perishswrite that word In the blood that she has spilt. 出自:W. Cowper 
            [1] =>  We have striven..to draw some word from her; but she..answers nothing. 出自:G. P. R. James 
            [2] =>  To use his own words, he was in a cleft stick. 出自:H. Conway 
            [3] =>  Actions speak louder than words. 出自:Proverb 
            [4] =>  He words me, girls, he words me, that I should not Be noble to myself. 出自:Anthony Cleopatra,Shakespeare 

    [wrong_use] => Array
            [0] => 我要跟他說句話。 誤 I should like to have word with him. 正 I should like to have a word with him. 
            [1] => 他們聽到訊息說足球比賽將在今晚電視實況轉播。 誤 They had a word that the football match would be televised live this evening. 正 They had word that the football match would be televised live this evening. 析 have word是“聽到訊息〔新聞〕”的意思,“說句話”是have a word。 
            [2] => 對逐詞背課文,我感到厭倦。 誤 I was tired of reciting the texts word after word. 正 I was tired of reciting the texts word for word. 析 “一字不變地,逐字(背誦或翻譯)”是word for word,不是word after word。 
            [3] => 我說了什麼錯話嗎? 誤 Have I said any wrong words? 正 Have I said anything wrong? 析 誤句語法上沒有錯,但不符合英語習慣。 
            [4] => 他不遵守諾言。 誤 He broke his words. 正 He broke his word. 析 break one's word意為“不遵守諾言”, word在此短語中不用複數形式。 
            [5] => 我剛得知他到達的訊息。 誤 I have just received the word of his arrival. 正 I have just received word of his arrival. 
            [6] => 有訊息傳來說我們的籃球隊贏了這場比賽。 誤 The word came that our basketball team had won the match. 正 Word came that our basketball team had won the match. 析 作“訊息”“資訊”解時, word前不加冠詞。 
            [7] => 他大約是30年前開始當教師的,換句話說,他當教師已經有30年了。 誤 He began to work as a teacher some thirty years ago, in another word, he has been a teacher for thirty years. 正 He began to work as a teacher some thirty years ago, in other words, he has been a teacher for thirty years. 析 in other words是固定短語,意為“換句話說”。 
            [8] => 他帶信給我說懷特先生不久將動身去美國。 誤 He carried me words that Mr.White would soon leave for America. 正 He carried me word that Mr. White would soon leave for America. 析 word作“訊息”“信”解時,是不可數名詞,其後不可加s。 
            [9] => 今晨我們爭吵了。 誤 We had a word this morning. 正 We had words this morning. 
            [10] => 他們曾為雞毛蒜皮的小事同鄰居吵過嘴。 誤 They had word with their neighbour over some trifles. 正 They had words with their neighbours over some trifles. 析 表示“同某人發生口角”時,用have words with sb, words用複數形式。 
            [11] => 他說的大話使我們都感到驚訝。 誤 His big word surprised us all. 正 His big words surprised us all. 
            [12] => 我們絕不收回前言。 誤 We should on no account eat our word. 正 We should on no account eat our words. 析 習語big words, eat one's words中, words詞尾的s不可省。 

    [approximate_words] => Array
            [0] => account
            [1] => advice
            [2] => chat
            [3] => communication
            [4] => declaration
            [5] => edict
            [6] => expression
            [7] => message
            [8] => notice
            [9] => order
            [10] => password
            [11] => promise
            [12] => remark
            [13] => term
            [14] => couch
            [15] => explain
            [16] => express
            [17] => phrase
            [18] => put
            [19] => say
            [20] => write

    [baike_meaning] => Array
            [0] => word:Microsoft Word,屬於辦公軟體,人們日常生活都有可能接觸到他,對他並不陌生。 簡介 wordMicrosoft Word是微軟公司的一個文書處理器應用程式。它最初是由Richard Bro…
