事情,大概是這樣的—— (沒錯這又是一篇我被作業演算法血虐的心路歷程大水文)
“對於n個不同的元素,先規定各元素之間有一個標準次序(例如n個 不同的自然數,可規定從小到大為標準次序),於是在這n個元素的任一排列中,當某兩個元素的先後次序與標準次序不同時,就說有1個逆序。一個排列中所有逆序總數叫做這個排列的逆序數。”
class SortAndCount_Merge(): def __init__(self): self.inList = [] def mergeAndCount(self, L, R): RC, i, j = 0, 0, 0 ret = [] for k in range(len(L) + len(R)): if i == len(L) or j == len(R): ret += L[i:] + R[j:] break elif L[i] > R[j]: ret.append(R[j]) RC += len(L) - i # The Same as: # RC += (len(L) + len(R))/2 - i j += 1 else : ret.append(L[i]) i += 1 return (RC, ret) def sortAndCount(self, A): if len(A) < 2: return (0, A) mid = len(A) / 2 L,R = A[:mid],A[mid:] RC_L, L = self.sortAndCount(L) RC_R, R = self.sortAndCount(R) # There can be a better method without recursive # Mark for advanced cnt, ret = self.mergeAndCount(L, R) cnt += RC_L + RC_R return (cnt, ret)
然後,悲傷如我,發現了題意是要求使用【快速排序】來求…… 唔,咱們用氣泡排序+插入排序+樹狀陣列各求一次行不,快排這麼傷腦子的事情能不能就不做了?QvQ
class SortAndCount_QSort(): def __init__(self, inList): self.A = inList self.cnt = 0 def swap(self, pos1, pos2): l,r = min(pos1, pos2), max(pos1, pos2) self.cnt += (r - l) tmp = self.A[l] self.A[l] = self.A[r] self.A[r] = tmp def sortAndCount(self, lef, rig): if lef >= rig: return pivot = lef for pos in xrange(lef+1, rig+1): if self.A[pos] < self.A[lef]: pivot += 1 self.swap(pivot, pos) self.swap(lef, pivot) self.sortAndCount(lef, pivot-1) self.sortAndCount(pivot+1, rig) return (self.cnt, self.A)
""" There will be extra counts without modified-method.
for pos in xrange(lef+1, rig+1):
if self.A[pos] < self.A[lef]:
pivot += 1
self.swap(pivot, pos)
self.swap(lef, pivot)
""" #( counts QSORT:2502239417 > MERGE:2500572073 )
頭疼,能不能分成以pivot為界線,分成 “左邊的到了左邊”,“左邊的到了右邊”,“右邊的到了左邊”和“右邊的到了右邊”來考慮呢,然後我就寫了這麼個可怕的東西——然後……鄙人就是不服,可以的——
class SortAndCount_QSort():
def __init__(self, inList):
self.A = inList
self.cnt = 0
def swap(self, pos1, pos2):
l,r = min(pos1, pos2), max(pos1, pos2)
# self.cnt += (r - l)
tmp = self.A[l]
self.A[l] = self.A[r]
self.A[r] = tmp
def addPartCnt(self, pivot, dir, sig):
ins, insp, crs, crsp = 0, [], 0, [] # inside/cross part
for idx in xrange( pivot + sig, dir + sig, sig ):
if self.A[ins] < self.A[pivot]:
ins += 1
crs += 1
self.cnt += ins + 1
return insp, crsp, crs
""" Simplified to addPartCnt() '''
def addLefCnt(self, lef):
lposl, L2L, lposr, L2R = 0, [], 0, []
for idx in xrange(pivot-1, lef-1, -1):
if self.A[lposl] < self.A[pivot]:
lposl += 1
lposr += 1
self.cnt += lposl + 1
return L2L, L2R, lposr
def addRigCnt(self, rig):
rposr, R2R, rposl, R2L = 0, [], 0, []
for idx in xrange(pivot+1, rig+1, +1):
if self.A[rposr] > self.A[pivot]:
rposr += 1
rposl += 1
self.cnt += rposr + 1
return R2R, R2L, rposl
def mergeAndCount(self, pivot, lef, rig):
if not lef <= pivot <= rig: return
ll, lr = [], []
crsL2R, crsR2L = 0, 0
if lef < pivot : ll, lr, crsL2R = self.addPartCnt(pivot, lef, -1) # addLefCnt()
if rig > pivot : rr, rl, crsR2L = self.addPartCnt(pivot, rig, +1) # addRigCnt()
self.cnt += crsL2R * crsR2L
ret = ll + rl + [self.A[pivot]] + lr + rr
if lef != 0: ret = self.A[:lef] + ret
if rig != self.A.__len__()-1: ret = ret + self.A[rig+1:]
self.A = ret
def sortAndCount(self, lef, rig):
if lef >= rig: return
pivot = lef
self.mergeAndCount(pivot, lef, rig)
self.sortAndCount(lef, pivot-1)
self.sortAndCount(pivot+1, rig)
return (self.cnt, self.A)
剛好 @ZoeCUR 來問我這道題,我三五句話給她講懂之後,她瞬間表示瞭解,演算法GET,三分鐘後,“這個還是簡單,不就幾行的事情麼?” WHAT?!
好的其實就是個線性的這麼簡單的東西QwQ—— (聽說作業被抄襲也要算0分,這段先隱藏一下等作業提交截止了再發不好意思~)
class SortAndCount_QSort():
def __init__(self):
self.cnt = 0
def swap(self, pos1, pos2):
l,r = min(pos1, pos2), max(pos1, pos2)
# self.cnt += (r - l)
tmp = self.A[l]
self.A[l] = self.A[r]
self.A[r] = tmp
def sortAndCount(self, inList):
c, L, R = 0, [], []
if inList.__len__() <= 1 : return c, inList
for idx in xrange(1, inList.__len__()) :
if(inList[idx] < inList[0]):
c += idx - 1 - L.__len__()
else: R.append(inList[idx])
c += L.__len__()
lcnt, L = self.sortAndCount(L)
rcnt, R = self.sortAndCount(R)
return lcnt + c + rcnt, L + [inList[0]] + R
""" There will be extra counts without modified-method.
for pos in xrange(lef+1, rig+1):
if self.A[pos] < self.A[lef]:
pivot += 1
self.swap(pivot, pos)
self.swap(lef, pivot)
""" #( counts QSORT:2502239417 > MERGE:2500572073 )
E:\UCAS\計算機演算法設計與分析\Homework\091M4041H - Assignment1_DandC>python A08.py
[ANSWER] Merge Version : 1.21399998665 sec.
the number of inversions in Q8.txt is: 2500572073
Check Completed: List Sorted.
[ANSWER] Qsort Version : 0.953000068665 sec.
the number of inversions in Q8.txt is: 2500572073
Check Completed: List Sorted.
def readFile(filename):
with open(filename,'r') as f:
inList = [int(x) for x in f.readlines()]
return inList
def check(A):
a, b = A, xrange(1,100001)
for pos in b:
if a[pos-1] != pos:
return "Unmatch at", pos
return "Check Completed: List Sorted."
def printAnswer(mode, t, filename, cnt, ret):
print "\n[ANSWER] ", mode, "Version :", t, "sec."
print "the number of inversions in", filename, "is: ", cnt
print check(ret) #,"\nList:\n",ret
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = "Q8.txt"
inList = readFile(filename)
capacity = len(inList)
t, SacM = time.time(), SortAndCount_Merge()
cnt, ret = SacM.sortAndCount(inList)
printAnswer("Merge", time.time() - t, filename, cnt, ret)
t, SacQ = time.time(), SortAndCount_QSort()
cnt, ret = SacQ.sortAndCount(inList)
printAnswer("Qsort", time.time() - t, filename, cnt, ret)
“對於n個不同的元素,先規定各元素之間有一個標準次序(例如n個 不同的自然數,可規定從小到大為標準次序),於是在這n個元素的任一排列中,當某兩個元素的先後次序與標準次序不同時,就說有1個逆序。一個排列中所有逆序總數叫做這個排列的逆序數。”